*** 2021 MLB In-Game ***

Mfer. Phils coulda sent miller there and made it a 2-1 game. Shit. Now bases juiced 1 out for Harper! Just need 1 boys!! Cmon!
I’ve been off to some good starts before but I dunno if I’ve ever started a season off like this! Shit crazy, freaking everything I touch been turning to gold. I should be betting more! Lol
Phillies was even more egregious, bringing in that huge gas can Vazquez, even worse they bring him back out for a 2nd inning after getting a good one! Why in gods name you wouldn’t have just been thrilled he got you 3 outs is beyond me??!??!? Of course in his 2nd inning of work he walks 4 straight before getting yanked. That makes me sick, I rather a guy just throw a bp fastball down the middle and force them to hit it, anything better than walking guys home! They finally yank him out of game but of course all the inherited runners come across to blow the game open.
Time to put the rally hats on fighting phils! I had so much hope at 2–1, pretty much lost it all the minute I saw Vazquez coming in.
Luckily Webb was able to see 3 batters before giving up anything but a double then Reyes came in and shut the door!! It be so awesome for Reyes to finally be healthy!!

tater salad by Carlson!! Cards get a insurance run! This what happens when you strand 10+ runners in the early innings fish!!
Blew another chance in the 8th. Punk ass ump didn’t help, called strike 3 on questionable pitch to Miller, had it been called properly it woulda been bases juiced 1 out. 5 of muts runs curtesy of walks tonight. That a good way to lose a game, bringing in Vazquez in a 1 run game and leaving him out there till the inevitable trouble comes!
Stupid phlllies, Cost me a perfect night. That still like 14-2 since Sunday! That won’t last long! Lol
The bally sports chryon at the bottom of the screen is maybe the worst of all sports chryons

Miss things in every sport they have on it
Reds can bust this thing wide open right out the gates! Kuhl all over the place, just walked a run home!!
Actually dunno why I didn’t think bout team total again? That worked well yesterday and far less juice! I guess cause I wanted Castillo to be part of bet expecting a bounce back!
Reds usually bury their season in the 1st month. They get rid of bunch high priced guys and they come out the gates smoking! Didnt make any sense this offense was so bad last year, on paper the lineup looks really good!
Turner is freaking on fire to start the year. Imagine how explosive nats offense look when they finally get their new additions in the lineup!!
Bums me out cardinals have never been able to pry merrifield away from royals, we try every year but they won’t give him up. He such a good player!!
best start we have had in tribe game for 1st 5 under. I don’t recall any the others being scoreless after 2 innings!
I think there a noticeable difference in these balls. I’ve seen a handful of balls get smashed that i thought for sure were home runs and they died at the warning track!
I hate when shift gives up a hit! I know it takes more hits away than it allows but it really bums me out when a easy out turns into a base knock cause the short stop isn’t where he belongs! Lol. Baffles me more guys don’t hit away from the shift, but they don’t get paid to hit singles so they rather swing for fences and don’t care if they hit it right into the shift!
A guy like Matt carpenter that already got a massive contract (for him) and is on the super ugly downside of his career should be choking up and hitting away or even bunting away from the shift every time!! Guy should be grateful they willing to give him a free base hit but he refuses to take it!
dammit, rangers out to a early lead. I was a little scared to go against Gibson after getting absolutely blown up in his 1st start. I know he not real good but he isn’t the worst ever, his pride on the line here.
Man, crazy inning. Feel unlucky rangers got that 2nd run but at same time got lucky they didn’t score more as the final out was a rope. Not a good start. Was really hoping to have a nice easy one like the reds to cash this 2 teamer. Jays gonna have to battle back!