*** 2021 MLB In-Game ***

Bader out for some weeks still with a forearm injury. Not much of an idea who Williams is lol

ah. Didn’t hurt my feelings I didn’t see him in lineup but not sure offense better with this kid? Guess they done with lane thomas? I saw he was sent down. Bout out of time with him.
damn. So pissed I didn’t go back across river and tail you, I liked both but was too lazy. I’d have did money lines also!

I'm confused, when do you place bets online and when/why do you go to the casino? You can't bet on Missouri teams when you're in your state?
I'm confused, when do you place bets online and when/why do you go to the casino? You can't bet on Missouri teams when you're in your state?

1st i can’t bet at all in missouri casinos I go across river to Illini. It not all Illinois teams it just the college teams. I don’t have any money in any offshore accounts at moment cause I prefer cash in hand but I’ll prob have to deposit over the weekend cause doubt I’ll want to go to casino daily for bases.