XFL part deux

I dont get how the national anthem is political

dude I COMPLETELY agree with this. it only becomes political when players kneel in protest of things like unarmed black people getting shot and such, and right wingers demanding they stand and insisting that kneeling is disrespecting the military. I'd love it if people could look at the situation just as that "a group of players showing their displeasure with social issues." and not bring politics or the military into it at all.
someone should start a football league where there is

- no national anthem
- no police officers at game
- coaches wore pussy hats
- no cheerleaders
You have a right as a human to protest at work and the employer has a right to fire you for it.

I can't go take a knee or scribble messages on my wardrobe when I am conducting business. I get fired that day.

It isn't a rights issue.

Remember Houston taking a knee cause of what the owner said? Hahaha ...ya that ain't happening where any of us work either. The league and the owners failed to nip it in the bud and it is costing them millions.

Lifelong fan. Missing my first superbowl since the mid-seventies. Huge football fan. Huge Raider fan. Greatest sport allegiance of my life is raiders and it ain't close. And they managed to piss me off so bad i basically blew off their season. And I ain't alone. Several others I know are done too.

I hope I have it in me to forget. I want to watch some of these players as they progress, like Lamar Jackson.

Fuck the NFL
When you are at work, the owner can tell you to do what he wants to tell you to do and if you dont like it then you can quit, Dan.

And if he doesn't stop you feom being a douche in the eyes of more than half his cuatomers then he shouldnt act surprised when his bottom line goes to shit
So you like the monopoly of politics integrating with sports. That's just a lot different than you're usual take. And don't tell me another league can challenge the machine.

The politicized it for money plain and simple. It's entertainment.
Again, why did the players stay in the locker room until the anthem was over not long ago? We all know, and it's cheapened the message to many as well. Fire someone for protesting (now that's another matter, protesting is a waste of time imo) but idiot owners got into this a long time ago...For greed.
Owners and front office slowly grew this into a polarizing issue, that's on them. Greed pure and simple, gotta pay the piper apparently at some point.
Just do a 4 game fine for kneeling. Watch their principles shrivel up. Then talk to me about greed.

I would fuck the union in the next bargaining.

If you hate monopolies then support the xfl
Um no, arrogance has ruined it before it started. Must stand. No criminal record. POLITICIZING it already.

What a dipshit, it was his f'n sales pitch
It was easy to stop ..few game checks. It ends in a week. They have to pay the piper but it won't be with my money
Have fun getting any player with a conscience on your team going forward
Like I said, can't wait to see what those background checks look like. Hope he posts them up and we can watch pop warner
I would watch pop warner over the entitled, morons playing in the nfl, coaching in the nfl and owning teams in the nfl ....
No and that was a complete swing and miss to that point

Teams will segregate to play with the great players, not some owner's pedestal

Let's explore the conscience angle a bit-
Who, in the NFL, do you think "protests" with a conscience?

It was "trendy"- costly, but trendy-

That's it...
Let's explore the conscience angle a bit-
Who, in the NFL, do you think "protests" with a conscience?

It was "trendy"- costly, but trendy-

That's it...
Do you understand at least I didn't remotely say "protests with a conscience"? Seriously...you've seemed smarter than that. That's not what I said. Twice now.
Actually just another thread that needs to go to politics. I'm outta here. Can discuss this on any website on WWW in the comments section.

Not falling for it. Have fun
You have a right as a human to protest at work and the employer has a right to fire you for it.

I can't go take a knee or scribble messages on my wardrobe when I am conducting business. I get fired that day.

It isn't a rights issue.

Remember Houston taking a knee cause of what the owner said? Hahaha ...ya that ain't happening where any of us work either. The league and the owners failed to nip it in the bud and it is costing them millions.

Lifelong fan. Missing my first superbowl since the mid-seventies. Huge football fan. Huge Raider fan. Greatest sport allegiance of my life is raiders and it ain't close. And they managed to piss me off so bad i basically blew off their season. And I ain't alone. Several others I know are done too.

I hope I have it in me to forget. I want to watch some of these players as they progress, like Lamar Jackson.

Fuck the NFL

You might be able to see Lamar in the XFL anyway unless he decides to move to WR in the NFL.
It's not like this was posted 2 yrs ago-
12 minutes, and backtracking/denying...


Where did protesting come in? I don't care if it's about leaving to see a dying parent or your first born...no one wants to play for an owner that acts like that. This is entertainment, not some corporate HQ. At least VK kept it to football. And this isn't the first time you've gone down this path, so politely gonna ignore you, it's best we not meet up in a thread about football in which you added roughly one sentence. And shake all you want, I don't like to answer an comment more than once, now it's three times for you.

Figure it out.
Where did protesting come in? I don't care if it's about leaving to see a dying parent or your first born...no one wants to play for an owner that acts like that. This is entertainment, not some corporate HQ. At least VK kept it to football. And this isn't the first time you've gone down this path, so politely gonna ignore you, it's best we not meet up in a thread about football in which you added roughly one sentence. And shake all you want, I don't like to answer an comment more than once, now it's three times for you.

Figure it out.
You never commented about players protesting?
Taking a knee?
Never commented on how owners reacted?

I suppose a fair question is- what do you consider "protesting"?

Apparently not "taking a knee" or staying in locker room for National Anthem-
Start your own XFL thread for political debate. You want political debate, I ignored you and reluctantly retracted it, should have left you there. Who the fuck cares about what I think about protesting? You want nothing out of this. Thanks for contributing.

I tend to think football operations and politics regarding whatever the fuck it is you're talking about can be separated. And oh yeah, all teams stayed in the locker room for the anthem until recent history changed that, for business purposes. They weren't protesting, it was what they all did.
Shitty owners will have shitty teams in any league, welcome one Bob McNair. I'm sure he warmed over many a free agent with his actions and comments. Don't care if you agree or disagree, that will have effects. Lucky he has Deshaun
So let me get this straight with the guys that stopped watching the nfl because of the kneeling. You were all good watching the league when these players were raping (that includes Ben), beating the shit out of their wives or gfs, getting duis and doing god knows what with little consequence? Now you draw the moral line? Holy smokes man. I’d get fired at my job for protesting my boss, I’d also get fired at my job for a lot of other shit that seem to be ok in this league.

I can’t really ever make an argument no matter what happens in my mind that I will stop watching the game if *this happens*. Because if I really gave a shit what the players did I would have stopped watching football a long time ago. I watch it for the entertainment, I watch it for gambling, and I watch it for my team.
the players only started coming out like 9 years ago for anthem didnt they?

so its not anywhere near a tradition in football

Yep, when the department of defense started paying the nfl. Players sat in the locker room for 50 years before that. No one gave a shit. Propaganda works
So let me get this straight with the guys that stopped watching the nfl because of the kneeling. You were all good watching the league when these players were raping (that includes Ben), beating the shit out of their wives or gfs, getting duis and doing god knows what with little consequence? Now you draw the moral line? Holy smokes man. I’d get fired at my job for protesting my boss, I’d also get fired at my job for a lot of other shit that seem to be ok in this league.

I can’t really ever make an argument no matter what happens in my mind that I will stop watching the game if *this happens*. Because if I really gave a shit what the players did I would have stopped watching football a long time ago. I watch it for the entertainment, I watch it for gambling, and I watch it for my team.

I don't think you can have a league where I cannot find individual fault with a player. And it takes an accumulation probably too. The difference here is it was league wide.

I am not supporting a group of people I actively despise and who represent so much about what is wrong in our Country. The idea that these entitled, pussies and criminals think they are above the American ideal is enough to make me sick.

So I can do my best and call out the BigBen rapists (and have on this site) or the R Lewis murderers (I have on this site). But I cannot hold the whole league responsible. Here I can.

And let's not forget the product sucks.

Fuck them all. Fuck the NFL.
So let me get this straight with the guys that stopped watching the nfl because of the kneeling. You were all good watching the league when these players were raping (that includes Ben), beating the shit out of their wives or gfs, getting duis and doing god knows what with little consequence? Now you draw the moral line? Holy smokes man. I’d get fired at my job for protesting my boss, I’d also get fired at my job for a lot of other shit that seem to be ok in this league.

I can’t really ever make an argument no matter what happens in my mind that I will stop watching the game if *this happens*. Because if I really gave a shit what the players did I would have stopped watching football a long time ago. I watch it for the entertainment, I watch it for gambling, and I watch it for my team.

Like those other things didn't fill the bottle in the first place?
Individual crime is handled by law enforcement , individually.
I'm sure VK's love for Kobe extends to Kobe and not the entire NBA.
When you decide to show your inner snowflake as a group for something we all should take pride in, then the whole will find ridicule. Perhaps if the "protest" wasn't so misguided in the first place, especially since it's racist.
And if you want to jump on the "they didn't come out for the anthem xx years ago" , it did start at some point . Or do you want to play "who cares if team A has beaten team B 47 times in a row" scenario.
I don’t really care about the protest whether it happens or not. Doesn’t effect me in anyway

I don’t care about the players and what they do it’s that simple.
So let me get this straight with the guys that stopped watching the nfl because of the kneeling. You were all good watching the league when these players were raping (that includes Ben), beating the shit out of their wives or gfs, getting duis and doing god knows what with little consequence? Now you draw the moral line? Holy smokes man. I’d get fired at my job for protesting my boss, I’d also get fired at my job for a lot of other shit that seem to be ok in this league.

I can’t really ever make an argument no matter what happens in my mind that I will stop watching the game if *this happens*. Because if I really gave a shit what the players did I would have stopped watching football a long time ago. I watch it for the entertainment, I watch it for gambling, and I watch it for my team.

Lol nobody condones those crimes. But the difference is, the players were punished for those crimes. Suspended, fined, legal stuff, whatever. Players are being encouraged by the hypocrite Goodell who claims to support the military to kneel.
This dead horse has gotten beaten. Again. It's like me saying the flag has nothing to do with the military whatsoever. I don't really agree with that, but who am I to say you should believe that it does? The statement above equates the two. Politics 101.
Can we get back to this shitty human being (my opinion) making a tragic mistake with this ridiculous new league?

I'm more interested in the lack of criminals he's going to hire
I guess it's tragic in that I believe he's throwing away $100 million he's earned over time
Also as Sammy mentioned earlier, why would he call it XFL? A brand that already failed, that just seems bizarre to use that brand name again, like New Coke or Zima