2008 cfb -- time to post my bowl card so far--updated card post 277


This claim is disputed
overall 77-64-2 54.6%
Sides 53-43-2 55.2%
moneyline dogs 1-1
totals 23-20 53.5 %

It has been a decent season i guess overall. A little fearful that i am not exactly in "the zone" right now with my capping of football. Last week , i made zero bets so there is nothing to recap from championship week. However , my leans were terrible. So while i feel good about staying disciplined and not forcing any plays last week and saving myself money , i am also lacking a tad bit of confidence heading into the bowl season. I will probably be breaking down a ton of the bowl games extensively and this should be my personal best thread of the football season. I welcome all thoughts in agreement or disagreement with my own , so don't be shy about bashing my ideas in here. As i have stated many times we learn more about games in disagreement usually than in agreement. As i am sure you are aware by now , this forum explodes during bowl season. Huntdog , BAR , rj , etg , broadway joe , yanks , ostate , jpicks , horn , fondy , jpicks , gman , cb .. etc etc etc etc etc etc there are so many that have quality threads already and many more that will appear as the bowls get closer. We will get great insight from all of our local guys with bjorks down in arizona , our michigan guys , our ohio guys , husky with uconn , etg with s carolina , dwight might even show up with some clemson news , hawaiiguy with the warriors , our cali guys , bluechip and co with the lsu info , rambleon with ole miss news , cubsker with the heartland teams , sirwinzalot with mizzou , all of our texas fellers , jpicks with our mwc , and on and on and on ... we have the best college bowl forum on the net. Failure to mention anyone is merely do to the incredible number of quality cappers and contributors to the board. I hope to add to that. Lets get started. please note that i have not completely capped all games so most of these leans are based on intial looks and power ratings. Also note that there is a time factor here where things can change dramatically within said time frame. So there is the actual possiblity of a flip flop from me on some of these because of all the above posted reasons. As i cap games i will update each of the lists.

locked in

Iowa Hawkeyes -3
Wake Forest -2.5
southern mississippi +5
notre dame +1

Strong leans

Nevada -1
wake forest -3 added dec 11th
iowa -3 added dec 10th
notre dame +2 added dec 17th
latech +1.5
nc state +7
ole miss +5.5
Georgia -7.5
tcu -2 added original post date
Talk me off leans

memphis +13
houston -2.5
oregon st -3
minnesota +10.5
Georgia tech -4
clemson -3
uconn -4
penn state +10
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I am willing to break down any bowl game requested whether i have an opinion on the side or total or not. I would prefer that within the confines of the thread that we try to break down games somewhat chronologically as we can cover more ground that way with some games going off weeks before others.

I will have a writeup on the TCU against boise state game within a day or two and after capping that game to conclusion the choice to me was very crystal clear.

Lets win some money this bowl season.
I would like to discuss Nevada/Maryland at some point. I'm looking hard at the Pack

Request will be fulfilled from my end with a writeup of this game by tomorrow night. I have not fully capped the game , so I will do my best to be finished by that time. If not , i should have it done by wednesday afternoon. The game is not until december 30th if i am not mistaken so we do have time for a lengthy discussion.
Humanitarian bowl - game will be played in boise.

Nevada vs Maryland

Location edge ---- medium edge for Nevada.

Proximity is the main reason. Reno is about 400 miles away from Bosie which translates to roughly a 6 hour drive from Reno to Boise. So one would expect some support for the Nevada team from their fans. It is also a WAC stadium that Nevada has played in every other year for some time. In addition they have seen the blue turf before and some find it unsettling. I would also assume that the WAC fans in Boise would be cheering more for the WAC representative over the ACC representative. They are knowledgeable football fans there. I suppose there is a chance that they are against Nevada due to rivalry issues. Maryland obviously has to travel a long ways to play in boise and it is not exactly the destination of choice that would lead terp fans to make the trip. I distinctly recall a poor showing from Maryland fans in the Emerald Bowl last year which took place in San Francisco. If you are unwilling to travel the distance to go to northern California , I would think that you would be even less inclined to go to Boise. You have the old east coast team crossing the Mississippi river angle going for Nevada as well. It certainly plays less of a roll as teams are in the city for much longer and become more acclimated to the things compared to a normal road trip but it should be considered anyway. The other factor here is the weather possibilities. When weather gets bad , it helps the slower team and also helps the run based team. It hurts the faster team and hurts the pass based team. Now Nevada is certainly a run based team so any bad weather I feel will hurt their offense less than Maryland. The terps are also run based but that simply is not the way to attack Nevada so they will be looking to throw in this game I would think. So the location may cause some wind and may cause some precipitation and/or freezing weather. I think that helps Nevada without a doubt.

Coaching edge ----Medium edge for Maryland.
I realize that Chris Ault is a hall of famer but Ralph Friedgen in my estimation is one of the best game day coaches and best preparers in the college game. Friedgen consistently develops his players better than most coaches so that they are better football players at the end of the year than when they began. Chris Ault is by no means a slouch but I have seen several games where he failed to find answers to what his opposition was throwing at him. The concern that I have in this regard is that Ault didn’t seem to attempt to make the necessary changes. Had he made some changes in these games and they failed , I would have more confidence in him standing opposite of Friedgen. To be honest , there are really not that many coaches that are going to whip fat Ralph in the coaching department. Friedgen with this much time to prepare is tough to beat.

Motivational edge ---Medium edge for Nevada

As is the case with most BCS schools that make it to the bowls to play these smaller conference schools , the BCS school is a tad disappointed to be there and the smaller conference school is looking to make a point. That certainly applies here. Maryland was actually in control of their own destiny to winning the ACC Atlantic and moving on to the conference championship and BCS bowl. They got hit with the turnover bug against Florida State and Boston College and now find themselves in a bowl game in Idaho. That has to be disappointing to those kids. I want to discuss another motivational edge that I see for Nevada this year. Last year Nevada went to the new mexico bowl where they played against the lobos. They were completely decimated and humiliated in that game. New Mexico won that game 23-0 but that does not even begin to tell the story of domination. Nevada was held to 12 first downs and 210 yards of offense. They were shut out for the first time since 1980 a span of 329 games. At the time it was the longest streak in the nation. That defeat had to be humiliating to Chris ault and the staff of Nevada. It has to make Kaepernick motivated as well , since he had possibly his worst game as a collegiate athlete. He was 13 of 31 for 137 yards and was held to 26 yards on 12 carries ( 2.2 per ). So I believe that there will be extra motivation for Nevada to perform in this game than one might think.

Special Teams --edge to Maryland

Field Goal Kicking -- Slight Edge for Nevada. Brett Jaekle has been awesome all year long from 39 yards and under. He is 12 of 13 from 39 or less but doesn’t have a huge leg. He only attempted 4 kicks of over 40 yards and did not attempt a single kick of over 50 yards. He was 2 of 4 from beyond 40 with a long of 43. He ahs made every extra point this try which has been often. He is 58 of 58 in that regard. In addition it has to be noted that he is familiar with kicking in the cold environment that is likely in boise. Maryland has had some issues with the kicking game this year. Obi Egekeze ( Obi from now on ) is similar but less reliable than Jaekle. Obi was 12 of 16 from 39 or less. He ws given the go by Friedgen more than Jaekle was by Ault from distance. Obi was just 3 of 8 from beyond 40 and also never attempted a 50+ yarder. It should be noted that Obi had 3 misses in the season opener from beyond 40 so he went 3 of 5 for the remainder of the year. Slight edge to Nevada in my opinion

Punting -- Slight Edge Nevada. Brad Langley has been a monster for Nevada this year averaging 44 yards per punt. It needs to be noted that he has punted at altitude at times. Again , an advantage in my opinion that he is more used to cold environment that is likely here. Travis Baltz for Maryland is averaging 41.4 per kick which is pretty solid along the east coast that is ACC football. Again , I give a slight edge to Nevada but nothing major.

Return game -- Large edge to Maryland. The terps are basically an average team in the return game but they possess more speed and discipline than this Nevada club. Nevada has struggled covering kicks all year long and there is little reason to think they have success here. I would not be surprised at all to see Oquendo or Smith break a really big return in this game. In addition , Maryland sports one of the better punt coverage teams in the nation. I think this is a very dangerous area of concern for anyone looking at the Nevada side of the bet.

Kick blocking -- WASH

Alright lets get down to the nitty gritty. How are these teams likely to attack their opponents and can they have success doing it ……..

When Nevada is on offense. Edge nevada
Nevada runs the pistol offense Basically they line up Kaepernick 3 or 3 ½ yards behind center and run a lot of read option but also throw from the set. They are without question a run first offense, run second offense ,,,, run third offense. Only tcu and Tulsa have more rush attempts per game than Nevada ( excluding option schools ) and the Tulsa number is more a result of number of plays per game when they are involved. Nevada has had a lot of success running the football averaging 291 yards per game and a nations best 6.24 yards per carry. Since this decides how the Nevada offense will or will not succeed , lets look at how they did this year vs. each opponent.

They had 426 yards vs. grambling state …. So throw that out.

vs. texas tech -- rushed for 224 at 4.8 per carry
Texas tech gives up an average of 133.5 at 3.89 a carry ( rank 45<SUP>th</SUP> )

At Missouri -- rushed for 182 at 4.1 per carry ( Missouri scored so many td that Nevada got out of game plan a little bit )
Missouri gives up an average of 129 yards at 3.56 per carry ( rank 39<SUP>th</SUP> )

At unlv -- Nevada rushed for 444 yards at 7.7 per carry
Unlv gives up 213.5 yards per game at 5.03 yards per carry ( rank 112<SUP>th</SUP> )

At Idaho -- Nevada rushed for 264 yards at 5.6 per carry
Idaho gives up 208.4 yards per game at 5.55 yards per carry ( rank 109<SUP>th</SUP> )

vs. nmsu --Nevada rushed for 313 yards at 7.5 per carry
Nmsu gives up 220 yards per game at 5.2 per carry ( rank 116<SUP>th</SUP> )

vs. Utah state -- Nevada rushed for 284 yards at 6.8 per carry
Utah state mighty aggies give up 160.2 yards per game at 4.47 yards per carry ( rank 84<SUP>th</SUP> )

At Hawaii -- Nevada rushed for 308 yards at 7.7 yards per carry
Hawaii gives up 148 yards a game at 4.00 per carry ( rank 73<SUP>rd</SUP> )

At fresno st --Nevada rushed for 472 yards at 7.7 per carry
Fresno st gives up 197.33 yards per game at 5.25 per carry ( rank 105 )

vs. sjsu -- Nevada rushed for 333 yards at 6.8 per rush
Sjsu gives up 142 yards per game at 4.00 yards per carry ( rank 60<SUP>th</SUP> )

vs. boise st-- Nevada rushed for 144 yards at 4.1 per carry
Bosie gives up 140.9 yards per game at 2.96 per carry ( rank 15<SUP>th</SUP> )

At latech -- Nevada rushed for 103 yards at 2.5 a carry
La tech gives up 100.33 at 2.99 a carry ( rank 11<SUP>th</SUP> )

So for me looking all of this over a few things stand out. The first is that Nevada has rushed the ball on all but the very strong rush defenses. Maryland certainly does not apply. They give up 149.42 yards per game at 3.95 per carry. THIS IS SIGNIFICANT. Why ? Because we are talking about the ACC. The offenses are mediocre across the board . The only rush defense that has been weaker in conference this year is ncst and that has been the result of injuries more than anything else. The acc outside of the GT option attack , have 0 teams in the top 30 in rushing. The defenses are ahead of the offenses. Another concern here for Maryland is familiarity with the pistol and read option. They didn’t really play a similar offensive scheme this year, with the Eastern Michigan offense being the most similar to Nevada. Maryland gave up 171 yards on the ground that day to emu and 4.4 per carry … and that was with McMahon running the emu offense instead of Schmitt. Would have to think it would have been a lot worse had Schmitt been starting that day. If you look back upon last year to find similar attacks and how Maryland defended them you would have to look at the games ooc vs. west Virginia and their bowl game vs. Oregon state.. Now neither of those teams run the pistol but they employ similar tactics. West Virginia rushed for 353 yards at 7.4 per carry and Oregon state ( more of a fly sweep/ hb dive combo than read option but similar elements at work ) rushed for 275 yards at 5.1 per carry. If you look at Nevada and what they did vs. similar rush defenses ( Hawaii and sjsu ) you find that they dominated the season averages yielded by these teams. Another point of note is the success that Nevada has away from home running the ball ( 295.5 yards per game ) which means a lot for this particular game. However you also have to look at how Nevada performed against the bcs conference schools ( red raiders and mizzou ) and realize that production went way down when on the shorter end of the athlete stick which they will certainly be in this matchup. Also have to consider that the rushing attack has not been as potent the last two games though that was against boise st and latech who both have decent rush defenses. Looking at everything in a whole , I think that we should come to the conclusion that Nevada has atleast some degree of success running the ball on this Maryland defense.

I am extremely fearful however that Nevada just hasn’t played competition. I recall last year playing Nevada in the New Mexico bowl and watching them get physically dominated by rocky longs squad. Similar fears here. So what happens if Nevada is stifled slightly in the run attack ? Can they succeed at all passing ?? Sure. 264 yards passing against texas tech , 180 at mizz , 241 vs. boise ( when rush game shutdown ) , and 397 at latech ( when rush game shut down ). So I think , in the event that they are forced to throw that they can still have some success against an average Maryland defense.

I believe that Nevada rates to score points.

When Maryland has the ball. edge maryland

What Maryland likes to do is pound the ball at you and use play action and a controlled passing game to move the chains as well. Nevada struggles mightily in the secondary and that is where friedgen should look to exploit the wolfpack. Heyward-Bey is probably the best wide receiver in the ACC and they should be looking to him often and should find success often. When matched up against superior receivers the wolfpack has been torched this year. …a lot of consecutive games with huge receiving days by the number one option in the pass attacks

Crabtree 7 catches 158 yards 1 td TT
Maclin 6 catches 172 yards 3 td Mizz
Wolfe 8 catches 167 yards 1 td unlv
Williams 10 catches 142 yards 2 td Idaho
Williams 6 catches 128 yards 0 td nmsu
Nelson 4 catches 86 yards 2 td Utah state
Washington 5 catches 100 yards 2 td Hawaii
Ajirotutu 7 catches 95 yards 2 td Fresno st
Richmond 9 catches 91 yards 2 td sjsu --also had Williams catch 4 for over 100
Pettis 9 catches 126 yards 2 td bosie st -- also had perretta with 5 and 126 yds
Livas 5 catches 70 yards 1 td LaTech

There is no reason at all to think that Heyward-Bey does not go off on Nevada in this game.

In addition if you look over Nevadas schedule they have not played many smash mouth , pound it at you run style teams like Maryland. Boise st , Fresno st and latech being the most similar in style to maryland. Boise ran for 70 yards at 2.7 per carry ,Latech rushed for 185 yards at 5 per carry and fresno ran for 106 at 6.6 per carry. Obviously , Fresno fell behind and passed a lot in that game. So while it is difficult to expect Maryland to dominate Nevada in the rushing game , I think it is safe to say that Maryland is also one of the better run teams and offensive lines that they have faced. So , I think Maryland canmove the ball if turner is competent at all at the helm. I also have faith that friedgen will see how to attack this Nevada defense. Nevada rush defense stats cannot be overlooked. They give up 2.64 yards per carry which is better than texas or Alabama if you don’t look deeper than that. They give up just 74.5 yds per game on the ground. However the offenses faced by Nevada average rank is 73.6 in the nation. Ironically Maryland is 74<SUP>th</SUP> but they are in a tough run defense conference.

I look for Maryland offense to have success against Nevada thru the air and some limited success in the ground game.

So here is my quick checklist as far as this game. Two smilies for big edges

Athletes -- Maryland :)
Location -- Nevada :)
Motivation -- Nevada :) :)
Coaching --Maryland :)
Special teams --Maryland :)
Strength of schedule/conference --Maryland :) :)
Nevada pass vs. Maryland pass d - PICK
Nevada rush vs. Maryland rush d --Nevada :) :)
Maryland pass vs. Nevada pass d --Maryland :) :)
Maryland rush vs. Nevada rush d--Nevada :)

As a general rule , I prefer to have the team that can run the ball and stop the run and that lines up here a little bit for Nevada. I also believe motivation takes on much larger meaning in bowl games than in regular season games as does coaching.
The line as I type this is Nevada -1 and total of 58. So the fact that both teams will score and have success is already established in the total put out by the books. It opened 56.5 , so it appears the early sharp money is also on the over. I tend to agree and think that may be the best option depending on weather. So it is tough at this point for me to bet that over without being closer to game time and by then it may have lost value. I would also like to read more coaches qoutes and get a better feel for motivation as that would be a major contributor to the Nevada cause. Strong lean for Nevada and the over.

Hope that helps a little , I realize I rambled and went off on some tangents.
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Can't say enough about that kind of analysis. I'm blown away. I love the possibile motiavtion angle from the NM bowl last year. I have to get some shut eye but I'll certainly be back to talk about this game when school wraps up friday. Incredible stuff Kyle, thanks..
I feel like I should have to pay to read this

The one thing I will say is Maryland has been a good bowl team under Fridge. What really sticks with me is how tough they played Oregon State LY, a Beaver club I was really impressed with the #1 rush defense. Maryland last lost a bowl game in 01 vs. Florida in the Orange Bowl. They beat Tennessee 30-3 in the Peach Bowl, 41-7 over West Virginia in the Gator Bowl, 24-7 over Purdue in the Champs Sports, and lost 14-21 last year in the Emerald.

Now maybe those bowls were perceived to be nice destinations for those Terp teams whereas the Humanitarian is not? With a team that has had trouble getting emotionally ready all season this could factor but maybe the poor finish to the regular season fuels them as well as Friedgen's bowl preparedness history

----What is for sure is Nevada will show up. This Nevada club has shown well in bowl games as well minus last year vs. New Mexico and IMO the 3-4 of Rocky Long was a horrible matchup for the pistol. Plus New Mexico BOWL vs. New Mexico

-----Look at all of the 5 teams Nevada has lost too
Mizzou 4th pass offense nationally
Texas Tech 1st pass offense
New Mexico State 9th
Hawaii 33
Boise 12

Obviously we all know the blueprint on Chris Ault teams. Nevada is the 119th pass defense but what I am impressed with is they are the 84th in passing efficiency. Meaning alot of incompletions are being thrown by the other team. Perhaps this Nevada defense then is giving up big plays of 20 yards or more?

Maryland is not in the above teams class mentioned in terms of passing. Maryland can throw it around though, they are statistically average but not exceptional.

Who compares to Maryland passing? San Jose, Louisiana Tech, utah state, etc. certainly can't throw it. Interesting in that Nevada's games this year it was predictable how they would fare based on the type of offense they faced.

UNVL and Fresno have similar numbers to Maryland. Fresno is probably the best comparison to Maryland because they are very balanced in the run and pass.

EDIT--I was just going to say the strength of schedule for Nevada is a good point as we are hearing commentators left and right talking about how Boise is never challenged.

What would Maryland's numbers be stat wise if they were in the WAC?

Maybe slightly better pass but the difference IMO is the run yardage would be much higher.

I also think the Nevada run defense, ranked #3, is a little bit of a misnomer. They are playing Hawaii, New Mexico State, I mean these teams do not run the ball worth a damn. Their schedule has been shit facing running teams. 274 rushing yards boise State put up and San Jose is a prett physical, I am seeing only 23 so that is impressive by Nevada that game but have to wonder sack - yardage Nevada very good in sacks and contribute to run stats.

I take away Boise hasn't played anyone that can stop the run but TCU is alot tougher than Nevada lol
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There is no doubt that friedgen is a dangerous man with time to prepare. He lives for this shit. And you are correct in pointing out his bowl history , i forgot to add that. The Emerald bowl last year wasn't really as competitive as the score would indicate. My post concerning last years game after the fact. Interestingly , it mentions fear of Friedgen and the new mexico bowl. Irony is awesome.

oregon state -- This was my favorite game of the bowl season (( think i had these guys at 32 of 32 in my confidence pool )). Much like the new mexico score did not indicate how badly they dominated nevada ... the oregon state score does not show what occurred int hat game. Total domination by the oregon state defense. This beaver team was one of the most undervalued of the entire season, and the public never caught up to how good they were. Imagine if this team had not lost stroughter and one of the top 7 linemen in the country in perry. This team came into the bowl game as one of the hottest in the country. In the months of october , november and december the beavers lost just one game and that was AT USC. An understandable loss and they were certainly not outclassed in that one. And if you look at their losses in september you will note they were victimized by an incredible number of turnovers. They outplayed ucla for three quarters before the wheels fell of in the fourth. They completely outplayed Arizona state in an away game that they eventually lost in flukish fashion by 12 points. They had both significant first down and yardage edges in that game. After dixons injury ... the beavers became the second best team in the pac 10. could go on and on and on about this game but it is kind of pointless after the game is over to most. hell my only concern at all in the game was friedgen. pretty easy money and unfortunate to have to sweat that game out as the score did not indicate the level of domination. What an incredible rush defense the beavers sported all year long.

I see you have the same opinion of Nevada that i developed as the season progressed. Play them against run based offensive teams with weak pass attacks and weak run defenses. Avoid them vs strong pass attacks and strong rush defenses. Your list of their defeats is very telling.

Fresno is probably the best comparison to Maryland because they are very balanced in the run and pass.

Agree with this completely , though mostly when discussing the offense. The maryland defense is superior to fresno st.

What would Maryland's numbers be stat wise if they were in the WAC?

Maybe slightly better pass but the difference IMO is the run yardage would be much higher.

I also think the Nevada run defense, ranked #3, is a little bit of a misnomer. They are playing Hawaii, New Mexico State, I mean these teams do not run the ball worth a damn. Their schedule has been shit facing running teams. 274 rushing yards boise State put up and San Jose is a prett physical, I am seeing only 23 so that is impressive by Nevada that game but have to wonder sack - yardage Nevada very good in sacks and contribute to run stats.

Again , i think you are spot on. Maryland would have far better rushing stats ( and apssing stats for that matter ) in the WAC. Your statement about the nevada run defense is valid too BUT while i think we should realize that they are not really on par with the bamas , texas , tennessees of the world in defending the run that they are a very solid group. The DL is pretty damn effective all around.

They actually held sjsu to negative 23 yards and boise st to just 70 though. SJSU is shockingly bad running the ball this year considering it is their identity.

FEAR THE FRIDGE ... i certainly do and he is probably the main reason i fear putting money on nevada ... that and the fact that i had the wolfpack last year in what was one of my most embarrassingly capped games of the whole season.
your right when I think about that Emerald bowl I think Heyward-Bey got things rolling for Maryland early and they took an early lead in the 1st quarter and then after that couldn't move the ball worth a lick

Wow yeah I checked the boxscore I think I got the 274 from the Nevada ledger of things....big mistake.

So that is very impressive the Nevada run defense it really is even in a bad run conference they contained Boise, San Jose, and held down Missouri and Texas Tech fairly decent I recall. Hedl Mizzou/TT under 150

#3 rush defense nationally, that is something.

This is critical because although maryland can throw it around they are a run based team and if you stop their run they are not like Hawaii and still be as effective.

The Wake game if I recall Maryland came out throwing and never really established a run but outside of that Fridge himelf says they are a run dependent team.

You have to ask yourself which offense is more likely to not punt. I think Nevada's is. The ACC offenses are weak and Maryland was not impressive vs. worse offenses than Nevada IMO. I mean Va Tech, their are some teams that gashed Maryland in the run game and by stopping the run, just the run battle. Maryland does throw it but run is their identity so even though Maryland will have more balance Nevada would want to face Maryland over New Mexico State team IMO. NMSTU is like 118 running, so one dimensional does not matter with Nevada, it's all about the pass. Not abandoning the run could actually hurt Maryland as nevada is that pitiful.

Maryland has faced very good pass defenses all season long except for Eastern Michigan who is worse pass defense than Nevada

----I think I have to give Nevada pass defense some benefit of doubt. They are playing in a conference where all anybody does is throw the ball. I don't think anybody besides Boise in that conference is very good against the pass, Boise's pass stats are amazing.

I like the efficiency stats for Nevada quite a bit better than pass defense (119, 84) while the Maryland pass offense is 65 with 77 efficiency.

84 to 77 pass defense to pass offense looks even right? If you look at it that way lol

I lean Nevada here

Fridge and Maryland having a bad taste in its mouth is what would hold me back more than anything.....I DO NOT like betting against teams that are coming off losses, in bowl season.
Great work.

I am leaning Maryland here . While Maryland struggled on the road it was ACC play . Some of Nevada's game away were truly scary especially the defense . LTech and Hawaii jump out they couldnt stop the Rainbows at a crucial time and possibly the only time they stopped LaTech was the last crucial drive. Just not sold on Nevada stopping the run neither Fresno or Boise attempted alot of runs but had good numbers when they did. Nevada 's schedule is kinda terrible and the early games were pass happy TTech and Missouri....

Agree the over looks good anything less then 60 pts in good weather is to cheap IMO. 8 of 11 games Nevada allowed at least 27 points and scored 31+ in the past 9 games aftre TT and Mizzou .

Great work.

I am leaning Maryland here . While Maryland struggled on the road it was ACC play . Some of Nevada's game away were truly scary especially the defense . LTech and Hawaii jump out they couldnt stop the Rainbows at a crucial time and possibly the only time they stopped LaTech was the last crucial drive. Just not sold on Nevada stopping the run neither Fresno or Boise attempted alot of runs but had good numbers when they did. Nevada 's schedule is kinda terrible and the early games were pass happy TTech and Missouri....

Agree the over looks good anything less then 60 pts in good weather is to cheap IMO. 8 of 11 games Nevada allowed at least 27 points and scored 31+ in the past 9 games aftre TT and Mizzou .


Well i agree that nevada schedule is very very weak and that maryland is one of the better more physical teams they face the entire year.

Not sure why you think boise had success running on nevada. i watched a good portion of that game and nevada was consistently stuffing the run. 26 carries for 70 yards ( 2.7 per carry ) seems to indicate the stats comply with what my eyes wee seeing.

Yeah fresno ran with great success. I have to go back and examine the play by play to see when those yards were achieved. The bulldogs were throwing a lot because nevada had a big lead most of the game. if the rush stats came as a result of them not worrying as much about defending the run , then it makes a difference.

But i do agree .... nevada rush defense stats are skewed by quality and scheme type of opponents.. maryland just has a nice oline and back and will pound you. However if friedgen is a good game planner ( and i believe he is one of the better ones ) , i think we see maryland throw a lot more than normal in this game. Definitely think they steer away from the run more if it fails some early.

gl with maryland if you bet it , i can't bet that side. Agree with your thought son the total though.
added bowl play #2

iowa hawkeyes -3

Glad huntdog and others pointed this game out to me so i could get it capped before anymore line movement .. i dont think the -3 is there at kickoff
added bowl play #2

iowa hawkeyes -3

Glad huntdog and others pointed this game out to me so i could get it capped before anymore line movement .. i dont think the -3 is there at kickoff

:smiley_acbe: already moving brotha... Everyone will cap this with a big advantage with the Iowa running game, but Iowa's defense vs ineffective Scary offense is the key to this game IMO.. Mitch King will cause major problems... Read that he was rated by his peers as the hardest lineman to block in the Big Ten. I believe it. Adrian Claiborn DT also improved steadily throughout the year, had a huge game vs PSU but largely didn't make a ton of plays this year.. He is a BIG run stopper but most people do not realize he can run in space which along with King's quickness is going to cause the Scary QB's whomever that might be, alot of problems.. Mobile QB's vs Iowa were not very effective this year.. Surprising to some, not to me.

I'll get it wrote up in my thread but thought I would stop in here with a few thoughts.. GL in the Bowls bro.
any thought on byu/arizona total of 61.5?

I don't have much of an opinion on the side or total as i think that both are pretty accurate numbers at first glance but as with most games i am not done looking.

10 of the two teams combined 24 games went over this total.

The BYU secondary is the biggest weakness on that whole team and tuitama can exploit that with thomas and gronkowski. BYU has given up some points the second half of the year. On the other side of the ball , Arizona has struggled some defending the run away from home , especially the power running games like new mexico , stanford and oregon. BYU can toss it around and bit and if they fail at that , they can still pound you with UNGA.

The mwc has owned the pac10 this year.

Two things to note that could effect the number of points scored. The first is that most people do not realize that las vegas has periods of very very strong winds. If you prefer the under , go ahead and lock it in but if you like the over i would wait for the weather report on the conditions ... it tends to be even more windy in that part of town compared to others , i might add. The other thing about this game that you should know if it effects how you think scoring goes is BYU travel to las vegas. BYU ALWAYS REPRESENTS HERE AND ESPECIALLY SO FOR THE LAS VEGAS BOWL. Always. Now , it may be that Arizona fans show up as well .... but i know for a fact that this city will be full of BYU fans that week.

Have not capped the game out , cubsker but that is how i initially see the total ... pretty much right where the books have made it.
Last edited:
:smiley_acbe: already moving brotha... Everyone will cap this with a big advantage with the Iowa running game, but Iowa's defense vs ineffective Scary offense is the key to this game IMO.. Mitch King will cause major problems... Read that he was rated by his peers as the hardest lineman to block in the Big Ten. I believe it. Adrian Claiborn DT also improved steadily throughout the year, had a huge game vs PSU but largely didn't make a ton of plays this year.. He is a BIG run stopper but most people do not realize he can run in space which along with King's quickness is going to cause the Scary QB's whomever that might be, alot of problems.. Mobile QB's vs Iowa were not very effective this year.. Surprising to some, not to me.

I'll get it wrote up in my thread but thought I would stop in here with a few thoughts.. GL in the Bowls bro.

make the writeup good so i can steal it with a cut and paste and put it in here.... hehe i am so lazy.
Strong leans

Nevada -1
wake forest -3
iowa -3 added dec 10th
notre dame +2
latech +1.5
nc state +7
ole miss +5.5
tcu -2 added original post date
Talk me off leans

memphis +13
houston -2.5
oregon st -3
minnesota +10.5
Georgia tech -4
clemson -3
uconn -4
penn state +10

I am close to adding Notre Dame in all honesty. Haven't done it yet but if the Domers are going to break out under Fat Charlies tenure it starts in this bowl. Yeah, its like a vacation but this is the most important game of Weis's reign there. With them committing to him after the season and the pressure he is under I hink we see the best ND performance all season.

I know many people don't like USC this year and they are overrated. I will tell you this much. There is nothing they can do about their conference being horrible. Its just one of those years. They scheduled a HUGE OOC game with the Buckeyes. Alas, the Buckeyes played in a bad conference and had 2 losses overall. Again, nothing they can control there. This is a GREAT defense. I know the offense has really sputtered for some dumb reason the last half of the year but I think they just dominate this game. Will they score as easily as they did against Illinois last year? No. Giving Prickly Pete a month to prepare is huge. Yeah, I know that its most likely Joe's last game. Whoop-de-doo. Their most impressive win this year was against Ohio State and thats because a true freshman made a critical turnover. I see a 27-7 type game here in all honesty

More to come, just wanted to get the veins flowing a bit.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Yup , similar thoughts with notre dame , BAR. Will be an even longer offseason if they drop this puppy ... another game , another bowl game , after giving weiss the go , to a hwaii club that lost a lot year over year, to a newbie coach , with such a vast disparity in recruited talent ....... must win for weiss in my opinion and motivation is always one of the msot important factors to these bowl games. I won't lock in until i have finished capping it and i am currently doing the eaglebank bowl but i definitely agree with you there.

I have sort of been souring on penn state a little ..... but i havent looked closely at all at any of the bcs games really other than Texas for obvious reasons. Just trying to get a handle on the earlier bowls first ... have more time for those bcs games. Holding notre dame to 4 fd for an entire game of action is just amazing though. Defense , as you say , is simply sick. Might look at the under more than penn st now ... i wont be betting usc .. too far from my power rating to even consider really and i dont trust the offense enough to score ... again making me think the under is worth a look. But they aren't scoring DESPITE the incredible domination by the defense ... seems unlikely they light it up against penn st. The score yo see is definitely possible though. I still think pete carroll is one of the most overrated coaches in cfb .... best athletes every year and they seem to underachieve quite a bit imo. Offensive scheme is ho-hum at best. And while they did dominate tosu in the second half , the buckeyes did play evenly with them for most of the first half before the interception for td and quit job. no beanie , though they did start their better qb ... in fact if boekman starts vs penn st i think tosu wins that one.

will be getting to the notre dame game soon , appreciate any further input on it BAR

And thanks for being one of the guys to get me to look at the iowa game ahead of schedule. love them.
wow, we are on the same page with quite a few of those...i'm anxious to see your thoughts on a few of these leans---minnesota, clemson, and oregon state. should be a great thread as usual...i'm already behind in reading it, but i'll try to pop in with some opinions here and there. cheers to a helluva bowl season my man...thanks for all of your hard work and contributions to your weekly thread all year
You are right VK. Just had the numbers scribbled down Ian johnson 7c71 yds but a 66 yd run . Still Boise didnt really look to run enough IMO(basically 15c 85yds from the main backs but again 66 on 1 run..).
Will be interested in Wake motivation

Not so sure Wake feels like they already beat these guys and feels like it was a fluke and oh we have to play Navy again in this crap bowl.

Navy will be motivated I'm sure I don't think Wake is going "damn we lost to navy we are better than them let's show those bastards"

Wake already feels superior

The Wake fans certainly feel like shit they have to play this game they are not excited they all think they will blow out Navy

---navy with kuu-------- at qb back better on offense and that Navy defense has improved

navy always shows up for bowls

----Honestly as flukish as Skinner's 4 picks were, the way the navy defense is playing and as piss poor as the Wake offense is playing, I don't know if Wake can move it with not turnovers
wow, we are on the same page with quite a few of those...i'm anxious to see your thoughts on a few of these leans---minnesota, clemson, and oregon state. should be a great thread as usual...i'm already behind in reading it, but i'll try to pop in with some opinions here and there. cheers to a helluva bowl season my man...thanks for all of your hard work and contributions to your weekly thread all year

Trying to not bite off more than i can chew with the discussion but will be getting to those games. Clemson , i especially like.... with the same disclaimer i have used throughout ... not done capping it yet. Oregon state is one of the biggest coaching mismatches one could hope for but pitt is playing a higher brand of football down the stretch.

Thanks joe and its always nice to see you in some agreement.
Will be interested in Wake motivation

Not so sure Wake feels like they already beat these guys and feels like it was a fluke and oh we have to play Navy again in this crap bowl.

Navy will be motivated I'm sure I don't think Wake is going "damn we lost to navy we are better than them let's show those bastards"

Wake already feels superior

The Wake fans certainly feel like shit they have to play this game they are not excited they all think they will blow out Navy

---navy with kuu-------- at qb back better on offense and that Navy defense has improved

navy always shows up for bowls

----Honestly as flukish as Skinner's 4 picks were, the way the navy defense is playing and as piss poor as the Wake offense is playing, I don't know if Wake can move it with not turnovers

Think Navy is a great opponent and challenge for WF . Thats just my opinion . They dont want to lose twice to a lower program and Navy's run at the end of the season makes them even more attractive IMO . Thats how I would see to it my players:shake:
You are right VK. Just had the numbers scribbled down Ian johnson 7c71 yds but a 66 yd run . Still Boise didnt really look to run enough IMO(basically 15c 85yds from the main backs but again 66 on 1 run..).

yup ... they might have given up earlier than they had to because they were throwing at will lol. Still , throw out that one carry ( which we really can't of course but humor me ) and the team rushed for 4 total yards.
Will be interested in Wake motivation

Not so sure Wake feels like they already beat these guys and feels like it was a fluke and oh we have to play Navy again in this crap bowl.

Navy will be motivated I'm sure I don't think Wake is going "damn we lost to navy we are better than them let's show those bastards"

Wake already feels superior

The Wake fans certainly feel like shit they have to play this game they are not excited they all think they will blow out Navy

---navy with kuu-------- at qb back better on offense and that Navy defense has improved

navy always shows up for bowls

----Honestly as flukish as Skinner's 4 picks were, the way the navy defense is playing and as piss poor as the Wake offense is playing, I don't know if Wake can move it with not turnovers

Going to disagree with you on the motivation , which i will get into tonight with a writeup for this game. Does not mean i am right though , just how i see it ... .. .. motivation ( atleast for me ) is always right up there with turnovers as far as being extremely difficult to handicap.

Also , while the navy defense may look improved it is really only looking improved from playing the putrid offenses of niu and army. will have a writeup coming on this one.

We aren't going to agree all the time hehe.

NOTE -- going to be very late with the tcu writeup as i am focusing on spending time capping games that i have not already bet. Luckily there are a lot of guys on the forum who also bet tcu so maybe you guys can get more information on that game in those threads in the meantime. TCU is one of my favorite games over the last six weeks though. Extremely confident that they win that game. So i know i promised a writeup on that game and i still hope to get to one but duie to greed i may be late getting it into the thread. apologize for that.
your right when I think about that Emerald bowl I think Heyward-Bey got things rolling for Maryland early and they took an early lead in the 1st quarter and then after that couldn't move the ball worth a lick

Wow yeah I checked the boxscore I think I got the 274 from the Nevada ledger of things....big mistake.

So that is very impressive the Nevada run defense it really is even in a bad run conference they contained Boise, San Jose, and held down Missouri and Texas Tech fairly decent I recall. Hedl Mizzou/TT under 150

#3 rush defense nationally, that is something.

This is critical because although maryland can throw it around they are a run based team and if you stop their run they are not like Hawaii and still be as effective.

The Wake game if I recall Maryland came out throwing and never really established a run but outside of that Fridge himelf says they are a run dependent team.

You have to ask yourself which offense is more likely to not punt. I think Nevada's is. The ACC offenses are weak and Maryland was not impressive vs. worse offenses than Nevada IMO. I mean Va Tech, their are some teams that gashed Maryland in the run game and by stopping the run, just the run battle. Maryland does throw it but run is their identity so even though Maryland will have more balance Nevada would want to face Maryland over New Mexico State team IMO. NMSTU is like 118 running, so one dimensional does not matter with Nevada, it's all about the pass. Not abandoning the run could actually hurt Maryland as nevada is that pitiful.

Maryland has faced very good pass defenses all season long except for Eastern Michigan who is worse pass defense than Nevada

----I think I have to give Nevada pass defense some benefit of doubt. They are playing in a conference where all anybody does is throw the ball. I don't think anybody besides Boise in that conference is very good against the pass, Boise's pass stats are amazing.

I like the efficiency stats for Nevada quite a bit better than pass defense (119, 84) while the Maryland pass offense is 65 with 77 efficiency.

84 to 77 pass defense to pass offense looks even right? If you look at it that way lol

I lean Nevada here

Fridge and Maryland having a bad taste in its mouth is what would hold me back more than anything.....I DO NOT like betting against teams that are coming off losses, in bowl season.

Nice breakdown here. Agree with just about everything in that post ,,,, especially the last paragraph. Was there really talk of Friedgen being in the hot seat ?? Cause this fat boy scares the crap out of me as far as pulling the trigger on nevada.
shit...jsut wrote a post, and it didn't go thru.

oh well...excellent write-up on the nevada/mary game. and was agreeing about 3 big points on the byu/zona game...all in byu's favor.
shit...jsut wrote a post, and it didn't go thru.

oh well...excellent write-up on the nevada/mary game. and was agreeing about 3 big points on the byu/zona game...all in byu's favor.

i just think the missing post replaced whatever was formerly in post #21 yanks.
I think so too at first look. But i haven't had the chance to cap it to completion yet.

what are you seeing there that has you turned on to it , hunt ?

Iowa is on the upswing bro..Scary is on the downswing..I feel like they tanked their season after UF.

Plus, you know what your going to get out of Iowa, a solid run game and solid defense..can't say the same for SC.
Iowa is on the upswing bro..Scary is on the downswing..I feel like they tanked their season after UF.

Plus, you know what your going to get out of Iowa, a solid run game and solid defense..can't say the same for SC.

agree completely. i finished up capping that game and you were spot on with liking iowa. i bet them this morning.
Just a reminder to anyone who has not done it yet .... CTG has a great contest this month regarding bowls. I know a lot of you were involved with it last year and it is really a fun contest to participate in with some nice prizes if you manage the win ......

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yeah, BAR and tee threw me over the top..and with you on it as well...yeah, I feel good.

that sounded bad.
EagleBank bowl

Played in washingon dc

Navy vs. Wake forest

Location -- small edge navy
I believe this game is played in RFK stadium which is close enough to both schools that fans should have no problem attending. However due to proximity , I have to give the slightest of edges to Navy in this regard. However , I do not think that locale is a major factor for this game.

Athletes -- edge wake forest
As is usually the case , the service academy teams are not as athletic as their opponent. Wake has more size and more speed. Navy will have to overcome with discipline , hard work and a never die spirit.

Motivation-- edge wake forest
There are several reasons that I feel wake forest has motivational edges in this game. The first is their defeat to navy earlier in the year. In a game played at home , wake committed 6 turnovers including 4 Riley Skinner interceptions. Skinner failed to throw an interception in 9 of his 12 games played this year and threw a combined 3 for the entire season if you threw out the navy game. He and the team should be motivated in this game to avenge that loss. In addition , this is the graduating class that turned the demon deacon program around under Jim Grobe. I think there is incentive for these guys to finish it out strong. For navy it is a reward but not much of one. They get to play another game , in an nfl stadium ( done it already this year ) , face wake forest ( a team they already defeated this year ) , and don’t even get to go to a cool place … …. Just staying in the same area. Now , that doesn’t mean that I think navy comes out flat. They are a service academy and that pretty much means they play every down , every quarter with effort. You have to admire these young men. But looking at the motivation here , I think it clearly lies with wake forest.

Coaching-- edge wake forest
I am a pretty big Grobe fan though I prefer him in the underdog role as compared to as a favorite. But these are his kids , the ones who put him on the map and he runs some interesting schemes for them to be effective. Navy has a nice record against the spread in bowl games but that was accomplished under paul Johnson who I am sure a lot of you consider the best coach in the game right now. Niumatalolo deserves some credit for getting wins in games this year where his team was outplayed but I don’t think he should be considered in the same class as Grobe. I also think it is an advantage for wake to have more time to prepare for an option attack they have already seen earlier in the year.

Special teams -- edge wake forest

Field goal kicking-- looks like swank should be back to about full health and when he is , he is one of the best kickers you could ever want on your side. Swank is well documented so lets look at the navy kid because this is the one area where navy is considerably better year over year in my opinion. Harmon for navy is 17 of 19 including 3 of 4 from 40-49 yards with a made 48 yarder and a made 49 yarder. This team has come a long way from the team that was scared to try fg’s a year ago. Obviously I hve to give the edge to swank and wake forest here.

Punting /punt returns--Wake forest just does not give up big returns at all , ever. Most of their punts have not been returned at all but when they are caught and decide to run they average less than a yard per. So while the punters are equivalent , I like wake coverage teams better.

Blocking kicks--have to pretty much consider this a wash. Wake has 4 blocks and navy has 3 this season.

Strength of schedule-- Edge to Wake.
A significant one , I might add. Of course the two teams already played one another. But in addition to the ACC schedule , wake forest played ole miss , at Baylor and Vanderbilt out of conference. Navy had teams like Army , Towson , SMU and northern Illinois. Navy did play some decent competition at times this year in games vs. Ballst , Rutgers , Pittsburgh , notre dame and air force but they were also significantly outplayed in all of those games.

Wake pass vs. navy pass d-- Edge Wake forest.

We know that wake forest can move the ball through the air against Navy because Skinner was 26-40 for 270 yards , gaining 6.8 yards per attempt last time they played. The question becomes can they duplicate that effort without the 4 interceptions from Skinner. Well , I have to believe they can. Skinner threw more interceptions in that game than the rest of his season combined. I already mentioned I like that from a motivational standpoint but I also don’t believe it should be a recurring problem for this game. Wake’s offense as a whole is no great thing to get hyped up over but they do average 188 yards a game through the air. I think Boldin has emerged as a pretty damn competent receiver over the last 5 games of the season and was also effective the first time around vs. the navy defense. I look for him to have success and for skinner to keep the ball in the hands of his own players. Navy does not have a stellar pass defense by any stretch either , though they have seemingly improved over the last portion of the year. Still , they give up 215.7 yards per game at 7.8 yards per opponent pass attempt. And those opponents are completing an amazing 65.5 percent of their pass against the midshipmen. Navy has managed to bail themselves out with interceptions at times , and obviously did so the last time these two teams met.

Wake rush vs. navy rush d-- Edge navy
There are several reasons that you have to give navy an edge here in my opinion. The first is that nave stifled the wake rungame all day the last time they played. 31 carries for 43 yards at 1.4 yards per carry. They did sack skinner at least 3 times for minus 20 yards and maybe more if I missed one ( just what I noticed going back through the play-by-play ) . With extra time to prepare for the wake misdirection game , I wouldn’t expect wake to suddenly blow navy off the ball and dominate in the run game .. Though I also would not expect their numbers to be anywhere near that bad again. Navy held army to 102 yards rushing and niu to just 135 yards rushing the last two games as well , in earning shutouts in back to back games. Nsvy rush defense has been pretty solid all year long giving up an average of just 126 yards per game and 3.6 yards per carry. Granted they only played three decent run teams this year in army , pitt and air force and two out of those three torched them pretty good in the run game. The third reason is that wake has been about as consistently bad at running the ball as you could imagine.111.58 yards per game at just 2.87 yards per carry. OUCH. Granted they played a lot of very tough rush defenses this year but I have little reason to think that some drastic change occurs and this team is able to pound navy routinely with success.

Navy rush vs. wake rush d-- edge navy

Now when I give the edge to navy here keep in mind that the edge is much smaller than I think it is for navy in most games. They run the option , the rush yards are coming. But they should not come easily. Wake forest has one of the better rush defenses statistically in the nation. As I may have mentioned already , I think you have to consider the fact that ACC offenses are pretty poor when looking at ACC defensive stats , so I do not think that wake is as good as their stats show . However they are stout. 116 yards per game and 3.40 yards per carry makes wake forest the best rush defense that navy played all year. In the first matchup Kettani had his best game of the season , rushing for 175 yards that included a 57 yard ball-buster. It should also be noted that Kaipo ( I am not spelling out his name , so he will be called kaipo ) WAS at qb for that game. Much will be made of his return but wake has seen him before. Wake forest on paper matches up well with the navy offense and has a three-headed monster of circumstance that helps them in my opinion. The first is that they have seen the option already this year , the second is that they have extra time to prepare for the option and the third is that they have a coach who will prepare them properly. I would expect navy to struggle a little bit more with their rushing game in this one and there is no way you could expect kettani to have those kind of numbers again. Again , navy will get some yards running the ball … it is who they are , and what they do… but I look for decreased numbers over what they did in the first meeting. still i give navy this edge in almost every game.

Navy pass vs. wake pass d-Edge wake forest
Obviously , this is not overtly meaningful other than a few points I want to make. Navy doesn’t throw much so the advantage I am speaking of here relates more to the rushing game. Wake has a stellar defensive backfield. Some may recall that I stated in the offseason that I thought the wake secondary was the best in the nation. I was wrong. But they are basically a top twenty pass defense all things considered , though they rank just 28<SUP>th</SUP> nationally in total pass yards given up. They are much better in the other statistical categories however … opponent completion percentage , yards per attempt allowed etc etc. This does not come into play as far as defending the pass game much since navy doesn’t pass but the talent back there allows them to zero in on that option attack without fear of getting burned on the outside when navy does pass the ball. Especially since navy likes to throw deep when they do throw and catch players cheating and looking into the offensive backfield. I would think that navy may add some sort of wrinkle for the bowl game as well .. Perhaps a halfback pass of some kind off of their toss sweep.

So the smilies checklist looks something like this

Location - navy :)
Athletes - wake forest :)
Motivation - wake forest :)
Coaching- wake forest :)
Strength of schedule/conference -wake forest :)
Special teams - wake forest :) :)
Wake pass vs. navy pass d - wake forest :)
Wake rush vs. navy rush d- navy :)
Navy rush vs. wake rush d -navy :)
Navy pass vs. wake pass d -wake :) :)

Note that I am trying to put certain advantages and disadvantages into context …. Of course wake forest edge over navy when navy is passing is big for the demon deacons but navy doesn’t pass enough for it to be weighted heavily in my opinion. Also note that while I give the edge to navy rush attack vs. wake rush defense , it is this particular matchup that makes me think wake covers this football game. Navy will get over 200 yards rushing so I have to give them the edge but I think the sledding will be tougher than normal. I have stated many times that I believe we make money in the long run betting football where we find the teams that will win the run game battle. Navy wins that battle on both offense and defense but because of their offensive scheme ( one dimensional ) , I really try to look at whether or not I think the opponent can stifle that offense at all ……. And in this case , I think wake forest can.
Let me give you my reasoning on why I think wake forest is a play for this game despite my normal inclinations concerning rush attacks..

1. To defeat option based teams , you generally need intelligent , disciplined players who are coached well. Wake forest applies in all regards here and have the advantages of having seen the midshipmen earlier in the season and having extra time to prepare for the option.

2. To defeat option based teams , you generally need a good run defense. Wake absolutely applies here as well. And as I mention above they have enough quality in the secondary that they can focus on stopping the run with the right numbers.

3. I love all of the intangible factors here for wake forest. Better athletes , motivation , coaching , strength of schedule , public perception ( I never got into how deceiving navy’s record is and how many games they won that they should not have but you could look back through my threads , especially the week heading into the notre dame game , and see where I point out how sneaky bad navy is .. Actually I will cut and paste that post into this thread ) , revenge , the senior class of the wake forest emergence , the hidden yards and points that the wake forest special teams should produce in this game.

4. Regression to the mean. What I mean here is that I feel a lot went right for navy against wake the first time around and most of it seems a little flukish to me. Skinner has thrown just 7 interceptions all year and 4 came against navy that day. Wake forest also fumbled twice in that game. Since that time , against defenses far superior to navy , they have not been fumbling. 0 vs. Clemson , 0 vs. Maryland , 1 vs. miami florida, 1 vs. duke , 1 vs. Virginia , 0 vs. ncst , 0 vs. boston college , and 2 vs. Vanderbilt.

Wake forest never had a game all year in which they threw for as many interceptions as they did vs. navy or had more than the two fumbles that they had vs. navy.
In addition to that , kettani went off on wake forest in that game , marking his best game as a back this year and the most yards given up by wake forest all year to a running back. They also gave up the longest run of the year in that game and in fact they gave up their third longest run of the year in that game as well. Fine , maybe that is the option attack doing its thing ……….

Navy wont hat game by 7 . I believe it was the result of a lot of events that we should not expect to occur again based on available information. There is a chance that navy forced all of those errors and abnormal results , in which case , I will lose a wager on wake forest.

I always feel it is important to mention navy penalty stats. They don't committ them. That always has to be considered. It is less relevant in this game as wake forest ranks 13th averaging just 4.6 penalties a game. Navy is ranked 2nd at 3.2 per game.

I also want to point out something else .... when capping bowl games as a general rule it is important to cap to the straight up winner. This is especially true of the smaller lined games. I think this is a very important thing to remember so i will repeat it ( like my third grade teacher used to do lmao ) ... when capping bowl games as a general rule it is important to cap to the straight up winner.
Here is the sneaky bad segment i made earlier in the year regarding navy prior to the notre dame game that i wanted to share again.

Navy is sneaky bad --I admire a team that finds ways to win and be competitive and navy has done that but lets not kid ourselves …. This team has caught every break this season imaginable. Lets look over their schedule.
*They beat towson --nice job.
*They lose at ball st by 12 … out gained and out first downed by ball st
*They lose at duke by 10 --- out gained and out first downed by duke
*They beat Rutgers by 2 points -- Rutgers had a first down edge and navy had a yardage edge. Terrible gameplan by schiano in this one but with the lead 14-6 just before halftime Rutgers was going into the end zone but fumbled the ball at the navy four yard line and navy escaped. Plus 2 in turnovers for navy. I would bet Rutgers at navy right now at anything under a td. This was also the bad Rutgers team from earlier in the year and not the Rutgers playing quality football right now.
*they beat wake forest by 7 -- they benefited from an uncharacteristic 6 turnovers by wake forest. Despite getting 6 turnovers they were still out first downed in the game. Wake is not what we thought they were when the year started either. Very lucky win in my opinion … as was the Rutgers win … it is a theme that will continue.
*navy beat air force by 6 -- they were out first downed 20-13 and out gained 411 - 244 in the game. They blocked two punts for td. Yeah.

*they lost by 21 to Pittsburgh -- the score wasn’t even that close. Out first downed 22 - 12 and out gained 499 - 251. Pitt passed at will and ran at will on the navy defense and just had the dominant athletes that navy can’t match up with.
*navy beat smu 34-7 -- it wasn’t even that close . Navy held smu to negative yards rushing while rushing for over 400 themselves. Impressive win but a lesser opponent.
*navy beat temple 33-27 in overtime -- temple outplayed navy badly for a majority of this game and recovered a fumble by temple while temple was running out the clock and returned it for a td with 37 seconds left , capping a 20 point fourth quarter for navy. With all the momentum navy won in overtime. Fluke win without question.
Sneaky bad folks.
It is 2.5 at the hilton according to vegas insider so i might drive over there and lock in wake at that number.
Pull the trigger on Wake.

I think this will be a close game either way decided by 7 pts or less. Wake won't fuck up like they did last game.

Check out this boxscore and drive chart:

<table class="tablehead" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="gamehead"><td colspan="3">Team Stat Comparison</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" align="right"><td align="left"> </td><td>
</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">1st Downs</td><td>14</td><td>16</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">3rd down efficiency
</td><td>9-16</td><td>7-15</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">4th down efficiency
</td><td>0-0</td><td>2-2</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Total Yards</td><td>343</td><td>313</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Passing</td><td>51</td><td>270</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" align="right"><td align="left">Comp-Att
</td><td>3-4</td><td>26-40</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">Yards per pass
</td><td>12.8</td><td>6.8</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Rushing</td><td>292</td><td>43</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">Rushing Attempts
</td><td>59</td><td>31</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">Yards per rush
</td><td>4.9</td><td>1.4</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Penalties</td><td>6-43</td><td>5-45</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Turnovers</td><td>2</td><td>6</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">Fumbles lost
</td><td>2</td><td>2</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" align="right"><td align="left">Interceptions thrown
</td><td>0</td><td>4</td></tr><tr class="colhead" align="right"><td class="bi" align="left">Possession</td><td>36:49</td><td>23:11</td></tr></tbody></table>

Very evenly matched except time of possession and turnovers (6!). Turnovers won't happen this game, at least not in the volume.

Drive chart:

<table class="tablehead" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td style="width: 364px;" class="gamehead" align="center">e Chart</td><td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 204px;"> </td></tr><tr valign="top"><td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> </td><td class="colhead" align="center"> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var SOB = new flashObj(); SOB.flashFile = "http://assets.espn.go.com/nfl/gamepackage/drivechart/driveChart_14.swf?sport=ncf&hTeam=WFU&aTeam=NAVY&hName=Wake+Forest&aName=Navy&gameId=282710154&gameStatus=3&period=4&baseUrl=http://"+window.location.host+""; SOB.ID = "drivechart"; SOB.width = "364"; SOB.height = "224"; SOB.wmode = "transparent"; SOB.DenyIEdl = "TRUE"; SOB.altTxt = ""; SOB.FlashVer = 6; SOB.cabVersion = "6,0,0,0"; SOB.scale = "noScale"; SOB.render(true); //]]> </script><embed src="http://assets.espn.go.com/nfl/gamepackage/drivechart/driveChart_14.swf?sport=ncf&hTeam=WFU&aTeam=NAVY&hName=Wake+Forest&aName=Navy&gameId=282710154&gameStatus=3&period=4&baseUrl=http://sports.espn.go.com" swliveconnect="FALSE" quality="best" scale="noScale" flashvars="null" wmode="transparent" id="drivechart" name="flash2" menu="false" devicefont="false" salign="lt" allowscriptaccess="Always" allownetworking="All" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" width="364" height="224"> </td><td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> </td></tr></tbody></table><table class="tablehead" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="stathead" style="background: rgb(15, 16, 33) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"><td colspan="7">Navy Drive Summaries</td></tr><tr class="colhead"><td>START</td><td>QTR</td><td>POSS.</td><td>YARD</td><td>PLAYS</td><td>YARDS</td><td>RESULT</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>14:07</td><td>1</td><td>04:10</td><td>NAVY 49</td><td>8</td><td>51</td><td>Rushing Touchdown</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>08:02</td><td>1</td><td>07:42</td><td>NAVY 26</td><td>13</td><td>74</td><td>Rushing Touchdown</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>10:33</td><td>2</td><td>04:18</td><td>NAVY 24</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>05:49</td><td>2</td><td>01:14</td><td>WFU 27</td><td>4</td><td>9</td><td>Field Goal Good</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>03:41</td><td>2</td><td>02:01</td><td>NAVY 29</td><td>4</td><td>29</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>00:50</td><td>2</td><td>00:41</td><td>NAVY 42</td><td>1</td><td>5</td><td>End of Half</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>12:45</td><td>3</td><td>02:01</td><td>NAVY 20</td><td>3</td><td>-10</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>08:16</td><td>3</td><td>02:08</td><td>NAVY 15</td><td>3</td><td>3</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>04:03</td><td>3</td><td>03:43</td><td>NAVY 3</td><td>6</td><td>14</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>13:25</td><td>4</td><td>02:09</td><td>NAVY 3</td><td>3</td><td>1</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>09:42</td><td>4</td><td>03:07</td><td>NAVY 1</td><td>7</td><td>54</td><td>Fumble</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>05:27</td><td>4</td><td>01:26</td><td>NAVY 37</td><td>3</td><td>63</td><td>Rushing Touchdown</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>01:18</td><td>4</td><td>01:14</td><td>WFU 43</td><td>3</td><td>11</td><td>End of Game</td></tr></tbody></table>
<table class="tablehead" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr class="stathead" style="background: rgb(0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"><td colspan="7">Wake Forest Drive Summaries</td></tr><tr class="colhead"><td>START</td><td>QTR</td><td>POSS.</td><td>YARD</td><td>PLAYS</td><td>YARDS</td><td>RESULT</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>15:00</td><td>1</td><td>00:56</td><td>WFU 33</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>Interception</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>09:57</td><td>1</td><td>01:55</td><td>WFU 20</td><td>6</td><td>17</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>14:54</td><td>2</td><td>04:33</td><td>WFU 29</td><td>10</td><td>47</td><td>Fumble</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>06:25</td><td>2</td><td>00:36</td><td>WFU 39</td><td>2</td><td>-10</td><td>Interception</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>04:13</td><td>2</td><td>00:46</td><td>NAVY 45</td><td>2</td><td>16</td><td>Fumble</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>01:40</td><td>2</td><td>00:51</td><td>WFU 15</td><td>5</td><td>24</td><td>Interception</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>15:00</td><td>3</td><td>02:15</td><td>WFU 17</td><td>6</td><td>16</td><td>Rushing Touchdown</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>10:44</td><td>3</td><td>02:03</td><td>NAVY 41</td><td>7</td><td>35</td><td>Field Goal Good</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>06:30</td><td>3</td><td>02:09</td><td>WFU 38</td><td>6</td><td>24</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>01:34</td><td>3</td><td>02:25</td><td>WFU 34</td><td>5</td><td>23</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>11:11</td><td>4</td><td>01:04</td><td>NAVY 37</td><td>3</td><td>1</td><td>Punt</td></tr><tr class="evenrow" valign="top"><td>06:35</td><td>4</td><td>00:48</td><td>WFU 45</td><td>3</td><td>15</td><td>Interception</td></tr><tr style="font-weight: bold;" class="oddrow" valign="top"><td>03:45</td><td>4</td><td>02:33</td><td>WFU 29</td><td>13</td><td>71</td><td>Passing Touchdown</td></tr></tbody></table>

Wake's turnovers resulted in 10 Navy points and also killed at least one scoring drive if not 2 when Wake turned it over in Navy Territory.

Revenge game for Wake, practically a home game for Navy (bowl game was built for them).

I like Wake with the short line to get revenge.
It is 2.5 at the hilton according to vegas insider so i might drive over there and lock in wake at that number.

You can buy the 2' for -110 on Greek right now.

I decided to go +100 at -3 and will live with the push if it happens.

Another top notch analysis on the Wake game. I'm still playing the waiting game in maybe (false) hope if seeing 2.5 pop up. I believe it did at BM maybe 2 days ago and I was zoned out and missed it.

One thing that I will say about triple option teams and defending them..

If you are off a short week or may be in a let down/look ahead situation, the triple option just gets that much more potent. The fact that Wake has already seen this offense once this season, although I believe that was w/out Dobbs at Qb, that they will have a huge advantage. I don't think one can stress enough how large the advantage of WF's athlete's compared to navy's are, especially on the defensive side of the ball for WF. Don't get me wrong I have made lots of money of service academy teams and GT who run the 3op.. I just think this is a situation where Navy's "element of surprise" where I feel they have caught so many teams with this year and in year's past will be non existent. Any un-orthodox style of offense is greatly diminished when A) You have already played the team that year.. and B) You have a terrific head football coach that has had weeks to prepare for this offense. I'm not usually a big "revenge" angle kind of guy as far as past years go due to players and personnel shifting.. But, this was earlier this year that WF found a way to self destruct, and to be quite honest, get embarrassed by a football that doesn't have any business beating them. I truly believe that Swank's injury was the difference in WF not playing in the ACC title game and possibly playing Cincy this year. I had a WF ticket to win ACC at +700 and I honestly had a shot at it until the back breaking loss to BC where they were exposed by the pass at the end of the game and lost. I think the revenge angle, added prep time and a defense that is much better than their numbers indicate are more than enough to get Wake a win here and it could be by DD if they win the TO battle. Great write up as usual and GL...
I don't have access to the greek. Really lazy and trying to get a business partner to run down and make the bet since i think he wants to bet an nfl game down there today anyway ( reduced juice on thursdays at the hilton ). If he doesn't , I probably will.