Week 7 B1G Thread...

I don’t disagree bout NW prob winnning and covering but think it a little strange you could see a 1-2 point victory but not see them losing. If it was that close wouldn’t it stand to reason it anyone’s game at the end?

I understand what you're getting at, but it just screams at me something funky where Northwestern gets very high teens or low 20s and wins by 1 or 2. I can't see them losing, but I'm very prepared to take one Steed style (right in the ass).
I understand what you're getting at, but it just screams at me something funky where Northwestern gets very high teens or low 20s and wins by 1 or 2. I can't see them losing, but I'm very prepared to take one Steed style (right in the ass).

I’d prefer a flukey game where they both score 30! Your scenario would have me takin it right up the bee-hind with ya as I’m on the over, lol. Here’s to fav and ova coming in!! Gl
NW 1 penalty for 5 yds. Threw sixty some passes and held our DE like crazy all game. Choked it away but man, they gave NW a lot of help.
Remember how PSU reacted last week after losing late in season to OSU? I say they're auto-fade next week, gonna come out deflated
This conference is awful. OSU not even that good. This could be our year, just got two guerrillas on our back, starting next week.

We aren't losing to PSU at home, make it a night game please. MSU looked awful today honestly, PSU was just worse, Franklin Franklined at the end and MSU got the luck box magic they used to always get. Our boys got some confidence now, reminds me of old M.
The Big Ten didn't want OSU to lose to Minny. Gotta try to get the Big 10 a playoff contender and OSU is Big 10's only real options