2018 CFL In-Game


I had multiple accounts and don’t use the accounts in any other sports.

They limited one of my accounts. It made about 15-20k. But my other account they have not limited it
I keep betting. Team to make next score.

I keep taking Ottawa. Up nice for the first half.

Got line of -120 when Montreal has the ball
That's the danger of live betting...I can get carried away and lose my discipline very quickly. Have to reserve it for times when a perfect situation pops up
Ok thanks, thinking of signing up for that but want to make sure I can get $500 down at least on a live bet

I would vary my amounts.

If you play big like that and win you may attract attention.

What I figured out to do was to make big like 5000$ and then I would bet both sides

One with 365 and one with my local book to try and lose with 365.

Sometimes I would have to lose on purpose
I would vary my amounts.

If you play big like that and win you may attract attention.

What I figured out to do was to make big like 5000$ and then I would bet both sides

One with 365 and one with my local book to try and lose with 365.

Sometimes I would have to lose on purpose

Years ago I tried to arb money out of a book that was slow paying me. But dammit I kept winning there and losing on the other end.
That's the danger of live betting...I can get carried away and lose my discipline very quickly. Have to reserve it for times when a perfect situation pops up

It takes time to get the hang of it. I started in 2008.

I have 10 years of experience and have won 8 years straight solid. Just dialed in
Hulu I had the 3 TVs to monitor nfl. I would hit result of drive. I would taje turnover +450 or higher late in games when teams were trailing and would gamble on 4 th down
In college I would take. Team to make first down NO. PLUS 450.

Bet on teams like penn state and Michigan. Often in big 10 games they would start a few series 3 and out
I hit them so hard one year I was cashing out like crazy.

There was a delay once.

The lady on the phone said.

British accent. “ SIR WE ARE NOT A BANK”.
In big blowouts I taje the team winning on the team to make next score.

Over and over.

I take tons of college under in first half and first qtr
Bro you should learn live betting. You would be s champ.

You are the best pregame spread Cfl bettor I have ever seen. You know your stuff.

My buddy NORWESTER who posted with us texted me that last night.

Get your live getting skills up and you will be the man. I can teach you the moves. I believe I’m the best around in live

Last year I deposited like 150 and would build that to 3500. One time 100 into 4000. Crazy amounts off small deposits. Been doing that for a while.

Bought my first house with deposit from these guys
One day we are all going to be in Montreal at the strip bars and proulx will be the strip bar DJ.

Proulx would be a bastard cop. Giving tickets left right and centre.

You ad your cell phone out stop lying.

You crossed da centre line
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Couldn't care less. Getting a little tired of women popping up decades after the fact to try and claim assault though

TELl me about it. After 10-15 years lol complaining about a grab is absurd. They should lock up anybody making such ridiculous complaints
TELl me about it. After 10-15 years lol complaining about a grab is absurd. They should lock up anybody making such ridiculous complaints

Some guy tried to fondle me in a record store when I was a kid. Its been about 30 years, maybe I should start calling myself a survivor