*** 2021 MLB In-Game ***

Hell of a performance by Zach wheeler today! Not only did he throw 7 innings of 1 hit ball with 10k’s and no walks but he also went 2 for 3 at the plate with a double 2 rbi and a run scored! Damn near beat Braves single handed!!
Carlos looks pretty sharp to start this game. Not good for over, he like a box of chocolates, never know what ya gonna get from him anymore!!
I know the shift takes more hits away than it gives up but man I hate it when they get cheap hits cause of the shift. I rather legit hits
The shift robs be hits than the should be easy outs that turn into hits, lol.

doesn’t matter tho, judge hits into DP!
Now that reds broke up Martinez no no then shutout he doing what he does and havin a mental breakdown! This always been Carlos problem, his stuff nasty but he a head case!! Don’t let him off the hook reds, let’s hang a big number!! Lol
Stop me if you’ve heard this before but - the Jays and Yankees are stranding runners all over

how bout this one. Early runs leaves another Ff under in det on the brink of losing but tribe bats do nothing after the 1st and it cashes! Woot woot! lol
Nice job by Skubal but some of it just the tribe offense being putrid!! Who woulda thought every game this series it be tigers offense that threatened the Ff under?
Castillanos does it again! Little bit of hope for the over in cincy! You could just see Carlos starting to unravel a bit the last 2 innings!! So crazy, he will look awesome at times then something happens and next thing ya know he can’t throw strikes and starts leaving things over the plate to compensate! As a cards fan it blows, as someone on the over im glad it came! Lol. Now just need cards middle the order to help contribute!!
Well, both teams heart of orders were locked in coming into this one. Castillanos still locked in, goldy and arenado just blew 2 on no outs and didn’t get anything, bums.
Hell yes, reds making a push at this over by themselves! Fuck cards if they don’t want to help! This what happens when your best hitters leave runners all over the bases last inning!!
Oh fuck. No way gonna cash a ff under with Dodgers at coors with the pitcher walking guys then making errors!!
Well Jays pen gonna have to slam the door for 3 more outs. Stinking offense couldn’t be bothered giving them any help!!
Man, gomber finally settled in, they left him out there to hit but then yank him. Now I gotta trust another pitcher to come in and not be awful! Lol
Twinks busted their game open!! No clue why milw got bet over to favs? Just craziness if ya ask me. Gotta love when they help talk ya into winners!! Kinda like the giants/sea series, short dog won all 3 games and really wasn’t any reason not to back the dog in every matchup! I was bummed to see they didn’t play today, think that 1st time I’ve ever seen a series end on Saturday, wonder why they did that?
Great starts all around, fish giving cards free runs without even a hit!

pirates spot their pitcher a 2 run lead, let’s hope he can make that stick for 5 innings!
Seems like fish read my cardinals scouting report cause Rogers tryin to throw a lot more off speed than his mo early in these counts. That great for them and all cause it makes sense but fastball his best pitch and he having trouble controlling the breaking stuff! 3 walks, a wild pitch, then hung a change up to yadi! Sometimes it better to go with your strengths instead of trying to pitch to the opponents weaknesses.
We gonna force rogers to throw 40 pitches this inning! Gonna be into the fish pen very early!! Let’s hope ponce de Leon doesn’t do something similar.
Hell yea, Brubaker got castellonos eith 2 on! 3 more outs to make the 2 1st inning runs stick for a +154 cash!!
God there some terrible luck going on if you got phils rl, give muts a run cause center fielder can’t find the ball, they hitting some balls hard off degrom but right at ppl
Whew. Got way to close but cash the Ff under in Boston! Woot woot.

we should change name of this thread to Dan’s ransom baseball thoughts. Lol
Still just a solo Jack away from cashing phils rl, dunno if it will ever come? Maybe after degrom leaves? I dunno if anyone hitting homer with wind blowing in there tonight.