Will you people please stop me from betting the NBA

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Good grief, this happens every year after the tourney ends. Playoff hockey starts, so I'm betting and the NBA is finishing up and I think, 'oh, what could it hurt.' And I tail some plays, and I throw some plays out there and what happens?

Well, I think you know.

Which isn't to blame any of the smart people who I've tailed over the last week who are much smarter than me who've taken bad beats. But good lord, if it weren't for some really nice plus-money hockey dogs these games where the NBA side I have loses by 20 points just for the hell of it would have me putting my fist through a wall like I was Razor.

(For the record, no, I didn't jump on Houston tonight, I'm just venting.)

Point is, if you guys could save me from myself just a bit, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
its crack Joe

u know you shouldn't...it brings nothing but misery...but it feels so good in the beginning

it's the afterwards that sucks....lol:seeya:

Nubya playoffs next week:shake:
i'll say this 1 time -
good luck man !
generally, screw reg. season NBA inside the last week.

Exactly BetCrimes. Nothing good comes from the last week. Who knows who shows up or who tanks it. Funny lines and a lot of losses are common. Cant wait for playoff basketball though
Thats not saying there won't be spots come up that demand a bet (I'm still smiling over Nawlins +450 against a completely deflated Clips team late last reg season, memory serving me correctly over details) but at this point until the playoffs, I'm NHL and turning ever more towards baseball.
Yeah, I've actually been pretty good generally. I know I'm a n00b--as the kids would say--at the NBA. So I only come out when BAR tells me it's safe or whatever. And I also know that the last week can really throw you complete curve balls.

I'm just bitter that other than my Denver play which was kind of a shot in the dark, I come home and say things like "seriously, they lost by 32? What the f**k?"

What I also like is that I mocked the Lakers just the other night for consistently f**king up bets and they come out today and win by 20.

Ah, the NBA.
That Lakers result I think hints at the fact the Spurs aint repeating shit this season, Joe.

That and the fact that Ginobli was out, but I agree with you, we're going to have a new champion. And, for the record, I'm not interested in that team being the Los Angeles Lakers.

I could live with the Celtics. Though that's only because I like KG a lot, always have.
joe, todays results notwithstanding, you nailed the lakers with that comment the other night. after all, they were up 30 and managed to blow the cover.
celtics have a great shot if they heat up. I feel like they have slipped under the radar a bit as of late. I think they come out swinging and absolutely demolish whoever they play in the first round by BIG margins

oh, and yeah, the last fews days have been bad. guess I learned my lesson, don't bet the last week or 2 for the most part
Just bet 2nd half unders...been on fire lately...the run might be over now, but might try it one more night everything else seems to be a crapshoot
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Joe Public
This is a total vent, well, mostly a vent, so feel free to stop reading right now if you're desperately in love with the league right now and love everything it's about.

For the last couple of years, I haven't even watched the NBA. Last year I was out of the country and only found out the Heat won via the Internet after it had been over for days.

The years before that I was busy doing who knows what. But I hadn't watched the NBA, hadn't cared, and shockingly didn't miss it much because I was pretty sure I wasn't missing much.

But deep down I love basketball, I grew up playing it and following it and I really do love the game.

So this year when I had a good run in the NCAA tourney which I followed for the first time in many years, I decided to bet the NBA playoffs a little.

I was up, I was down, I was back up, and now I'm back down and I'm done with it.

Here's why and here's what I learned.

The Eastern Conference does not have one good basketball team in it. Period.

It has one great player, LeBron, and a couple of very good players, Howard in Orlando, Agent 0, Kidd, Bosh, a couple others, but it doesn't have one good team. I don't mean 'great' team, I mean good. Period. Not one.

Detroit's the closest, but after watching them closely, Detroit reminds me of the last fading dynasty that used to drain bank accounts left and right, the Lakers at the end of their run.

They're not coached as well any more, their intensity isn't what it used to be. They had a great run, but they're done.

But beyond that, the basketball, overall right now in the league, is the worst I've ever seen it. NJ/Cleveland, NJ/Toronto, Detroit/Cleveland, Detroit/Chicago--these series were unwatchable. I had money on these games and I honestly could not get myself to watch any one of those games in any of those series in their entirety. Not one.

This is from a guy who can watch entire Browns games from start to finish. Who can watch Dallas/Vancouver hockey games and I'm not even a fan of either team in the least.

In the NCAA tourney I was watching entire games of teams I couldn't name you one player on and here I can't even force myself to watch the Pistons? And I've got four units on them?

The West is a little better. It's got better players, it's got an excellent team in SA, maybe not a great team, but an excellent team. And it's got some truly great players, Duncan, Kobe, KG, AI, Nash, etc., really great talents. But even there you've got teams like Utah getting to the Conference Finals. Are you f**king kidding me?

They don't even weight the playoffs so you end up with SA playing Phoenix in the second round for crying out loud?

Then, the officiating is so inconsistent, the league discipline so wildly laughable--Bruce Bowen knees Nash in the nuts, gets nothing, Horry checks Nash into the scorer's table and the Suns end up getting punished for it more severely. The whole f**king league, whether or not you believe it's staged in any way, meaning that teams or guys get more calls than others, whether you believe that or not, it doesn't matter because there's no consistency to any of it one way or another. It might as well be totally scripted, at least then the stories might make sense and you might be interested to follow it.

This really isn't about my last couple of days losing, though I'm sure that plays a part. But even when I was winning a few days ago, I noticed I'd still feel empty after watching this crap because the play is just so poor on the whole.

Yes, there are great performances, like GSW in the first round, or LeBron's tonight, but that's simply made all the more impressive because it's matched up with the utter inteptness of the entire rest of his team. GS' performance looks all the better because Dallas is full of a bunch of p*ssies.

At any rate, I know that given the length of this, very few will wade through it. But I just wanted to give a big fat middle finger to the NBA and not wish it a pleasant summer, because I don't wish anybody a pleasant summer who kicks me in the n*ts for no reason.

So f**k you, NBA, my life was better off without you before and it will be better off without you now. So, please, don't try to stop me and, if you get a chance, eat a fat d*ck.

Yours truly,

Joe Public


if you bet the warriors for the game -
then you definately should have been on them for the 2nd half too - ???