2016 NBA Playoffs: Second Round Discussion

yeah, it was probably a legit second T, but not sure every ref would pull the trigger so quickly maybe a stern talk or something
It's 2016 why is mother fucker subject to so much sensitivity? It's not 15 years ago, grow the fuck up like the rest of us refs
[TABLE="width: 930"]
<tbody>[TR="class: gameheader, bgcolor: #55708C"]
[TH="class: childexpand, align: center"][/TH]
[TH="class: datetime"]Date[/TH]
[TH="class: eventnumber, align: center"]#[/TH]
[TH="class: teamname"]Team[/TH]
[TH="class: spread"]Spread[/TH]
[TH="class: total"]Total[/TH]
[TH="class: moneyline"]M Line[/TH]
[TH="colspan: 100%"]2ND HALVES - NBA Second Half Lines - May 10
[TR="class: trgameodd, bgcolor: #D9E3EA"]
[TD="class: childexpand, align: center"]
[TD="class: datetime"]May 10[/TD]
[TD="class: eventnumber, align: center"]2531[/TD]
[TD="class: teamname"]2H WARRIORS (GST)[/TD]
[TD="class: spread, align: right"]-7½-110<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="0_2156755_-7.5_-110" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: total, align: right"]o109½-110<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="2_2156755_-109.5_-110" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: moneyline, align: right"]-435<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="4_2156755_0_-435" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TR="class: trgameodd, bgcolor: #D9E3EA"]
[TD="class: childexpand, align: center"][/TD]
[TD="class: datetime"]12:33 AM[/TD]
[TD="class: eventnumber, align: center"]2532[/TD]
[TD="class: teamname"]2H TRAILBLAZERS (PORT)[/TD]
[TD="class: spread, align: right"]+7½-110<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="1_2156755_7.5_-110" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: total, align: right"]u109½-110<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="3_2156755_109.5_-110" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TD="class: moneyline, align: right"]+345<input type="checkbox" name="text_" value="5_2156755_0_345" style="vertical-align: middle; margin: 0px 3px;">[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 100%"][/TD]
[TH="colspan: 100%"][/TH]
Didn't he say mother fucker?

Rewound that shit and it looks like he called him an asshole mother fucker.

Silly by Sean but a big overreaction by Scotty.

Would understand if he put his hands on the ref or something or questioned his integrity along with the profanity.
only thing I think I would lean would be under, the pace in that first half was ridiculous...holding blazers tix so nothing, just hope they don't blow this shit again like game 2
could sit whole 4th if they are out of it....blazers still can't win in GSW i don't think, but think this has a good chance at 7 if blazers win tonight
Win here by Portland would be good from a betting standpoint, they ain't winning the series regardless.
Bullshit man. It has to do with star power too. Regardless he fucked up and should have some leeway because of it.

It's entirely about showing up the refs. Livingston made a big mistake all over one point. It was stupid and he walked off the court like he had no regrets. Lol
2nd half line is strong towards the Dubs, indicates they win or go real close to doing so.
Didn't GSW have 2 points at the 6min mark or so, when Curry came in? Looked all out of sorts, Klay looks clumsy tonight
The opposite of the star player out angle is when the star player returns the rest of the team relaxes a bit
The Warriors. There's no reason for the line to be higher than FG. It's bait.

That's not how I read it. A higher 2nd half line than pregame line is positive for the trailing favorite.

But like it's been said Dubs lines are a fucked up beast.
That's not how I read it. A higher 2nd half line than pregame line is positive for the trailing favorite.

But like it's been said Dubs lines are a fucked up beast.

ive been tracking it for a couple seasons now. I wish there was a way to backtrack but I don't have that capability.