2016 NBA Finals: Cavaliers - Warriors Discussion

33-21-2 For the Series

I was pretty close

As Coach Blatt said, no Kevin Love is not a max player.

Maybe he isn't, but those stats are pretty misleading without acknowledging that he sat out essentially 2 games of the first 4 (he played in the first half of game 2). He went for 17/13 in game 1 and 11/5 in game 4. Surely those aren't great numbers, and he can be admonished for his defense, but he hasn't been awful.

He certainly didn't play well last night, and maybe we can say he played awful last night, but the Cavs won and that's all he (and his teammates) really care about. And it's been brought up before, but he's played pretty well the entire postseason, and we don't hear a peep out of the haters (not saying you are one at all)...he plays horribly in Toronto in back to back games, and the thread/media blows up with the hate/criticism/ridiculousness.

It's just funny that it was pointed out while he was playing well (pretty much all postseason) that the haters are awfully quiet, then he has a couple bad games and there they are, as if on cue. It's predictable and quite funny.
That's cold, Cramps...

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Lol, saw this last night too. It was pretty funny...just seeing that disappointment on his face when Bron started scolding him...like a little kid who's disappointed his parents. <iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;"></iframe>
Curry pacifier needs his baby daddy draymond there with him to win against cle. Fuck gsw.

they won't shoot like that again

80 from Kyrie and Cramps ain't happening either

ever since the high road.....Im on some fuck CLE shit

and suspending Dray was SUCH a bitch move by the NBA
Maybe he isn't, but those stats are pretty misleading without acknowledging that he sat out essentially 2 games of the first 4 (he played in the first half of game 2). He went for 17/13 in game 1 and 11/5 in game 4. Surely those aren't great numbers, and he can be admonished for his defense, but he hasn't been awful.

Valid point. He has played 116 minutes so far so I think it's far to say basically he has really only played 3 games this Finals with 35 points, 24 rebounds, and 3 assists...so 12-8-1 on 37% shooting. Richard Jefferson has played equal minutes and has almost the exact same stats with 35-22-2 with 58% shooting and much better defense. Signing both Thompson and Love was a mistake as they don't mesh well on the defensive side, Paul Millsap would have been a better fit assuming they could have signed him (and still kept Wiggins).
Love wasn't going for a high five. FYI. He was showing LeBron what he did on the previous play (that obviously didn't work out) and LeBron yelled at him for it. Pretty dick move by LeBron either way, you shouldn't tell at teamates like that imo.
Love wasn't going for a high five. FYI. He was showing LeBron what he did on the previous play (that obviously didn't work out) and LeBron yelled at him for it. Pretty dick move by LeBron either way, you shouldn't tell at teamates like that imo.

While you're at it egg, tell Brady too.
Love wasn't going for a high five. FYI. He was showing LeBron what he did on the previous play (that obviously didn't work out) and LeBron yelled at him for it. Pretty dick move by LeBron either way, you shouldn't tell at teamates like that imo.

You too Egg? He shouldn't yell at him like that why? So he doesn't hurt his fucking feelings? Gimme a break, they're professional athletes, pretty sure they can handle a little yelling from a teammate, the leader of the team.

When this gets caught on camera people act as if it doesn't happen ALL THE TIME. Just because it's only caught a few times for everyone to see doesn't mean teammates don't argue and yell at each other every damn day.
While you're at it egg, tell Brady too.

Should have told Michael, and Kobe, and Peyton (and dozens of others as well) too.

Anyone see a common theme among these guys who should stop yelling at their adult teammates who get paid millions of dollars to play a game (and can certainly understand why they're being yelled at and can differentiate that it's nothing personal)? That's right....they're all winners. Hmmmmm, that's odd.
Predictions for Bron Game 6?


8-20 fga

4-8 fta

21 points
8 boards
8 assists
6 turnovers
He may score more pts than that. At least, if he remains aggressive in Game 6, he should. Green is back of course, so that changes how he will be defended, but their blueprint from last game should be what Cleveland would like to do.

On a side note, just heard that Craig Sager has been given permission from TNT to work the sidelines at Game 6 for ABC/ESPN. While that is great to hear, because Sager is the best and he hasn't done a Finals game in quute some time, is there something more to be read into here? If he's sick again (which we know he was), and the prognosis isn't great this time around, could this be a way to send him off? Tough to even think about that, but it has to cross your mind when you hear he's doing a game for ABC.
He may score more pts than that. At least, if he remains aggressive in Game 6, he should. Green is back of course, so that changes how he will be defended, but their blueprint from last game should be what Cleveland would like to do.

On a side note, just heard that Craig Sager has been given permission from TNT to work the sidelines at Game 6 for ABC/ESPN. While that is great to hear, because Sager is the best and he hasn't done a Finals game in quute some time, is there something more to be read into here? If he's sick again (which we know he was), and the prognosis isn't great this time around, could this be a way to send him off? Tough to even think about that, but it has to cross your mind when you hear he's doing a game for ABC.

Same thoughts...
Dubs need to treat this game 6 as a game 7 do or die. If they go to a game 7 at home, their assholes will be clenched up with all the pressure on them. Cavs would also have a heavy steam of confidence and we all know anything can happen, home or not.
Dubs need to treat this game 6 as a game 7 do or die. If they go to a game 7 at home, their assholes will be clenched up with all the pressure on them. Cavs would also have a heavy steam of confidence and we all know anything can happen, home or not.

As a Dubs fan I'd love to be able to drive down from Oregon for the atmosphere of game 7. At same time just clinch this shit

1. Sager has never done a finals game, so it has been quite some time, as in his whole life.
2. As far as the LeBron thing goes, don't over react to my comments. I am all for accountability on the floor, but there are different ways to treat co-workers too. You can call it what you want, but it is a job. You comment about people making millions of dollars, blah, blah, blah but what I see by that is that LeBron doesn't respect Love. And maybe he shouldn't according to this panel but it creates a poor team chemistry. All I was saying, but by all means, get all worked up about.

Cavs in 7, LeBron goats Dray Dray into a technical and he gets suspended for game 7 as well.
So GS is plus money to win SU, in a series that no one who thought Cleveland was completely over-matched in gave the Cavs a shot in hell of winning 3 games (let alone the whole shebang). Pretty much means those people have to be on GS for massive amounts, doesn't it?
I like this game under 207.5.

We won't see the same pace as last game and just a pair less possessions and that game stays under as well despite the explosion from James & Irving.
We all know NBA wants to see a game 7. I'd expect the calls to go CLEV's way especially at home. I like the Cavs 1H. Even with Draymond back, I think Bogut is still a pretty big loss on the defensive end. Kyrie seemed to be in a zone last game. They even said he came out early before halftime to shoot by himself so he could stay hot. If the lightbulb did in fact go off for him, CLEV should take this to a game 7.
I think a good prop bet again is Tristan OVER rebounds prop. He's owned the glass this series and I don't see that stopping anytime soon.
So GS is plus money to win SU, in a series that no one who thought Cleveland was completely over-matched in gave the Cavs a shot in hell of winning 3 games (let alone the whole shebang). Pretty much means those people have to be on GS for massive amounts, doesn't it?

Unlikely the Dubs were ever going to be favored on the road in the Finals off a double-digit home loss,

A loss the league assisted in by suspending the Dubs' best player.

They weren't favored in Game's 3 and 4 either.

Cleveland is overmatched, Game 3 was a Dubs' giveaway and in Game 5 the Cavs were fortunate.

History basically says it ends tonight.
Lot of questions for the dubs. Will Harrison Barnes show up tonight? Will Draymond be too pumped up and too emotional to be effective? Will the MVP finally have a monster game? I personally think he'll play well tonight. Looking at an OVER 28.5 points prop on Curry. Even though last game he had an off game he did score 25 points. He's due.
Team that shot 50+% in a win in the previous game this series is 0-3 SU and ATS the next game.

Cavs shot 50+% in Game 5's win.
lol, just watched Stephen A Spliff say Dray will be concerned about getting suspended for Game 7.

Dude will play hard tonight and there will be no Game 7 even if he pops LeSnitch in the ghoulies.
I think Kerr needs to start Ezeli on Sunday. He was solid earlier in the season getting minutes when Bogut was out, averaged 12 boards per 36 minutes and the Warriors cannot get killed on the glass. Tell him to be aggressive and use his 6 fouls (esp. on TT) to prevent 6 buckets in the paint.
not questioning you and it is all good either way

you always been a fan, or just since Steph?

Been a Bay Area fan of all sports (except for Raiders) since the Bash Brothers days. I still have jerseys of Joe Smith, Chris Webber, Mitch Richmond, Timmy Hardaway and Chris Mullin
Harrison Barnes, the X factor, has been absolutely horrible. He is the guy who needs to play big Sunday. Why? Cause he's getting wide open fucking shots. Nobody within 4-5 feet of him. You have to hit those. This fucker is averaging only 8.4 points, 5.6 rebounds (which is respectable) and only 1.4 assists per game in the finals. He's shooting a horrible 31.4%, the main concern being they're wide open shots. He's really cost himself money in these finals. Talks about wanting near max money is ridiculous.

If the Warriors lose Sunday, I have a feeling they let HB go, then go big on getting Durant. Just a hunch. Or a pipe dream for me. Their selling point to KD would be to go get a ring.
Just looking at some historical numbers...

This is the 14th time in the League's history that two teams have met in the finals over consecutive years.

Before the ABA-NBA merger in 1976, the team who won the finals the year before went 5-2 in the finals the second time round.

Since the ABA-NBA merger, the team winning the finals the first time round has gone 1-5 in the finals the second time round: the one exception? A team containing Michael Jordan (Bulls vs. Jazz, '97 & '98)

Also of interest is the fact that on 5 of these 6 occasions the team who won the finals the second time round wrapped things up by winning on the road. So the historical stats say the percentages favour last year's loser winning on the road to clinch the title.

Hello, Cleveland.

(Final stat: only one Western team has ever beaten the same Eastern team over consecutive finals in league history: Lakers over the Knicks in '52 & '53.)
Just looking at some historical numbers...

This is the 14th time in the League's history that two teams have met in the finals over consecutive years.

Before the ABA-NBA merger in 1976, the team who won the finals the year before went 5-2 in the finals the second time round.

Since the ABA-NBA merger, the team winning the finals the first time round has gone 1-5 in the finals the second time round: the one exception? A team containing Michael Jordan (Bulls vs. Jazz, '97 & '98)

Also of interest is the fact that on 5 of these 6 occasions the team who won the finals the second time round wrapped things up by winning on the road. So the historical stats say the percentages favour last year's loser winning on the road to clinch the title.

Hello, Cleveland.

Never did they do it in a road Game 7 though.
Never did they do it in a road Game 7 though.

This is the first game 7 in this situation since the ABA-NBA merger.

The last time a game 7 was required between two teams meeting in the finals for the second straight year, the road team won: the Celtics over the Lakers by 2 points in 1969. Interestingly enough, the Celtics had not won any of their 3 previous road games in that finals series, a feat of futility that not even the Cavs can boast here.

The only other time a game 7 has featured in this situation, the home team won (also by the margin of 2 points, Celtics over Lakers in 1966).
Would be a historical win by Cleveland bordering on amazing should they win the Finals.

Cosmically I think they're fucked, Dray will be playing, there will be no Scott Foster and it's in the Bay.

Curry will not have to sit the final 7 minutes of the 1st quarter in this game,

that was a massive momentum creation point for Cleveland last game.

League has achieved making probably the most watched Game 7 in it's history. They step back now.

The better team wins minus the bullshit of the last 2 games.
Given Curry's inconsistency, his not sitting any length of time may be irrelevant.

Iggy has back issues, Barnes is AWOL, Curry is lame to X degree, and Bogut is so lame he's no longer present. This isn't the team that went 79-10 SU in their first 89 games of this season. This is a team that's just 9-7 SU over their last 16 games, and is ending the season running on fumes.

I'm happy to have access to live betting for this one, because the normal things that support the solidity of believing in the home team for this situation are all undermined by numerous angles here.