What happened to the NBA Forum

One knock on the NBA is the have/have nots....A team can suck in the NBA for so fucking long and the season is way too fucking long

Also the luxury tax and complexity of the "deals" and how shitty their draft is all leads to some distaste....for me anyway

BUT I actually watch it...not as hardcore as the 10 guys in the forum daily, but I am in there
just eliminate divisions and conferences ... home/home with every team ..... shortens season and gives fan bases the hope of playoffs deeper into regular season and allows fans to see every team in their home arena.
Isn't there already a home/home with every team?

Shorten the season and shorten the game to 40 minutes or less, these games are less drama than the WWE and the refs seem like character actors
NBA is what it is. Season is long and drawn out but that's what makes it one of, if not the best 'situational' betting sport in the world.

Sure the overall 'court product' suffers and it's invariably influenced for the most part but I'm over the 'fan' shit, I save that for football and baseball. NBA is strictly about money for me.

There is way too much 'impurity' in the college game for me to stomach watching the regular season but absolutely love March Madness.