******2016 CFB In-Game******

Bet he'll be a very good head coach at some point, remember his age and the positions he went to...they weren't small tasks, and he was young in coaching terms

I don't know if he'll ever get another head coaching opportunity to be honest. He fucked up an NFL gig by picking a fight with Al Davis and getting fired...walked out on Tennessee after not accomplishing much and headed to USC where he took a team pre-season ranked #1 and drove them into the ground.

Dude just can't coach the other coaches, which is essentially what a head coach does. But he knows offense and can excel on the one side of the ball he knows...we shall see I suppose.
I agree with you to a point scarf but all that was at 35 and younger and three national brands essentially

I think he's very close to getting another HC gig but don't know that he wants a college gig and may just be happy at Bama doing this. But to make an offense that essentially was boring and rusty looking for years, and turn it into something special...he's close if he wants it and he's much more the wiser at this point. Managing people, that takes time to learn how to do and who knows, I'm guessing he'd be better now than he was then.
Fuck...weather delay in Laramie. Game could start at midnight and be like one of the classic degen chaser specials back in the day when Hawaii was the last game of the night...sweet.
Tweet from the Wyoming football Twitter page...weather delay cleared and opening kickoff scheduled for 12:20 AM EST....midnight special baby!!!
That's bizarre

Are they expecting the brilliant Lane Kiffen to leave in a couple weeks? Makes no sense
No. It was a joke about the offensive co-ordinator in waiting. But Steve sarkasian will be hired as a special assistant at Bama as of September 6
Makes millions a year...runs a major college program...can't have one person on the 100-person sideline help the hc with basic math. Ah...makes perfect sense.
are the odds of getting a FG blocked and returned higher than not picking up a 4 n 4 with a run up gut and then giving up 75 yard field TD with 40 seconds to go? Execute the kick imo
And if Numbnuts is planning NOT to kick a FG...how about telling your RB NOT to run out of bounds on 3rd down to show the world how fucking stupid you are?
There would've been maybe 10-15 seconds left and not a scare to potentially lose the game. Dipshit Dabo.