XFL part deux

Xfl won’t get guys like Manziel because I don’t think he will play for like 80k or 125 max.

They won’t get tebow or guys like Andre ware troy smith Vince young because these guys all make more doing broadcasting and tv gigs.

So they may only get nfl 4 Th string calibre qbs.

Guys like Blake Simms Jordan Jefferson. Guys of this calibre. So I don’t see the quality being very high.
McMahon was a one hit wonder.
He knew about wrestling from his father.

He knew about pro wrestling and was successful running that empire .

He failed at his bodybuilding league and his Xfl.

There is always room for more football but the league has to represent itself as a credible smart forward thinking league.

I think the Xfl came across as cheesy kind of like an American gladiator spin off with the whole sprint 10 yard to see who starts with the ball.

A successful league should try to mimic the college leagues. Try to have same rules and keep the action flowing.
No stupid red black footballs and weird stuff.

Stick to college football rules style would be the best bet
xfl has brand recognition, whether it failed or not, better than having to build up a new brand
I'm curious about this as it would defy the last 25 years of my life as to brand and knowledge between college and corporate experience

What is the magic potion that says rebrand a failed brand? I mean It's been preached that Failure, Bankruptcy, Lawsuits...rebrand under a new name TODAY not tomorrow. So now since you seem to want this call out, tell me why I've wasted a quarter of a century learning something. You should start a school Teeed. It would be brilliant! Brand recognition!!!! I'll enroll.

Lmfao I at least can't wait to hear this as it's mah wheelhouse brah....pony up. Seems like you want to argue for arguments' sakes. Can't wait for this one...Play ball with why the FAILED XFL is a genius rebranding. I'll play ball.
And have fun working in my industry, that shit goes away yesterday

XFL was a joke, starts as a joke and tries to work its way up? Have fun with that

He Hate Me jerseys for $5 can I get $6?
When you are at work, the owner can tell you to do what he wants to tell you to do and if you dont like it then you can quit, Dan.

And if he doesn't stop you feom being a douche in the eyes of more than half his cuatomers then he shouldnt act surprised when his bottom line goes to shit

cool, so lets see an owner say "ok starting player who the team needs, we are releasing you"

lets see how fans react to that. owners are the money but the players are the talent, they have much more power than you realize.

if my work was pissed at me, they could fire me and get someone in, train them and they will prob be close to my level in terms of productivity. but in the nfl, you might be able to do that with a 4th string linebacker, but you can't cut a guy whos actually good and helping the team. or you can and lets see the backlash you face. If Kaepernick was aaron Rodgers, hed have a job still. hell even if he was merely joe flacco hed prob still have ajob. he just wasn't quite good enough for owners to look past it
Right, because Joe plumber will call in sick or not seal a joint when a s player rides the pine or is let go.
but aside from all of that, this league is going to crumble. im very excited to watch the wreck

It’s a decent idea but the wrong man to execute it.

McMahon is not the guy to start a new league. The Xfl was a flop.

McMahon brings the cheesy WWE themes to football. He only knows wrestling and his wrestling thinking comes into his football product.

To start a new league I believe it should be Ncaa related. Like a continuation of the college leagues.
People would watch a league college related.

McMahon will screw this one up. His ego makes him try to compete with the nil.
cool, so lets see an owner say "ok starting player who the team needs, we are releasing you"

lets see how fans react to that. owners are the money but the players are the talent, they have much more power than you realize.

if my work was pissed at me, they could fire me and get someone in, train them and they will prob be close to my level in terms of productivity. but in the nfl, you might be able to do that with a 4th string linebacker, but you can't cut a guy whos actually good and helping the team. or you can and lets see the backlash you face. If Kaepernick was aaron Rodgers, hed have a job still. hell even if he was merely joe flacco hed prob still have ajob. he just wasn't quite good enough for owners to look past it

You are thinking the way the NFL owner is thinking. No doubt about that. I think they originally thought it was just gonna be one douche and eventually go away, particularly since it was a player who probably shouldn't be in the league given his skills. Then more people started doing it and I think they thought "Oh crap. It's spreading ..... but if I am the guy who puts a stop to it, then I become the racist owner and no one will want to play hard for me. I will let the league take care of it". Then some owners tried to find other solutions after the league failed at doing anything. Walk with the players and take a knee before they play the anthem but have everyone stand for the anthem. Then it became extortion of a sort with union negotiations for charity causes. And by letting it get out of control they created a frankenstein. They just made bad decision after bad decision.

Meanwhile, had they taken the early stance that was the obvious choice (even in San Francisco where a high percentage of the population hates America and where the 9th circuit despises our Constitution), the problem is solved immediately.

Moreover, can you imagine if the peer pressure wasn't enough to get team solidarity on the taking of the knee. I mean, imagine if this kind of politicizing led to a break in team chemistry because of different political views.

My company has let good people go because they refused to follow the rules. You have to make decisions like that. If you don't, you suffer financially more than you will if you let a great QB like Rodgers stay and become a cancer to your bottom line. Chalk it up as a mental injury and move on.

And the players don't have more power than I think they do. They have a ton of power, but I realize it. They have way more power than they should, get paid way more than they should, don't work as hard as they should and despite being in the top 5% in wage earners, continue to be criminals at an alarming pace. Fuck the players. Fuck the owners too. Fuck the League. Fuck the NFL.
Vk- I have no thoughts regarding protests in the nfl but thought I would add a comment.

I understand people have polarizing feelings regarding this issue about protesting anthem flag military etc.

It’s ok to have a perception about the ideals of the country and to associate the anthem with certain ideals.
It’s a product of how a person grows up and their experiences which shape these beliefs.

As strong as you believe about an issue there is someone on the opposite side of the spectrum who had different experiences growing up and thus believes certain things.

7 billion people. We cannot possibly get all people to think the same, share the same ideals, have the same pride for a country. It’s just not possible.

I feel for any person it’s just best to focus on what you believe in. If you believe in the flag military etc then continue to believe in those things.

However when you pass judgement on others and look at what they are doing then it causes a big rift a division of society.

My take is that if people are PEACEFULLY protesting without causing trouble and spreading hate then those opposed shoukd respect their right to protest and more importantly respect the fact that not everybody has the same beliefs.

Let people do what they want. You will never obtain peace of mind when you are concerned about what other ppl are thinking behaving or believing!

Let people be. 7 billion ppl. Going to be hundreds of millions of different view points and perspectives.
When focus is on others peace of mind is destroyed.

All we can do is focus on what we believe and carry ourselves in a responsible fashion.

If we attempt to get everyone to believe or act a certain way it restricts a persons ability for freedom of thought expression etc.

Enjoy football VK. WHO CARES what people think and believe.
Sammy these annoying unwatchable sports debate shows are exactly a product of people worrying about what others think. It's ruined ESPN and basically makes FS1 unwatchable other than live sporting events.
Yes bro it’s the result of twitter social media.

Society is better when people are quiet. Less opinions.

With Twitter it was inevitable that one day society would become a battle of thoughts opinions perceptions etc.
i will say one last thing about the protest/anthem issue and then stop bc like Sammy said, sometimes were just not all gonna agree. and that is fine.

but what I will say is that if trump and other right wingers didn't make it such a huge deal, it never would have been a big story in the first place. it would hve gone away. even now, so few players even still do it. only right wingers whining about it keeps it in the news.
He should partner up with LaVar and call it BBFL. Mello could play FS, the Lakers seem to be doing better without him.