*** 2021 MLB In-Game ***

To get knocked around and out before 3 innings against this rays team who hasn’t been hitting is a pretty bad sign.
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I hate that Acuna is a brave but he is one bad mofo. If he not hitting doubles or bombs he walking then stealing a base to get into scoring position. So fish get a guy to 3rd with 1 out and can’t bring him home but Braves get a guy to second and get the base knock to drive him in. Thought we had acuna thrown out at home on a great throw but catcher lost the ball.
So Nats got 1 in 1st off Gant, woulda preferred more but at least something. Lead off triple then Soto drove him in with a single. I see bell and schwarber are both now in the lineup! Think that good but obviously a concern they rusty.

cards get nothing in 1st but couple well hit balls by edman and goldy, somewhat concerning goldy’s ball didn’t carry very well!
So 3 guys in Nats lineup making their season debut after coming off the Rona list: I’d be lying if I said I realized this was happening today, not sure how I feel about it? Long term Nats offense should obviously be better with these guys but short term who knows? Last year some guys hit the ground running after coming off covid list, others took some time.
Dunning looks good. That a money Ff under if he pitches well. Glastnow is dealing per usual, no hits, 7 k’s thru 3 innings!!
Nats pitcher looking to bunt guy over and Gant walks him, this how ya good a big inning boys! Lfg, crooked number time!
Why is nats leadoff guy trying to bunt? Gant not throwing strikes! Take and then swing away if it down middle!
I hate that Acuna is a brave but he is one bad mofo. If he not hitting doubles or bombs he walking then stealing a base to get into scoring position. So fish get a guy to 3rd with 1 out and can’t bring him home but Braves get a guy to second and get the base knock to drive him in. Thought we had acuna thrown out at home on a great throw but catcher lost the ball.

2nd at bat guy hits a triple. He is one tough out!! This Ff under gonna be in trouble if alcontera has to see him a 3rd time before end of 5th. Ugh
I can’t believe we have Carp starting damn near every day at 2nd. Dude is 0-12 on the year after going like 1 for 37 in spring! Lol
Jfc. B2b garbage ass 93 mph fastballs right over the plate and Bell whiffs at both to leave 3 runners stranded. Fuck. That prob just buried the over. I mean seriously bell? You were up 3-1 in the count! What the Fuxk you think he was gonna throw you? Late on 93, twice!!
Bottom 5th in atl. Got a run to spare but Acuna up 2nd. Havnt been able to get him out. Lfg Alcontera, give us 3 outs!
I know it the fish lineup so not incredibly impressive but this Ynoa kid looks to have figured out his control issues, hasn’t been walking nearly as many so far this season. He could be another really good pitcher if he stops walking ppl, needs to develop a 3rd pitch also, tough to get thru a good lineup 3x with only 2 pitches even if they both plus pitches.

15 outs 9 of them by way of punch out!
You gotta be kidding me. This punk ass cheating ump calls nats pitcher out and makes runner go back to 1st after Gant throws ball and hits him running straight up the line. Terrible ass garbage call.
I had to be crazy playing a 2nd over in a row in a cards game, Gant the luckiest pitcher alive and cards offense just sucks. This like watching paint dry. Shoulda been thrilled I hit the over yesterday, lol.
I can’t get over Brewers hanging a 6 spot 1 inning too late. Appears my good fortune I had the 1st week has turned to bad fortune awful fast! Lol