2015-2016 Trade Deadline News, Rumors etc

Doesn't matter how competitive it appears right now. East is the Cavs and that's it.

No-one is beating them in the ECF's.

So what you're saying is that GMs, owners, personnel decision makers would rather look to next year at the ASB rather than look to make the playoffs if it's still a possibility?

I strongly disagree.

We have had this discussion on here. Regarding the notion that its better to just tank than get the 7th or 8th seed. That line of thinking is preposterous. Playoff experience is much more valuable than a higher draft pick... especially with these shitty college players (for the most part) who don't know anything about game situations or fundamentals.
So what you're saying is that GMs, owners, personnel decision makers would rather look to next year at the ASB rather than look to make the playoffs if it's still a possibility?

I strongly disagree.

We have had this discussion on here. Regarding the notion that its better to just tank than get the 7th or 8th seed. That line of thinking is preposterous. Playoff experience is much more valuable than a higher draft pick... especially with these shitty college players (for the most part) who don't know anything about game situations or fundamentals.

Start a thread on this.

No Effin way.

Once in a great while for a young and building team but that's it.
Playoff experience is much more valuable than a higher draft pick... especially with these shitty college players (for the most part) who don't know anything about game situations or fundamentals.
"Playoff experience" is such an overused catch phrase...

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter"]
[TH="class: headerSort headerSortUp"]Streak[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]Team[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]NBA Playoffs
appearance streak[/TH]
[TH="class: headerSort"]NBA championships won
during streak[/TH]
[TH="class: unsortable"]Reference[/TH]
[TD]8 seasons[/TD]
[TD]Atlanta Hawks[/TD]
[TD]7 seasons[/TD]
[TD]Chicago Bulls[/TD]
[TR="bgcolor: #F0E68C"]
[TD]5 seasons[/TD]
[TD]Memphis Grizzlies^[/TD]
[TR="bgcolor: #F0E68C"]
[TD]4 seasons[/TD]
[TD]Los Angeles Clippers^[/TD]
Hasn't done any of these teams any good...
We have had this discussion on here. Regarding the notion that its better to just tank than get the 7th or 8th seed. That line of thinking is preposterous. Playoff experience is much more valuable than a higher draft pick... especially with these shitty college players (for the most part) who don't know anything about game situations or fundamentals.


As much as I enjoy watching these Celtics play hard for their coach especially last year, I would have been happier with a higher pick and watching that player at least try to develop..
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yes you can play MMQB and go back and see which teams didnt succeed after but young teams who never have gone to the playoffs before as a unit dont magically win it all the first year they are there... playoff basketball is not like regular season basketball... its just not. That and playoff bonuses should be enough for players to want to strive to get there....

and the notion that a team 4-6 games out of the playoffs will just give up at the asb is ridiculous.... you dont know what could happen in the next couple months when it comes to injuries... anything is possible....I just didn't see very many teams as "sellers" today.... how many teams do you think are looking to next year other than? Name them?
I fully agree with nbafan... Honestly don't get how it's even a debate. To have pick number 12 and miss the playoffs or get there and get the 15 - 16 pick? Of course second option is so much better.
Monroe would never had preferred the Bucks if they had missed the playoffs, probably the same with Amir Johnson and the Celtics. When young teams make it to the playoffs, the feeling is that they are on the right path and can make a few more steps in the next few seasons and be a contender or at least a dark horse.
Boston btw... Wow... Ainge was ready to give 4 draft picks to get Winslow, but suddenly became greedy when he had a chance to sign Horford or Dwight?! He is too sure he can get great deals on draft night...
I fully agree with nbafan... Honestly don't get how it's even a debate. To have pick number 12 and miss the playoffs or get there and get the 15 - 16 pick? Of course second option is so much better.
Monroe would never had preferred the Bucks if they had missed the playoffs, probably the same with Amir Johnson and the Celtics. When young teams make it to the playoffs, the feeling is that they are on the right path and can make a few more steps in the next few seasons and be a contender or at least a dark horse.

If you make the playoffs, you have zero shot at the number 1 pick, or even a top 5 pick. If you miss, you have a chance. Making the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed is doing what exactly? They most likely get swept or play 5 games. Playoff experience is easily the most overrated catch phrase that people like to throw around. What experience do you think a team getting swept is getting to begin with?
Boston btw... Wow... Ainge was ready to give 4 draft picks to get Winslow, but suddenly became greedy when he had a chance to sign Horford or Dwight?! He is too sure he can get great deals on draft night...

Well yeah, the other 2 guys are 30 yrs old, and one of those 2 is a cancer who cares more about everything other than winning.
Well yeah, the other 2 guys are 30 yrs old, and one of those 2 is a cancer who cares more about everything other than winning.

Is it better to have a bunch of young players and 200 draft picks for the upcoming draft?
When you have that many draft picks and don't need to give up any core players, no reason not to rent a player for few months, to see how he fits the team. Who knows what offers will be in front of them in the summer...
I fully agree with nbafan... Honestly don't get how it's even a debate. To have pick number 12 and miss the playoffs or get there and get the 15 - 16 pick? Of course second option is so much better.
Monroe would never had preferred the Bucks if they had missed the playoffs, probably the same with Amir Johnson and the Celtics. When young teams make it to the playoffs, the feeling is that they are on the right path and can make a few more steps in the next few seasons and be a contender or at least a dark horse.
If you asked every GM in the league would you rather a) make the playoffs and get swept by the Cavs, Warriors or Spurs or b) miss the playoffs entirely and instead have a shot at drafting either Ben Simmons or Brandon Ingram, I think you know what the answer would be. And I don't mean this in a condescending way, but I think it's a little naive to think the answer would be "a", if they were to answer truthfully...
Is it better to have a bunch of young players and 200 draft picks for the upcoming draft?
When you have that many draft picks and don't need to give up any core players, no reason not to rent a player for few months, to see how he fits the team. Who knows what offers will be in front of them in the summer...

There is a reason though. They can use those draft picks either themselves or to trade for a player they really want, like Winslow. We just saw it play out in front of our eyes, the answer seems quite obvious.
If you asked every GM in the league would you rather a) make the playoffs and get swept by the Cavs, Warriors or Spurs or b) miss the playoffs entirely and instead have a shot at drafting either Ben Simmons or Brandon Ingram, I think you know what the answer would be. And I don't mean this in a condescending way, but I think it's a little naive to think the answer would be "a", if they were to answer truthfully...

Exactly. Every single GM would choose B.
The answer will be A in most cases I believe. We can see it in the trades. Charlotte, Detroit, Wizards - all are fighting for that playoffs chance. Memphis the only one that appears to maybe tanking, but they actually will lose their pick if they go out of the playoffs.
Just look how many teams fight to get for the final 1 - 2 playoffs spots...
The answer will be A in most cases I believe. We can see it in the trades. Charlotte, Detroit, Wizards - all are fighting for that playoffs chance. Memphis the only one that appears to maybe tanking, but they actually will lose their pick if they go out of the playoffs.
Just look how many teams fight to get for the final 1 - 2 playoffs spots...

The answer would be B 100% of the time.
Exactly. Every single GM would choose B.

That's BS! You can't honestly believe that! You see teams focused on making the playoffs every year. Just look at the standings at the moment.
In the East, places 8-10 are Charlotte, Detroit and Wizards - you want to tell me they don't want to try and make it to the playoffs?!
In the West, places 8 - 10 are Utah, Kings and Rockets - do you really believe one of them doesn't want to try and make it to the playoffs?!

Out of those 6 teams, who do you believe doesn't want to make it to the playoffs and why?
You see every season, teams fighting to make it to the playoffs in the final two weeks of the season - playoffs race. Each year, teams come really focused on trying and make it to the playoffs and you tell me that they actually don't want to and would prefer to sit out of the post season?!
The answer will be A in most cases I believe. We can see it in the trades. Charlotte, Detroit, Wizards - all are fighting for that playoffs chance. Memphis the only one that appears to maybe tanking, but they actually will lose their pick if they go out of the playoffs.
Just look how many teams fight to get for the final 1 - 2 playoffs spots...
True, but is that from a basketball perspective or a financial perspective? Obviously just two home games in Round 1 means a significant amount of money, but are you really improving from a basketball standpoint as an organization? It's a prestige thing to make the playoffs, obviously, and every organization wants to show their fanbase that they're committed to winning (well, except maybe Philadelphia), but what good is constantly making the playoffs and getting knocked out in the 2nd round?

How else do you explain the Hawks willingness to at least consider trading Horford and Teague? They obviously felt the current group had gone as far as they could. That doesn't mean they'd willingly tank but, at the same time, I'm sure they wouldn't mind missing the playoffs if it meant getting a chance to draft a franchise player either.
Boston btw... Wow... Ainge was ready to give 4 draft picks to get Winslow, but suddenly became greedy when he had a chance to sign Horford or Dwight?! He is too sure he can get great deals on draft night...

Both 30+ and free agents to be.....smart move by ainge,,
Yes, one can argue that it best to finish bottom 5, than 10th place. There are pluses and minuses in each option and we see teams choosing to continue mediocricy or going for rebuild each season.
But, in a choice of 13th pick and staying out of the playoffs and 15th pick and getting there? 100% will prefer to pick a spot or two lower and make to post season...
Is it better to have a bunch of young players and 200 draft picks for the upcoming draft?
When you have that many draft picks and don't need to give up any core players, no reason not to rent a player for few months, to see how he fits the team. Who knows what offers will be in front of them in the summer...

What this trade deadline showed is that many players will be available this off season..a top free agent a couple of trades and they are far better,,, patience patience
What this trade deadline showed is that many players will be available this off season..a top free agent a couple of trades and they are far better,,, patience patience
Well, I think the rise in the salary cap also had something to do with it. With more room, the value of expiring contracts not as valuable as in previous seasons.

p.s. When did you get back, LOL...
None of them want to make the playoffs if the alternative is a shot at the #1 pick. The only team you mentioned there that may would be the Rockets because they feel they're good enough to win (they aren't but may think that). It's honestly ludicrous to think a team wants to fight for an 8 seed as opposed to having a shot in the lottery.
You meant A I think... Playoffs will be the choice in 30 out of 30 answers I believe

I'm sorry Divol but you're so far off I almost feel embarrassed for you. Please stop talking NBA if you truly believe that. Seriously.
The answer will be A in most cases I believe. We can see it in the trades. Charlotte, Detroit, Wizards - all are fighting for that playoffs chance. Memphis the only one that appears to maybe tanking, but they actually will lose their pick if they go out of the playoffs.
Just look how many teams fight to get for the final 1 - 2 playoffs spots...

pistons and wiz were able to make great trades that didn't hurt there core who are considered superstars and actually gave up very little.. Both could be considered lopsided trades

memphis os in know mans land and don't have the athletes to compete in the west
Yes, one can argue that it best to finish bottom 5, than 10th place. There are pluses and minuses in each option and we see teams choosing to continue mediocricy or going for rebuild each season.
But, in a choice of 13th pick and staying out of the playoffs and 15th pick and getting there? 100% will prefer to pick a spot or two lower and make to post season...

But you're making the assumption the pick is the 13th or 15th pick. If given the choice between playoffs and the 13th pick then the answer would clearly be different. Having the chance at a top overall pick, or top 5 pick is completely different. Given the option of getting most likely swept or having a shot at #1 overall there isn't one GM who would choose the playoffs.
pistons and wiz were able to make great trades that didn't hurt there core who are considered superstars and actually gave up very little.. Both could be considered lopsided trades

memphis os in know mans land and don't have the athletes to compete in the west

And the Pistons and Wiz made the deals more for the future than making the playoffs this season.
Well, I think the rise in the salary cap also had something to do with it. With more room, the value of expiring contracts not as valuable as in previous seasons.

p.s. When did you get back, LOL...

Yes , the cap , fa, and expiring contracts not worth much

i was back a while ago ,, was busy traveling and life
did you miss me??
I'm sorry Divol but you're so far off I almost feel embarrassed for you. Please stop talking NBA if you truly believe that. Seriously.
So you are saying that Pistons, Wizards, Hornets, Jazz, Kings and Rockets will try to lose as much as possible to stay clear of the playoffs?
So you are saying that Pistons, Wizards, Hornets, Jazz, Kings and Rockets will try to lose as much as possible to stay clear of the playoffs?

I'm not suggesting they tank at all. I'm saying that if given the choice today of being an 8 seed or having a chance at the number 1 pick every one of those team's GMs would choose having the chance at the pick.
Yes , the cap , fa, and expiring contracts not worth much

i was back a while ago ,, was busy traveling and life
did you miss me??
Well, when there's only 5 people in the NBA Forum on a daily basis, you tend to notice... Plus, everytime I pass that Gisele Bundchen poster at the mall, I would think of you (well, first, I would think of her, then me, then her and me, then you after a few more minutes of her and me... : )
I'm not suggesting they tank at all. I'm saying that if given the choice today of being an 8 seed or having a chance at the number 1 pick every one of those team's GMs would choose having the chance at the pick.
One simple question, they will try and make the playoffs or try stay out in order to have that 1% for the 1st pick?
I claim that all six teams (and others), will try and make the post season.
One simple question, they will try and make the playoffs or try stay out in order to have that 1% for the 1st pick?
I claim that all six teams (and others), will try and make the post season.

They would rather have the chance at the pick. What they'll do, I cannot say. If they were smart they would opt for the chance at the pick.

And the simple question was already asked...would a team rather make the playoffs as an 8 seed or have a chance at the top pick. That's the question that started this discussion.
And you will get the answer in april, like every year, when teams will fight to get to the playoffs.
Serious question divol: as a fan of a team, don't you at some point want more than just making the playoffs every year? Doesn't the realization sink in at some point that the team you have has gone as far as it's ever going to go, and that maybe it's time to start trading away veterans for some younger players with more upside? If it means not making the playoffs and a chance to get better through the draft, why not?
Well, when there's only 5 people in the NBA Forum on a daily basis, you tend to notice... Plus, everytime I pass that Gisele Bundchen poster at the mall, I would think of you (well, first, I would think of her, then me, then her and me, then you after a few more minutes of her and me... : )

And you will get the answer in april, like every year, when teams will fight to get to the playoffs.

The answer is what they'd rather, not what they'll do. You've missed the point it seems.
Serious question divol: as a fan of a team, don't you at some point want more than just making the playoffs every year? Doesn't the realization sink in at some point that the team you have has gone as far as it's ever going to go, and that maybe it's time to start trading away veterans for some younger players with more upside? If it means not making the playoffs and a chance to get better through the draft, why not?

I don't agree with the approach. Teams can succeed in several ways. Cleveland tanked to get LeBron and couldn't get the ring (despite winning three more first place draft picks after that). Oklahoma did the same with Durant and couldn't get there so far as well. Sixers, Orlando, Utah - all tried to tank and still million years away from being contender. Orlando and Utah now just hoping to get back to the playoffs, the same position they were in, before deciding to break the core.
SAS and Houston (Timmy and Hakim) the only two champions that needed that high draft pick to win the title. Boston, Lakers, Miami, the "new" Spurs, Dallas, GSW - all of them won the title without having their own very high draft pick. Smart draft picks, good trades and signings and luck - it's all they needed.

As for me, I watch Lakers games and this season is special because of Kobe and the fact that we have three young players that intrigue me. But the season before that? Couldn't watch them. Do I prefer my team to be a team that comes and plays every night and wins more than losses and I enjoy watching or to have my team tank and lose time after time, so that it's too ugly to watch, just for small chance to land huge star that will turn the things around? I prefer the first option, hoping that just like in Dallas and GSW case, some luck will fall my way and with few good moves, my team will find what it takes to be a contender without tanking and till then, just enjoy watching them.