2018 Texas Rangers

We won going away 11-5 our record now stands at 13-20 ~~ Minor gave us 6 innings scattering 7 hits 3 earned runs striking out 4 ~~ Mazara went 2-5 knocking in 5 hitting a HR~~ DeShields Choo Chirinos all had 2 hits ~~ Gallo 0-3 with 2 more strikeouts
We lost 5-1 our record now stands at 13-21 ~~ Colon pitched 7 innings giving up only 6 hits but 4 of those were HR’s ~~ he gave up 4 solo’s ~~ Gallo 0-3 with 1 strikeout ~~ DeShields & Mazara each recorded 2 hits ~~ as a team we struck out 12 times our 7-9 batters combined for 7 of them
We lost 6-5 dropping our record to 13-22 ~~ Cole gave us 6 innings scattering 5 hits 3 runs 2 were earned striking out 5 ~~ Kela took the loss ~~ Gallo hit 2 solo HR’s he’s got 9 on the season and struck out twice ~~ DeShields knocked in 3 ~~ as a team we struck out 17 times this habit has been going on now for two seasons ~~ just no discipline at the plate ~~ finish up with the sawx today and welcome the tigers to town tomorrow
We lost 6-1 our record is now 13-23 on a three game losing streak ~~ Fister gave us 6.1 giving up 9 hits 6 earned runs & 2 HR’s ~~ our 1-5 batters went a combined 2-14 ~~ Gallo got the day off ~~ as a team we struck out 14 times last 2 games struck out 31 times ~~
we struck out 52 times in this 4 game series & lead the AL with 356 K’s through 36 games ~~ our home record stands at 5-15
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We won 7-6 our record now stands at 14-23 ~~ Moore pitched 5.2 giving up 9 hits 5 runs all of them earned & 1 HR ~~ Kela recorded his 7th save ~~ Gallo went 1-4 with 2 more strikeouts ~~ as a team we struck out 10 times ~~ Mazara went for 2/3 hitting a HR his 8th~~ DeShields went 2/4 ~~ we were down 5-1 but rallied back
We lost 7-4 dropping our record to 14-24 ~~ Minor pitched 7 giving up 7 hits 5 earned runs 3 of those hits were HR’s ~~ Choo & DeShields each got 2 hits ~~ Beltre went 3/4 knocking in 2 ~~ Gallo 0-4 with 2 more strikeouts ~~ as a team we struck out 11 times
We won 5-4 the record is now 15-24 ~~ Colon gave us only 5 innings 6 hits 3 runs 2 of them earned & gave up 1 HR ~~ Kela got the W pitching 2 innings striking out 3 giving up only 1 hit ~~ Gallo went 0-3 striking out 3 more times his BA .213 he just has become such a liability ~~ Mazara hit 2 HR’s hit 9th & 10th his second one won the game in the bottom of the 10th ~~ we get a day off today before we head to Houston for a weekend series
We won 1-0 our best pitched game of the year ~~ record now stands at 16-24 ~~ Hamels 6 innings allowing only 1 hit striking out 5 ~~ Diekman LeClrec each pitched one inning allowing no hits ~~ Kela pitched the 9th earning his 8th save ~~ Mazara went 2-4 ~~ Choo & Beltre each one hit ~~ Profar’s only hit recorded the only run in the game ~~ Gallo 0-3 with 1 strikeout and is in a 1-14 funk now batting .208
We got whupped losing 6-1 our record stands at 16-25 ~~ Fister gave us 6.1 innings allowing only 4 hits 3 earned runs but 2 of those hits were HR’s ~~ our 2-5 hitters went 0-15 Choo Mazara Beltre Gallo ~ Profar went 2/3 ~~ as a team we struck out 16 times Gallo struck out 3 of those he’s now batting .204 ~~ Odor went 0-3 all 3 AB’s were strike outs he’s now batting .175 ~ Chirinos is also batting .175
Got thumped again losing 6-1 our record stands at 16-26 ~~ Moore lasted only 3 innings 6 hits 3 earned runs & 1 HR ~~ Choo went 2-4 ~~ Gallo 0-4 striking out 3 more times now batting .199 ~~ as a team we struck out 12 more times
In the 3 game series we scored 3 runs while striking out as a team 39 times ~~ this team is getting worse at the plate ~~
A day off today as we head to Seattle
Lost in a shoot out 9-8 the record stands at 16-27 ~~ Minor got shelled pitching 3.1 innings giving up 8 hit 6 runs all of them earned ~~ Gallo went 2-5 hitting his 10th HR of the year & actually didn’t strike out ~~ Chirinos went 3-4 knocking in 3 ~~
We won 5-1 record is now 17-27 ~~ Big Sexy Bartolo was brilliant pitching 7.2 innings allowing only 4 hits & giving up no runs ~~ Kiner-Falefa went 2/3 ~~ DeShields knocked in 2 runs ~~ Gallo back to Gallo going 0-4 striking out 3 times
We lost a tough one 4-2 the record stands at 17-28 ~~ Fister pitched a gem 7 innings scattering 6 hits & 0 runs ~~ Leclerc came in & lasted .2 walking 3 batters giving up 4 runs none of them earned due to 2 throwing errors from Leclerc ~~ Gallo back to “normal” 0-4 with 2 strike outs now batting .195 ~~ Choo mustered 2 hits ~ as a team we struck out 9 times ~~ our starting lineup team BA was .227 heading into last night’s game
We won 12-5 our record is now 18-28 ~~ Moore lasted 3.2 innings allowing 5 hits 5 runs 4 of them earned ~~ Chavez got the W pitching 2.2 allowing 3 hits and no runs ~~ Choo got the big hit with a grand slam ~~ Profar & Gallo each knocked in 3 runs ~~ Gallo did strike out 2 more times but did raise his BA to .207
We lost 5-3 the record is now 18-29 ~~ Jurado lasted 4.2 innings allowing 6 hits 4 runs all of them earned ~~ as a team we mustered 5 hits ~ Odor committed an error his BA stands at .177 ~~ Gallo 0-4 striking out 1 time ~~ we are back at it today
We got shutout 3-0 our record now is 18-30 ~~ Minor lasted 5 innings 6 hits 3 runs all of them earned he did strike out 9 ~~ our lineup went a stunning 2-30 as a team we struck out 10 more times ~~ Gallo 0-3 struck out 1 time now batting .199
The Yankees come to town starting tonight
We lost again 10-5 our record is now 18-31 our season low 13 games under .500 with 2 more games vs Yankees still ~~ Bartolo only lasted 5.1 innings allowing 4-HR’s on 8 hits 6 runs all of them earned striking out only 1 ~~ Gallo 1-3 hit his 14th HR of course he did strike out only once though ~~ Odor hit his 1st HR of the season he’s batting .174
Not sure this front office even cares about this season, Globe Life will be a ghost town during our dog days of summer
We actually won a game 6-4 the record stands at 19-31 ~~ Hamels gave us 7 innings allowing 4 hits 2 runs both of them earned & 2 solo HR’s ~~ Kela recorded his 9th save ~~
Profar hit a 3 run HR his 3rd of the season ~~ Guzman hit a solo shot ~~ Gallo 0-4 with 3 more strikeouts his BA .197
Could actually win this series today
We won the game & series 12-10 our record is now 20-31 ~~ Fister lasted only 4.1 innings allowing 11 hits giving up 8 runs 6 of them earned & 3 HR’s ~~ Mazara,Profar,Guzman,Kiner-Falefa all knocked in 3 runs ~~ Odor went 0-4 his average now .171 ~~ Gallo was given the day off
The Royals head to Globe Life for a 4 game series
Lopsided game losing 8-2 our record now stands at 20-32 ~~ Bibens-Dirkx lasted 6.1 innings allowing 8 hits 6 runs 4 of them earned striking out 6 ~~ Rua 0-4 his BA .155 ~~ Chirinos 0-3 his BA .186 ~~ Gallo 1-3 striking out once now batting .199
We won 8-4 our record stands at 21-32 ~~ Minor gave us 6 innings allowing 6 hits 4 runs all of them earned & 2 HR’s striking out 4 ~~ Choo,Guzman,Mazara all hit HR’s ~~ Mazara & Guzman each knocked in 3 runs ~~ Gallo 0-4 striking out 3 times
We won in 10 innings 5-4 our record stands at 22-32 ~~ Colon gave us 7 innings 5 hits 3 runs all of them earned striking out 4 ~~ Claudio got the W ~~ Choo went 1-4 hitting his 8th HR ~ Gallo went 1-3 striking out 1 time ~ Profar went 2-4
We lost 5-3 our record stands at 22-33 ~~ Hamels gave us 6.1 allowing 8 hits 5 runs all of them earned 2 HR’s striking out only 2 ~~ Chirinos hit his 7th HR Gallo hit his 15th while striking out 2 more times his BA .198 ~~
We are off to Seattle
Lost a well pitched game 2-1 our record stands at 22-34 ~~ Fister pitched 6 innings giving up 6 hits 2 runs both of them earned ~~ our 1-5 batters went 2-18 ~~ as a team we struck out 7 times
We won 9-5 the record stands at 23-34 ~~ Bibens-Dirkx lasted only 4.2 innings allowing 9 hits 4 runs all of them earned striking out 5 and giving up 1 HR ~~ we used 5 pitchers from the pen to get the W ~~ Choo hit his 9th HR ~~ Odor & Guzman each knocked in 3 ~~ Guzman went 4/4 ~~ Gallo went 1/3 while striking out 2 more times
We won again 7-6 our record is now 24-34 ~~ Moore gave us 5.1 innings allowing 8 hits 5 runs 4 of them earned while striking out 6 ~~ Kela recorded his 12th save ~~ Chirinos went 3-5 knocking in 3 ~~ Mazara went 2-4 knocking in 2 ~~ Gallo 2-4 striking out 1 time his BA is now .205
We lost 6-1 dropping our record to 24-35 ~~ Minor gave us only 5 innings giving up 6 hits 5 runs 4 of them earned & allowing 1 HR ~~ Mazara,Beltre,Gallo all went 2-4 ~~ Gallo did strike out 1 more time last 30 games he’s struck out 52 times
Off to Anaheim for a weekend series vs the Angels
We just got whipped 6-0 record is now 24-36 ~~ Bartolo gave up 2-HR’s while lasting only 3 innings giving up 8 hits 6 runs all of them earned ~~ Chavez pitched well 5 innings giving up only 3 hits and no runs ~ Choo & Odor both went 2/4 ~~ Gallo 0-3 striking out once ~~ a lackluster performance from all
We won 3-2 in 10 our record is now 25-36 ~~ Hamels gave us 7 innings allowing just 5 hits 2 runs both of them earned striking out 8 & allowing 2 solo HR’s ~~ Diekman got the W his first of the year ~ Kela his 13th save~ Beltre,Mazara,Guzman all knocked in 1 run ~~ Gallo goes 0-3 with 2 more strikeouts ~~ Wouldn’t be surprised to see Hamels gone before trade deadline he’s a valuable piece for a team needing a SP
We lost 3-1 the record stands at 25-37 ~~ Fister gave us 6 innings allowing 4 hits 3 runs all of them earned & gave up 1 HR ~~ our entire lineup went 5-31 striking out 10 times ~ have the day off today as the A’s come to town tomorrow
We won 7-4 our record stands at 26-37 ~~ Moore got through 6 innings gave up 8 hits 3 runs all of them earned ~~ Kela got his 14th save ~~ Chirinos,Beltre,Choo,Profar & Gallo all hit one HR ~~ Gallo actually didn’t strike out last night
We won again 8-2 the record is now 27-37 ~~ Bartolo earned his 243rd win pitching 5 innings giving up 6 hits 2 runs both earned ~~ Profar was the big bat going 3/4 knocking in 5 two of his three hits were HR’s ~~ Gallo went 1/4 hitting his 17th HR & striking out 2 more times BA now at .207 ~~ Guzman hit his 7th HR of the season ~~
The Astros head to town for a 4 game set let’s see how this works out for us ~~ I see one win
Lost 5-2 our record is now 27-38 ~~ Hamels went 7.1 innings allowing 7 hits 5 runs all of them earned yielding 2 HR’s struck out 5 & walked 2 ~~ Choo went 2/4 ~~ Beltre & Chirinos both knocked in 1 ~~ Gallo went 0-4 striking out 3 times now batting .204 ~~ as a team we struck out 10 times ~~
Doesn’t get easier tonight we face Verlander
Lost again 7-3 our record is now 27-39 ~~ Fister pitched 5 innings but left in the 6th with a “tweaked” knee injury he gave up 6 hits 5 runs all of them earned ~~ Choo went 2/3 hitting a solo HR in the bottom of the first ~~ As a team we struck out 13 times Beltre 4 times Chirinos 3 ~~ Gallo 1/3 with one strikeout
We lost 4-3 our record is now 27-40 ~~ Minor gave us 6 innings allowing 6 hits 3 runs all of them earned ~~ our 1-5 batters went 1-15 ~~ Gallo went 0-3 striking out twice ~~ as a team we struck out 10 times that’s 23 times over past two game
We lost 8-7 found a new way to lose on a balk in the top of the ninth our record is now 27-41 ~~ Moore lasted only 3 innings allowing 9 hits 6 runs 5 of them earned ~~ Kela took the loss ~~ Choo & Perez knocked in 2 runs apiece ~~ DeShields & Beltre each had 3 hits ~~ Gallo came in to pinch hit & shockingly struck out now batting .202
Mercifully a day off & we head off to LA to play the Dodgers on Tuesday
Got trounced 12-5 dropping our record to 27-42 losers of 5 in a row 3-7 over last 10 ~~ Bartolo had a bad night lasting only 3.1 innings giving up 9 hits 8 runs all of them earned ~~ he allowed 3 home runs ~~ as a team we collected 8 hits Choo has 3 of them DeShields 2 ~~ Gallo went 0-3 striking out 2 more times he’s not batting .199
We lost a tough one 3-2 in 11 innings record is now 27-43 losers of 6 in a row ~ Hamels pitched well 6 innings 5 hits 2 runs 1 of them earned striking out 6 ~~ Chirinos & Kemp got into it in when Kemp lowered his shoulder sliding into home pushing shoving & a few punches were thrown both got ejected ~ Beltre collected 3 hits Profar 2 ~~ Gallo went 1-5 striking out 3 more times he did drive in 1 run batting .199
Not much to say 16 games under not much to look forward to ~~ I do see Beltre,Hamels & Choo to be gone at trading deadline or sooner
Lost our 7th in a row 9-5 even after scoring 5 in the first, we proceeded to give back 6 in the second our record is now 27-44 ~~ Mendez got the start & lasted 3 innings gave up 7 hits 6 runs all of them earned ~~ Profar & Gallo (18th) both hit 1st inning HR’s ~~ we scored 5 runs on only 6 hits ~~ as a team struck out 11 times Odor 3x & Gallo twice
This team has no pride at all, I’m looking forward to a managerial change as well as breaking up this squad
Actually won a game 5-2 the record is now 28-44 ~~ Minor pitched his best game of the season to date 7 innings allowing 5 hits 2 runs both earned striking out 6 ~~ Kela got his 16th save ~~ Beltre knocked in 2 ~~ Odor,Kiner-Falefa,Trevino all drove in 1 ~~ Gallo 1/4 struck out only once now batting .202
Scoring 4 runs in the bottom of the ninth gave us a 13-12 win our record now stands at 29-44 ~~ that win also won the series ~~ Gallardo pitched 5 innings allowing 6 hits 5 runs all of them earned ~ Chavez picked up his 3rd win ~~ Profar hit his 8th HR & knocked in 4 runs ~~ Mazara knocked in 3 ~~ as a team we struck out 12 times led by Gallo who went 0-4 striking out 4 times now batting .198
We won 6-3 the record stands at 30-44 ~~ Colon pitched 6 innings allowing 9 hits 3 runs all of them earned that was his 244th career win ~~ Kela recorded his 16th save ~~ Beltre made his only hit of the night count hitting his 3rd HR knocking in 3 ~~ Choo hit his 13th HR & went 2/2 he hit a leadoff HR ~~ Mazara went 3/5 ~~ Gallo 0-4 striking out 3 more times not batting .195
Won our fourth in a row 4-1 the record now stands at 31-44 ~~ Hamels pitched a gem 7 innings 4 hits 1 which wasn’t earned striking out 7 that performance should get him traded to a contender ~~ Mazara & Kiner-Falefa each had 3 hits ~~ Guzman had 2 hits ~~ Gallo had the night off thankfully
5 in a row winning last night 3-2 the record now stands at 32-44 ~~ Bibens-Dirkx pitched 6.2 innings allowing 5 hits 1 run which was earned ~~ Diekman recorded his 2nd save he’s been pitching lights out ~~ Odor hit his 2nd HR of the year~~ we only had 6 hits as a team 2 came from Odor ~~ Gallo had an odd day at the plate 0-1 with three walks now batting .195 ~~ off today as we head to Minnesota to face the Twins for the weekend