XFL part deux

Well- based on the NFL's declining popularity, now seems as good as any to make a run for it-
Probably the same likelihood of success-which is low-
Vince should try to make the XFL More like college football.

Employ some dynamic entertaining athletic qbs and make the game a lot like college football. Keep same rules as college ball.

Have nice uniforms etc
so much for johnny football making a squad

vince is shooting for a higher moral athlete...lol

Johnny football likely will play in the cfl if anywhere.

But I think he’s finished. He wants to be the highest paid player and he’s a back up To Jeremiah Masoli. So he won’t get more than 150-175 max in cfl. Canadian dollars
Is that a direct quote? I thought he said they were not going to be political but they were going to honor the tradition of standing for the national anthem before the games.
Not a direct quote.

And football players standing for the anthem is not a tradition. But they chose the opening press conference to hammer their agenda home.

I'm not interested in rehashing this debate. The opening press conference made it perfectly clear who their target audience is.

Perhaps I was too harsh. I hope everyone looking forward to this league enjoys it.
I didn't see the press conference to really comment on the tone. But if standing for the national anthem is political then everything is.
I really think this Xfl is a brilliant idea this time around for many reasons that I will elaborate on.

1- The Dreaded gap (7 months) from February to September is very depressing. NOW YOU CAN GAMBLE ALL YEAR AROUND, if you play CFL. That gets my attention because I’m a football bettor.

2- The original Xfl didn’t have the Internet around. So no internet no twitter etc. Now with internet it’s easier to market to your fans advertisers.

3- The Nfl obviously is the Best league around but it has it flaws which the Xfl will capitalize on.
1- Games are too long
2- Too many commercials
3- No game flow.
4- tickets are way too expensive
5- league scandals
6- too many player arrests violence beatings etc.

4- Xfl isn’t competing with the nfl. Their seasons run opposite times. The Xfl will attract all the gamblers basically and footballl enthusiasts.
Who knows with the whole millennial screw the elites and the “ SHE HATE SHE” movement younger Millenials might like the Xfl quite a bit.

As my man Capaholic said bring it on we are hungry for more winners.!!
There are lots of good quarterbacks sitting around.

Guys like tebow Manziel Dennis Dixon Greg McElroy
Danny Kannel would be perfect fits for teams.

I think this league might have a chance to be successful.

Vince can learn from his mistakes.

It seems like he took a direct shot against Goodell by saying we want to listen to our fans and we want their input.
Nfl doesen’t listen to the fans and is becoming too expensive for the average working class man.
Lmao @ kneelers „I can make a difference (as glorious CNN sees fit) by doing something that requires zero effort and killing ratings.“
if they are smart just lean in to college, have a team in Florida where only guys who went to Florida school, same with texas, cali etc.

that way people have a buy in to the teams

Adding to this

Fuck waiting 3 years, let high school graduates play

Give kids the option who don't want to go to college a league to play in and get paid

Imagine they get a bunch of 4 or 5 star recruits
I like your first idea about keeping the teams regional with forced locals. I think there could be legal issues with that though, maybe? Not sure.
Yep, you have to have a certain number of non import players

MLS does it too

Plenty of the big European soccer leagues as well have limits on foreign players to help with growing the game domestically
Good ol Vince, overseer of the most juiced up ppl on the planet who himself looks like obvious juicer taking the moral high ground. Lmfao. guess he realizes his target audience isn't that bright to begin with.
Good luck finding enough players without a criminal record

All the really good players who can’t make the nfl are gang members or have criminal records.

No criminal records and football doesent mix.

You need some criminals to make your league look legit. Look at the nfl. Plenty of criminals in there.

The Dui comments is a joke. Having a dui should not disqualify yiu from playing football.

What’s left a bunch of saints playing football?
Good ol Vince, overseer of the most juiced up ppl on the planet who himself looks like obvious juicer taking the moral high ground. Lmfao. guess he realizes his target audience isn't that bright to begin with.

He is trying to exploit the people that have alienated the nfl.
Only issue is the nfl has the best players in the world
The best owners in the world
The best stadiums
Their own nfl network
Deal with the military
Tv contracts nbc fox
All college stars as a farm system
Nfl fantasy football. Gambling. Breast awareness

Nfl hall of fame.

Vince good luck trying to exploit the nfl when they have things that yuu cant compete with.

I think Vince is becoming senile in his old age. His Wwe product is complete garbage right now. Wwe will be finished fairly soon. It’s time is up.
Once Cena Lesnar retires they are finished.

Maybe Vince knows Wwe is done and the family decided to venture into football ??

I think though if you are gonna start a new football league it can’t be low budget. 100 million is nothing to start a league. 1 billion should be the start up capital and salaries would have to rival the nfl.

Perfsod mcmahons biggest mistake was to use the Xfl name.
Xfl was a flop a failure a bankrupt venture. Why use the same name that flopped!

MFL-? McMahon football league.
There are lots of good quarterbacks sitting around.

Guys like tebow Manziel Dennis Dixon Greg McElroy
Danny Kannel would be perfect fits for teams.

I think this league might have a chance to be successful.

Vince can learn from his mistakes.

It seems like he took a direct shot against Goodell by saying we want to listen to our fans and we want their input.
Nfl doesen’t listen to the fans and is becoming too expensive for the average working class man.

danny kanell is 44 years old fyi
Doesn't CFL do something like that with the number of players that have to be Canadian?

Yes and its a wonderful thing for gambling. Any injury to a national requires roster juggling all over the field for a team to manage its ratio. Its easily the biggest handicapping factor in the CFL.
Nah. Pay them $50k a spot. Field shitty players and run a small roster. As long as they get the game right it would work.

If they try to compete with the NFL, it won't
Yes and its a wonderful thing for gambling. Any injury to a national requires roster juggling all over the field for a team to manage its ratio. Its easily the biggest handicapping factor in the CFL.
It is a good idea. People can follow the local kids through hs college and then a regional team
Cfl product is greater than the nfl product right now and there is a pretty big disparity in overall talent. It isn't all about the players.
Its hilarious that McMahon was so butthurt about the anthem protests that it drove him to waste 100 million on this. its gonna be an absolute piece of shit, and eventually even the right wingers who are going to want so badly for this to be a better league than the NFL will be driven away by the quality of football.
Most people on this board prefer cfb to nfl and without question there is a talent gap between the two. So it isn't about the talent of the players as much as it is the game. Not saying Vince won't screw it up and make the nfl type product even worse than it is now but people will tune in for men playing football even if they aren't the best. I won't tune in for the hairy vaginas playing in the nfl. Though that has more to do with my hatred for what the league did to the game and what the owners failed to do with regard to inmates running the jail or animals running the zoo or too many chefs in the kitchen, than it does with the players mostly being either bad people or stupid (or both). Fuck the NFL.
what the fuck is everyone so butthurt about the nfl about? I see that in almost every thread now. Yeah I see a few things that aren't great night now but overall its still hands down the most entertaining sport we have. And if you really think that because they make good money they should just shut up and do as they are told by the rich white men, then that is a political discussion we don't need to have. I just don't get the NFL hate. If you enjoy the CFL more, that's your right and your opinion, by all means watch it and enjoy it. I have no issues with the NFL though (aside from the fact that somebody is going to die on the field one of these year and they don't give a shit about player safety)
fair issues with the nfl that can be worked on:

-goodell is a clown and the way he has handled discipline is a sham

-concussions/cte is a real issue.

-referees are terrible

-they treat guys who smoke weed like criminals and then let actual dangerous violent people play

- too many commercial breaks

-fixing the catch issue once and for all
NFL taught businesses a valuable lesson, if you cater to SJWs, your business will be effected

They are so massive that the can handle it , but I think the bigger issue is safety, what Mom is going allow their son to play this sport?
what exactly did the NFL do other than basically say "um, we cant force people to stand. while we prefer they do, they have rights as humans?"

If any organization has really fucked themselves by catering to SJWs, it is ESPN.

And completely agree about the player pool. I have no idea what can be done, but player safety is a huge issue.
Wasn't much more than a decade ago teams didn't even come out for the anthem I think. NFL caters to one thing...money and the militarization of every Sunday is loot
I always kinda laugh at the discipline issue . If I’m in the Union this is like #100 on an issue I’d care about . Don’t get in trouble and you will be fine

I think most of us on this board could adhere to that if we were making millions
that would be a perfect solution KJ. Lets just not make the NFL about the military. Those things literally have nothing to do with each other. In fact, the national anthem as a whole is about pride in your country, not a military circle jerk. Sports are entertainment, like TV and Movies. They don't play the national anthem and blow the military before tv programs and films, why sports? lets just separate them completely.

I like how Mcmahon basically says "we want to separate sports and politics, and by doing that we will be forcing anyone who wants to play to adhere to our politics."

Just don't do the anthem.
what exactly did the NFL do other than basically say "um, we cant force people to stand. while we prefer they do, they have rights as humans?"

If any organization has really fucked themselves by catering to SJWs, it is ESPN.

And completely agree about the player pool. I have no idea what can be done, but player safety is a huge issue.

NBA seems to be doing fine making players stand , and those players seem to be way more outspoken on social issues
Again, have fun fielding teams with no criminal records. Mayfield and Manziel are already out, can't imagine those background checks to qualify.
I always kinda laugh at the discipline issue . If I’m in the Union this is like #100 on an issue I’d care about . Don’t get in trouble and you will be fine

I think most of us on this board could adhere to that if we were making millions

overall I agree but I think the problem is that Roger has no rhyme or reason. Everything from Bradys suspension to Zekes and the Rice scenario...I have no problem with it being "if you get in trouble you pay" but he seems to just play each situation by ear and that isn't right
NBA seems to be doing fine making players stand , and those players seem to be way more outspoken on social issues

the nba also doesn't treat every game like its a military jerkoff session.

also, the standing rule was in place for the nba. it is not in place for the nfl, so for them to implement one now in response is a bad look.

Again, issues that would be solved if they just didn't do the anthem before games. There is no reason for it other than tradition.
the nba also doesn't treat every game like its a military jerkoff session.

also, the standing rule was in place for the nba. it is not in place for the nfl, so for them to implement one now in response is a bad look.

Again, issues that would be solved if they just didn't do the anthem before games. There is no reason for it other than tradition.

The standing for anthem and becoming more patriotic was a business decision Taglibue made. It was a good business decision
The standing for anthem and becoming more patriotic was a business decision Taglibue made. It was a good business decision

the thing is, patriotism is a funny thing because not everybody is always happy with what is going on in the country. if you are going to make it a patriotic scene and bring that aspect into it, you have to deal with people who peacefully show they don't agree with it.

not trying to make this thread the 10484th discussion about the anthem, but im just saying, if you want to take politics out of football, take politics out of football. saying "you have to do what we tell you to do" isn't taking politics out of football... Its like saying "ok lets stop having this fight, well just say I win and the fight well be over"