2017 French Open Ingame

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Bump. Set. Shuma!
Fuck it, I'll start it up. This match isn't even a set deep and already ridiculously entertaining. Leggo Stan!
Well at least got that first set, Monfils coming to the net makes no sense...just when he's in control he does that. Story of his career, but tons of fun to watch
This ingame sure took off!

Can't wait for at least 3 inevitable meltdowns in this one, just hope they break right for my wagers
Holy hell this is entertaining

One going for her first major, the other that just turned 20 absolutely mashing
Dammit going for it all, she's gassed out

Halep isn't even winning anything, she just letting Ostapenko lose it for her
The moment that impossibly improbable net cord screwed Halep the match was over, but to be fair she was already well on the downhill slide before then. Up a set & 3-0, and had 3 BP chances for a 4-0 lead. Proceeded to lose 12 of the final 16 games, against a woman with a pathetic 2nd serve. Have to wonder where she goes from here. Suicide watch duty tonight for Darren Cahill?
If nothing else it was refreshing to see the winner be the one who absolutely went for it the entire match instead of the other one just flat out losing it. Obv Halep had it within reach but Ostapenko just kept crushing winners regardless of the errors. That was fun to watch, and how often do we get to say that about these broads?

Side note: the new Adidas skirts are pretty great
I'm normally the last person to side with defensive players before attacking ones, but an experienced player who has previously paid her dues at the venue concerned & wins the 1st set then is up 3-1 & serving in the 2nd set and then once again is up 3-1 & serving in the 3rd set facing a rookie who is has significantly more talent than tennis brains, has few excuses losing that match.

In light of said pov, I have to disagree with the notion that Ostapenko won purely on the basis of her own merits. Halep's play on her own serve at the end of the latter 2 sets was atrocious: broken 3 straight times to end both those sets, yet she held 7 of her 9 other service games? In short, she lost every service game that occurred with the finishing line in sight, but she held the overwhelming majority of those which took place when the finishing line was still well off in the distance? That suspiciously reads like how one would spell the word c-h-o-k-e. She played to her ability when the pressure of finishing the match off was at bay, but then lost 'chunks' of games when it was present: those service 'stat facts' suggest nothing short of her having frozen under pressure, which is obv. nothing new for her in Slams the last 2+ years. Ostapenko can (& did) hit winners willy nilly, but she can't dictate Halep making a 1st serve or not, or dictate where she might direct a 1st or 2nd serve (to the body or either wing). There are numerous other observations I might make, but there's no point and I've highlighted the key one. Halep got the breaks she needed at the beginning of all 3 sets, but the moment the title got within sight Ostapenko just magically happened to get so much better that Halep couldn't live with her. That magic didn't happen in a vacuum.
She chokes, that was the given. What wasn't a given was that a 20 year old would absolutely bomb away with winners (and losers) all match long regardless the circumstance.
Stan must figure out how to get the first serve in or this could be a massacre
This is just a mental beat down, Rafa isn't even giving Stan the chance to go for anything. Never see Wawa get mentally defeated but it's happening here
Fairly sure we'll never see a more dominant player on one surface in our lifetimes than Nadal on clay. To understand how top-heavy (and great) the top 4 are in this sport, yet none can remotely compete with him on this surface. For over a decade. It's incredible.
Fairly sure we'll never see a more dominant player on one surface in our lifetimes than Nadal on clay. To understand how top-heavy (and great) the top 4 are in this sport, yet none can remotely compete with him on this surface. For over a decade. It's incredible.