***2019 NBA Finals Discussion: Drake Vs Dynasty***

The injury was a result of their careless bored play forcing a long round 1, where every main guy went 40+ mins for 3 straight games then started the Houston series where Kerr was compelled to rev the RPM’s as hard as possible.

KD’s injury happened because the team stopped caring as much and had to play more games as a result, that too is a reflection of team quality and not a fluke accident.

It's a reflection of sacrificing depth for a superstar and facing a long team that can defend. Lack of depth with the absence of KD vs depth is what killed them.
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KD has done enough for the Dubs, carried them to 2 straight 'ships.

He and the franchise are looking out for one another, force him to play while injured and risk losing any chance of resigning him.

Gotta think longterm and not be greedy about rings r/n.
If KD plays there is no way the Dubs lose otherwise it would look like the biggest dick move in league history.

The desperation of bringing a dude back that isn't 100% for potentially 1 game, the risks are huge for player and team.

I honestly doubt he plays.

If it was all a sham and the Dubs purely wanted to rewrite history and return the 'comeback from 1-3 in the Finals', then cool.
Left practice like this...

To reiterate...

Dude has no calves.

Glad all this shuts up the 'Dubs can win without Durant' squad.

In the beginning the Dubs reached out to KD, not the other way round.

They need him more than he needs them.

Draymond the dude that needs the Dubs more than they need him.

David West > Boogie Cousins.
I think that Dubs will have as hard time to win the title without KD, as KD to win the title without the Dubs... I think they need each other, because current roster can easily compete each year for the title the next 3-4 years...
I think that Dubs will have as hard time to win the title without KD, as KD to win the title without the Dubs... I think they need each other, because current roster can easily compete each year for the title the next 3-4 years...

Steph is only getting worse. He a 1 good game outta 5 type dude now. Put more work into chewing the ass outta his mouthguard in Game 4 than he did on the floor.

If KD leaves, I'm convinced they get an awkward looking Anthony Davis in there.
This is the NBA finals right?

KD don't play and he is just a punk ass bitch.

Even a punk ass bitch gotta pay the bills.

Only dudes hating on KD if he doesn't play these Finals will be a bunch of fake-ass Dubs fans and a collection of gamblers.

Whichever fan base gets him next season will laud his decision if he chooses the longevity option.
That is the problem with the modern athlete and how much they get paid.... it isn't about winning anymore. Much more respect for the people who made the sports (these modern guys are ruining) successful by caring about winning.

Too bad KD turned into such a little bitch ... I wanted to cheer for him but he acts like all the other clowns in this league.
The ‘new’ NBA is what it is.

Pussy boys coming in for the money and lifestyle as opposed to winning.

Now get off my lawn...
I think the wise thing to do is wait and get involved at the half or in game of game 5. Too many questions imo. Will tor be nervous closing it out? Will KD play? If he plays can he give them anything?
Seems like the ole Justin Herbert trick. Taggart making the opponent prepare every week for him even having him practice in front of the media altho he was never gonna play
From Rotoworld:

According to Warriors reporter Monte Poole, Kevin Durant is "expected to be a full go" for Game 5.
Poole cites multiple league sources and it sounded like Durant's status was trending in this direction for the entire weekend. While KD cut his shootaround short for treatment, we have since learned that he got up additional shots on a different practice court away from the media. It will be interesting to see how he fares after a month on the sidelines, and we'll pass along any information regarding limitations/minute restrictions when we know more.
From Rotoworld:

According to Warriors reporter Monte Poole, Kevin Durant is "expected to be a full go" for Game 5.
Poole cites multiple league sources and it sounded like Durant's status was trending in this direction for the entire weekend. While KD cut his shootaround short for treatment, we have since learned that he got up additional shots on a different practice court away from the media. It will be interesting to see how he fares after a month on the sidelines, and we'll pass along any information regarding limitations/minute restrictions when we know more.

Was just coming here to say the same
Don’t want to play full conspiracy here, but imagine NBA has a pretty heavy rooting interest tonight
Maybe not on here, but I've seen several mushes on them. I still feel great about my position.

Certainly wasn't saying that the Raptors aren't the play, and really wasn't even talking about here. Have just seen a lot of people on Twitter saying Raptors will win easily tonight, etc.
I think that it's either Raps blowout or Dubs win. Really doubt we will see Raptors win it in a close game.
Am i better off playing warriors ML every game instead of series bet +380 ?
Series bet I think is best. Somehow, I think that this is the game that can decide the series and if it gets to Game 7, you can always hedge out if you will want to...
Only way for the warriors to redeem that 3-1 collapse is to do the opposite. Its gna happen people. For damn sure its going 7. All about ratings and storylines ...
The game tonight isn’t over yet. It’s not over until Lowry/Siakam/Ibaka get that deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces like they’re trying to figure out if they are really playing in the NBA Finals or if it is all just a big dream.