***2014 Football World Cup*** Discussion Thread


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
As all of you know, I'm big on discussion threads. As you may not know, I'm currently having my worst year trying to make money off of sports since I developed a clue on how to do it so why not start looking ahead to the summer when the world will be watching and betting on two months of matches in Brazil?

I do not follow the professional leagues much (have only bet the Euro/WC in my lifetime), but I was impressed with all the golden boot/group points/group scoring/etc props i saw teed and others throwing around in 2010. This makes me think there's some money to be made, besides ManchesterUK's strategy of blind betting Spanish referees handing out the red cards like they were burning their hands, so I think we could all work together on reaching that goal and hopefully cushioning the blow on my wallet that has been the 2013-14 year.

Big injuries forcing guys to miss the WC would be something that I could update the first post with as they are announced, i.e. Falcao's ACL, but I'd like to discuss how far you have teams going and how tough you think the groups will be as I'm far from an expert on all this despite my 6-2-1 lifetime WC record

Key injuries:
Columbia F Falcao: ACL (out for WC)
Belgium F Benteke: Achilles (out for WC)

I'll start off by saying the US got screwed and are in the group of death so I don't expect them to advance. Share away :shake:
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USA are always in the top tier of their pot of teams so they have a high likelyhood of ending up in a "group of death". The pot of Asia & North America with Australia, Japan, Iran, South Korea, Costa Rica, Honduras and Mexico are some of the weakest teams in the tournament, so not being able to draw those teams hurts.
Maybe bet crimes can look it up. If you bet the under on every game in the group stage, how well can you do
Im eyeing Belgium. Big fan of that squad.

how big of a loss in Benteke? I don't remember them having very good forwards in FIFA 2013 (underrated capping tool, jk) and he's missing the WC.

I was originally curious why a lot of the seeded teams did not qualify for South Africa, this applies to both Columbia & Belgium as they seem to have lost big contributors, and to see how they'll perform as I don't see how you can go from out to seeded in just four years
Yeah, I've been eyeing them for 2 years and now everyone is jumping on board......lol
Benteke loss is big but now there will be no pressure on that decision, Lukaku might have been the choice anyway
Belgium is the trendy pick for sure.

I like all the S American teams and particular like Chile and their chances to advance.
Belgium is the trendy pick for sure.

I like all the S American teams and particular like Chile and their chances to advance.

Chile was pretty good in South Africa, seems like there's always a ton of talk about the guys playing on the same continent where they represent making a huge difference. I get altitude and heat and things like that, but I'm not sure the type of bermuda on the pitch means Schweinsteiger will put one over the bar versus Messi finding the top corner

Meh,lol,more importantly,this is the collection of "officials" who will be appointed at a later date to the games.There will be a team of officials work each game.Im putting this here so I dont keep having to go to wiki and we got it all in one place.

In March 2013, FIFA published a list of 52 prospective referees, each paired with two assistant referees, from all six football confederations for the tournament.[SUP][57][/SUP] On 14 January 2014, the FIFA Referees Committee appointed 25 referee trios and eight support duos representing 43 different countries for the tournament.[SUP][58][/SUP][SUP][59][/SUP]

[TABLE="class: wikitable"]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Confederation[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Referee[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: center"]Assistants[/TH]
[TD]Ravshan Irmatov (Uzbekistan)[/TD]
[TD]Abdukhamidullo Rasulov (Uzbekistan)
Bahadyr Kochkarov (Kyrgyzstan)[/TD]
[TD]Yuichi Nishimura (Japan)[/TD]
[TD]Toru Sagara (Japan)
Toshiyuki Nagi (Japan)[/TD]
[TD]Nawaf Shukralla (Bahrain)[/TD]
[TD]Yaser Tulefat (Bahrain)
Ebrahim Saleh (Bahrain)[/TD]
[TD]Ben Williams (Australia)[/TD]
[TD]Matthew Cream (Australia)
Hakan Anaz (Australia)[/TD]
[TD]Noumandiez Doué (Ivory Coast)[/TD]
[TD]Songuifolo Yeo (Ivory Coast)
Jean-Claude Birumushahu (Burundi)[/TD]
[TD]Bakary Gassama (Gambia)[/TD]
[TD]Evarist Menkouande (Cameroon)
Félicien Kabanda (Rwanda)[/TD]
[TD]Djamel Haimoudi (Algeria)[/TD]
[TD]Abdelhalk Etchiali (Algeria)
Redouane Achik (Morocco)[/TD]
[TD]Joel Aguilar (El Salvador)[/TD]
[TD]William Torres (El Salvador)
Juan Zumba (El Salvador)[/TD]
[TD]Mark Geiger (United States)[/TD]
[TD]Mark Hurd (United States)
Joe Fletcher (Canada)[/TD]
[TD]Marco Rodríguez (Mexico)[/TD]
[TD]Marvin Torrentera (Mexico)
Marcos Quintero (Mexico)[/TD]
[TD]Néstor Pitana (Argentina)[/TD]
[TD]Hernán Maidana (Argentina)
Juan Pablo Belatti (Argentina)[/TD]
[TD]Sandro Ricci (Brazil)[/TD]
[TD]Emerson De Carvalho (Brazil)
Marcelo Van Gasse (Brazil)[/TD]
[TD]Enrique Osses (Chile)[/TD]
[TD]Carlos Astroza (Chile)
Sergio Román (Chile)[/TD]
[TD]Wilmar Roldán (Colombia)[/TD]
[TD]Humberto Clavijo (Colombia)
Eduardo Díaz (Colombia)[/TD]
[TD]Carlos Vera (Ecuador)[/TD]
[TD]Christian Lescano (Ecuador)
Byron Romero (Ecuador)[/TD]
[TD]Peter O'Leary (New Zealand)[/TD]
[TD]Jan-Hendrik Hintz (New Zealand)
Ravinesh Kumar (Fiji)[/TD]
[TD]Felix Brych (Germany)[/TD]
[TD]Stefan Lupp (Germany)
Mark Borsch (Germany)[/TD]
[TD]Cüneyt Çakır (Turkey)[/TD]
[TD]Bahattin Duran (Turkey)
Tarık Ongun (Turkey)[/TD]
[TD]Jonas Eriksson (Sweden)[/TD]
[TD]Mathias Clasenius (Sweden)
Daniel Wärnmark (Sweden)[/TD]
[TD]Björn Kuipers (Netherlands)[/TD]
[TD]Sander van Roekel (Netherlands)
Erwin Zeinstra (Netherlands)[/TD]
[TD]Milorad Mažić (Serbia)[/TD]
[TD]Milovan Ristić (Serbia)
Dalibor Djurdjević (Serbia)[/TD]
[TD]Pedro Proença (Portugal)[/TD]
[TD]Bertino Miranda (Portugal)
Tiago Trigo (Portugal)[/TD]
[TD]Nicola Rizzoli (Italy)[/TD]
[TD]Renato Faverani (Italy)
Andrea Stefani (Italy)[/TD]
[TD]Carlos Velasco Carballo (Spain)[/TD]
[TD]Roberto Alonso Fernández (Spain)
Juan Carlos Yuste Jiménez (Spain)[/TD]
[TD]Howard Webb (England)[/TD]
[TD]Mike Mullarkey (England)
Darren Cann (England)
I hate the fact that they bring in refs from all regions.. Some of these guys aren't qualified to handle these types of games( evidenced by the dope who did the USA /Slovenia game in 2010).. Should be mostly Uefa officials imo
surprised Kassai isn't on the list

it is definitely something to watch for

easier to know the tendencies of guys like Cakir, Webb, Rizzoli, Proenca who we see all the time
surprised Kassai isn't on the list

it is definitely something to watch for

easier to know the tendencies of guys like Cakir, Webb, Rizzoli, Proenca who we see all the time
Yeah,but they can only have so many I guess.
That Hungarian turd is a real shithouse,I actually think he did me and you on a cards bet in the 2010 finals :cigarguy: I think I remember him not allowing a goal that had crossed the line against England,cant recall the opponent/.

I would know all them UEFA reps if I saw them in the street,quite sad really.Like you say the Dutch bloke in particular is perculiar.One day he let everything go,next day hes running around with the card in his hand.
I hate the fact that they bring in refs from all regions.. Some of these guys aren't qualified to handle these types of games( evidenced by the dope who did the USA /Slovenia game in 2010).. Should be mostly Uefa officials imo
Coulibaly,hes not here this year,disallowed Edus goal? thinks hes too old now,well into his 40s,from some African nation.
We had our first taste of him when the African Nations was televised here a few years back.
Yeah, I've been eyeing them for 2 years and now everyone is jumping on board......lol

well some would say you are jumping on the bandwagon too, their youth squads at u16 levels were considered top notch in Europe along with France, Germany and Spain so this has been a building block for many years. It didn't just happen in 2 years.

The Swiss are the same, they have built substantial youth teams for years now and it's coming into fruitation.
teams that play in Manaus will be in for a miserable time, extremely humid, difficult travels, poor infrastructure, their practice pitch will most likely be as good as my backyard.

The Dutch need a bit of a shake up, don't think they will fair as well here then South Africa.

Not too sure how Brasil does not win it, they've probably got the refs on their side already, the chances of a team winning the Cup from the same continent has always been high.
Hey GDub,nps,I didnt take offence

teams that play in Manaus will be in for a miserable time, extremely humid, difficult travels, poor infrastructure, their practice pitch will most likely be as good as my backyard.
Stadium is called arena de Amazon :)

Arena da Amazônia (Amazon Arena) is the name of a football stadium in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, located on the former site of theVivaldão stadium. The stadium has an all-seater capacity of 46,000 and was constructed from 2010 to December 2013. It will host matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
England Manager Roy Hodgson criticized the location of the stadium saying the extreme heat of Manaus would make it difficult for players. The Mayor of Manaus later went on to claim that anyone who criticized the stadium or the city would not receive the best welcome. England were later coincidentally drawn to play their opening game against Italy in Manaus.
The stadium was still under construction by February 2014, and doubts were raised over whether or not it would have been ready to host the FIFA World Cup.[SUP][2][/SUP] However, the stadium opened on the 9th of March 2014 and played its opening match, a cup game in which Northern Brazilian teams participate, between Nacional and Remo.

Looks like its surrounded by shanty towns

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The loss of Falcao is a bigger blow to Colombia than Benteke is to Belgium. There's enough attacking quality for Belgium to shuffle around and even at the start of the year the talk was Lukaku or Benteke? Well the season Lukaku is having you cannot deny he has earned his spot, now the injury was just unfortunate but solidifies Lukaku's place.
Belgium's group is nothing special 2nd place is up for grabs but probably will go to Russia, although if Belgium don't watch out the Russians could take 1st spot.
Not a big fan of Capello but he knows the WC and experience is key here.
Lots of love for Belgium but they have yet to prove anything on a big stage for years, heck they haven't even played in Euro since when they were the hosts in 2000! The pressure is there.
Would of liked Uruguay to play England in the last match so then perhaps it would of been a must win for England and Suarez scores in the 90th minute to seal their fate :)
If Belgium wins the group I think they skate by in the next game. It's either Portugal USA or Ghana. If they get runner up, they play Germany.
Problem with Belgium is lack of major tournament experience and the fact that there are factions within the team between the French and flemish
And bentekes injury is a big one imo

Whether he or lukaku were going to start isn't the biggest deal it's that now that it has to be lukaku he gets tired at the end of games

With less rest and Belgium having no real other elite striker they probably have to move fellani up top as a threat in the box
I think they are in trouble with either Portugal or Germany

If they can get lucky with USA or Ghana they would be happy
Hondura and Costa Rica are shit. I'll be looking to fade them.

Mexico is interesting . They have offensive talent. Will see if this new coach can get it together. They are a mess defensively, so that is concerning. They do have a favorable group to advance. Not sure what the price is to advance, but I'll be eyeing it, would like to see how they look in the friendlies leading up to World Cup

It is what it is for the USA. Would be a great accomplishment if they advance.. As gurv said the Ghana game is a must win for both.
What do you guys think about Spain after this WC?

Casillas 32
Reina 31
Valdes 32

Pique 27
Ramos 28
Albiol 28

Xavi 34
Iniesta 29

Negredo 28
Villa 32

They still have the talent in the middle of the pitch, Diego Costa is only 25, their backline has always been questionable. Wonder if they still develop the players suited for their system.
Were the u21s last summer or the summer before? They look loaded in that tourney
Seems like they are going be a dominant team for a whole
last year there was the u20 World Cup, Spain played perfectly until the last 8 and screwed up.
The Euro u21 I think is what you are referring to? Yeah they are the 2 time defending champs.

So yah you are probably right they will get some guys out of the crop that will easily fit in the bill.
Guess we've been so use to seeing Iniesta/Xavi in the center of the park
Yeah u-21 Uefa,,,hard to replace xavi and intesta for sure

What do you think about Italy?
Coulibaly,hes not here this year,disallowed Edus goal? thinks hes too old now,well into his 40s,from some African nation.
We had our first taste of him when the African Nations was televised here a few years back.

yeah , that was him. It wasn't just the disallowed goal. He let Dempsey elbow a guy in the face in the 2nd minute of the game, and didn't even hand out a card. He had no consistency or control over the game and the players took advantage.. To big of a stage for him

I'd prefer guys who have done big games in Europe. Derby games

Usually the markets open up a bit for the world cup for uas, so we should have some options on cards. Just tell us what to bet :)
Some of you know where I work.. Im finishing at the start of July..So I`ll still be able to get the racing post World Cup edition to you free of charge(like last time),I know how much you enjoy reading that as it just focuses on betting.... when I find out the date its gonna be issued I`ll post up and anyone who wants one sending lemme know :cheers:

oh,and anyone who didnt get one or wasnt here last time is welcome too :)
Thanks man uk. What about the preview of the World Cup? Any idea when that comes out
Thanks man uk. What about the preview of the World Cup? Any idea when that comes out
Pandaman,thats what Im talking about ... I dunno when it comes out,its actually a daily paper(horses,dogs+the days sport),but when a big event is coming up they do a big preview,think world cup last time was 32 pages? not sure,anyway,soon as they advertise it I let you know,cause I got order them from newsagents,they only get 2 a day at the shop near me :cheers: