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******2016 CFB In-Game******

jimmy I wouldn't touch the Cards with your money tomorrow, no idea what the motivation is, could be high for rivalry or just get back home for Xmas
jimmy I wouldn't touch the Cards with your money tomorrow, no idea what the motivation is, could be high for rivalry or just get back home for Xmas

Roger...thx for input......love my hawks, but right now really average imo.....but the whole fukkin league is shit, so they could fukkin win it all..
Roger...thx for input......love my hawks, but right now really average imo.....but the whole fukkin league is shit, so they could fukkin win it all..

Honestly I just hope the Cards do what it takes to stay healthy for next season and improve draft position...I guess would love to see DJ get the 100 ypg deal, but still a quality team that just needs to change up a couple pieces, unfortunately one is QB and a new WR that can handle his alcohol
Honestly I just hope the Cards do what it takes to stay healthy for next season and improve draft position...I guess would love to see DJ get the 100 ypg deal, but still a quality team that just needs to change up a couple pieces, unfortunately one is QB and a new WR that can handle his alcohol

Funny to me that you guys didn't want him and Billy snatched him up immediately. No one has had an issue with it either.
How bad was his video? You have to go full non-compliant. I know more than my liars, I mean lawyers.
Well he broke several of his fingers last year and hasn't been a reliable catcher of the football.

And to his DUI, super extreme DUI is mandatory 45 days in jail here, and if it's the second DUI in the last 6 years, the sentence goes up, a lot. He'll likely get some of it talked down because he'll have the best DUI attorney here, but he may still be looking at 4 months or so even with a reduced, privileged athlete sentence.

Videos are bad tip, passed out at a stoplight in Scottsdale and claims he's going to the airport (a few hours after they flew back from Miami) and still can't comprehend him in the jail video.
You can't do tests or the breathalyzer. Always refuse the breathalyzer unless you know you're under a .08, which basically means you haven't been drinking. They scare you with the suspended license if you refuse the breathalyzer, do it. Drive under suspension. Everyone fails the tests. Stone sober people fail the tests. Try standing on one leg in a very nervous state. Don't admit to anything, don't say much. If you weren't weaving all over the wrong lane of the highway, it's a tough case, for them.
You are underestimating AZ law, they get a warrant to draw blood, which they already had by the time he was in the jail. Always have one within 2 hours of the traffic stop. In his case he refused the breathalyzer, so they already had the warrant and if you see the jail video, they tell him to submit to the blood test or they will use force to draw it from him.

This ain't the 80s. They're getting your blood one way or another.
If you've partaken in anything other than booze, you can only hope that the breathalyzer is all you need to deal with. Most precincts are blood tests only now
College hoop dead to me right now.....fukk you bob huggins....don't you have some shitty kids at the end of the bench you could have played in last 5?
I'm saying the justice system is absurd, to me, and it really ramps up in absurdity if the crime involves alcohol. We know people drink like fish. Like 75% of us. And we know we all go to stadiums, bars, family gatherings, out on the boat, restaurants, lunch, skiing, beach, incredibly long driving trips ... Just think the attention and penalty is a little bit silly.
I'm saying the justice system is absurd, to me, and it really ramps up in absurdity if the crime involves alcohol. We know people drink like fish. Like 75% of us. And we know we all go to stadiums, bars, family gatherings, out on the boat, restaurants, lunch, skiing, beach, incredibly long driving trips ... Just think the attention and penalty is a little bit silly.

My guess is your thoughts might change on this is your family was hit and killed by a drunk driver.
My guess is your thoughts might change on this is your family was hit and killed by a drunk driver.

Probably so, but that's why those folks aren't on juries.

For every person killed by a drunk driver, there are probably 1,000 lives fucked up for having two beers in their miserable lives at Applebee's, who would have made it home just fine. And I'm not even talking about the professional drinkers.
I mean Jesus fucking Christ, do you Uber everywhere, or limit yourself to 8 ounces of beer when you go somewhere?
I really don't drink much anymore. I'll drive and we have a sober friend who will drive. Either way, we never drink and drive. I have before, don't get me wrong, but it's been a long time and I won't do it again.
take, I have a bone to pick with the drinking and driving laws, but I applaud your approach. Discussion is over.
Navy have cheerleaders.......never really thought about it......if so, gotta be bottom 5 in nation
I took LA TECH -8 at +105
just lazy as it was before kickoff n normally I would push it to 7
this game ends on a 7 pt win for LA TECH. mark it down

clowns cant stop weak ass Navy offense with a 3rd team qb