My man, Donald Trump!
it sounded like a home game for dallas and certainly saw way more cowboys fans when tv panned the crowd (suppose that coulda been intentional, id guess jerry could let it be known not to show a ton of niners fans on tv! lol).. . as you said wont matter this week, no packers fans selling tickets and i cant imagine no matter how loyal niners fans are they want travel to green bay to sit out in that shit!!! Have to be out your rabbit (or is it rabid? lol) ass mind to leave cali and go to green bay this time of year!!!
I don’t think anyone travels from SF to games. More 9er Packers Steelers Cowboys fans in Albany NY than Jets Patriots. And a very inspired base but no one traveling from Cali for the games I see on Reddit. Most people drive 3-4 hours to see them.