what odds would you give me on the Spurs winning the West w/ 3 road series?

i owe $400...

it's either to two or three guys lol....

you guys just request what you owe to williamkroosstadas@yahoo.com and ill pay it instantly...

if not... at LEAST send me all the email addresses and when i come back and check on here tomorrow ill pay....pp addresses and amounts...

good game guys
im goin to sleep so ill accept in AM if it's there...

who else do i owe 200 to? come on in and send me the request as well lol
I didn't bet you, but I said the Spurs were too fucking old. How about you send me 100 bucks too, and we'll call it square?
nah....you dont have pp so you dont get it...someone can go on pp and request the funds and then i just click...yeah just PM me your wife's pp address
How the hell did twinkie even get in on this wager? All he said was Hmmmm in the second post.
Watching you two communicate about paypal reminds me alot of my two kids last night trying to explain to each other how DVR worked.
Who doesn't have paypal nowadays anyways? I forgot twink still uses fax daily though so makes sense.
Twinks on the phone right now with the wifey...

Actually, I have a non-blood grandma alive too. Just saying to avoid shitty karma. So six grandparents, four dead, two grandmas lucid and alive and love my attention.
lol @ this....paid twinks wife, everyone here knows he's never seeing a cent of that money (poor bastard)...

GG guys...

I'm a clippers fan from here on out
odddds you would give for clippers to lose this series with being up 1-0?
regardless of what happens from here...

Chris Paul finally got the kind of win he's deserved for a longggg time...

This will no doubt go down as the best playoff series of 2015...

I think the Clippers probably beat Houston an go down to GSW relatively easily...

And the GSW probably marches through the finals to complete one of the greatest seasons in modern history.

no more bets tho, my heart's completely out of these playoffs now lol