Week 4 CFB with writing this time


Pretty much a regular
I am traveling to Abilene, TX this week, so I'll write what I can in hotel rooms...

Okay, for a reality check, after yesterday's sub 50% experience, I still made a little money.

First things first, Moneylines.

3 wins 5 losses, +1.23 units. I had a real good shot at both LSU and Oklahoma. Yea verily, I think okie got screwed. This means I picked the everloving FUCK out of the ML dogs last week. If I had just stuck with my initial three, then I would have gone 2-1. Now, overall, I am

8-15, 34.8% +3.95 units. Shooting sup 35%, still making money. Once I win a few more of these agonizingly close games, the percentage and money should go up dramatically. This is a reasonable expectation, btw.

My phone being a Super Phone that it is, I was actually able to place some wagers already for week 4 while in the car. I know I know. It's dangerous. STFU. It was a deserted stretch of I-81 in East TN, and I wanted the numbers. =) It's not degenerate...it's simply good money management.

Last week, you might remember I had way too fucking many plays. They were fucking many plays because they seemed to be fornicating and increasing population. I had about 40 wagers by the end of the week. This is a few on the same games (and this actually saved me money on, for instance, the FL/TN game), but it was a REALLY REALLY bad style. 20 is a lot. 40 is fucking stupid for my limited abilities, and I should have known that and acted on it. I made money money because I threw 2 units on a few select plays. My performance in the matador invitational was incredible....and not just because of the 10 unit play on Minny. I was a lot more selective, I left the MLs at my original 3, and I finished positive by about 20 units on the week. And this is with crappy juice lines.......

aTm and Army. I was surprised by the Aggies' performance. I was conversely surprised by Army's performance. I think now that Army was so shocked to have a lead against Kent that the black knights just didn't know what to do with themselves. They were in their usual spot against aggie, behind, and they just tried to stay in it rather than keep or take a lead. Even at the end they did a few bizarre things that made me wonder if they really were trying to win or just make sure to keep it close. Ultimately aTm won on a goal line stand in the last seconds, but dear lord was that the wrong side. holy phucking bad pick, batbearde. Aggie underperformed, no doubt. But I'm not so sure Army thoroughly overperformed. The black knights simply did everything they needed to do following every aTm score with one of their own. They converted long drives with 24 first downs in the game. 24 against aggie defense! Army pounded the ball for over 200 yards rushing and over 5ypc against a larger and supposedly (and ostensibly) more talented defense. This may be Army's best performance of the year, but because they didn't win they may still be trying to prove something to themselves. Definitely a live dog at least in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on Army to cover ats, at least. I'm hoping for some good ML spots, too.

Navy utterly obliterated Stanford. Tree could not score, and they could not stop NAvy's pounding offense. This one went right. Stanford could do nothing right. Tree is going to get killed in the upcoming few games. Navy had 30 first downs and 461 yards...383 yards rushing.


even though Stanford had 377 total yards and 23 first downs, Tree only had 9 points. Turnovers and just plain no-heart play really crushed em. Stanford won't win a game this season. Lines may be prohibitively high, though, so Tree's performance doesn't necessarily help us out. If a light line comes up though, give fading Stanford a LOT of prescient thought. Oh my. Washington St is -10.5. I like wazzou to win by 14 or 17. Maybe even more. I'll have to give this some serious chalky thought. Obviously no Stanford ML bets.

USC at Nebraska. The books were right. They are more often than not. Bear this in mind. USC was inside the Nebraska 5 at the end of the game and just let the clock run out. I didn't see much of this game...too busy watching Clemson/FSU.

FSU hosting Clemson. I believe in situational trends. Clemson hadn't won at FSU in a long fucking time. Recently though, Clemson has had the noles' number. They're typically close games, now, and Clemson has won the last 2 of 3 or something, I think. Since Tommy started running Clemson, and since Chuck has been running NCSU, those two teams think in terms specifically of beating Florida St. A shit ass NCSU team managed it IN FLORIDA last year, and Clemson managed it this year. These two guys know Bobby, and the trend is that if you've coached with Bobby, then you have a good shot at beating him. FSU is also on a decline the last few years. Maybe the coaching is a coincidence, but I don't think so. But it is the case the Florida St has faltered a lot recently. FSU barely squeaked out a win against a relatively meager Miami team, sorta held off Troy, and then lost AT HOME to Clemson. Miami and FSU are no longer our Daddies' teams. They don't suck - if you can get good value with them as ML dogs, JUMP on em, because they have great defenses......but they aren't invincible either, and there is often extra value for dogs against them. Add to that, Clemson managed the win without a kicking game. Half FSU's points came from Clemson's total clusterassfuck of a kicking program. FSU has serious offensive problems. Consequently, when I see a team that I think has a chance in hell (maybe not much of one, but a chance nonetheless), I will bet it. Even with just a half unit on the ML, I'll do that every week at +2600 for Rice at FSU. With +27.5, Rice should be a great bet, IMO. Maybe rice shot their wad in the opener versus Houston, and I'm just throwing half a unit away. Since FSU has trouble scoring against every team they've played, including troy, I'll take this.

Syracuse. Don't believe the hype. Syracuse is still absolutely shit. It just so happened that Illinois was a little shittier Saturday - i watched that game, and Cuse didn't so much take it as Illi threw it at them, wiped their asses with the ball, refused to tackle or play any semblance of defense, and didn't bother to move the ball themselves until the 4th quarter. This was the other end of the Temple/Barfalo game in week 1. Instead of inept offenses making the defenses look good, it was total lack of defense making it look like there was offense on the field. No one made tough plays. It's just that the defenses didn't make the relatively easy plays. I just don't see Cuse as a 7 point fave to anyone. Miami Oh looks like a 50-50 shot to me, here. I already played the ML because I have no idea what the fuck the line will do here. Can't believe people would lay chalk on syracuse, but I suck at predicting lines.....we'll see I guess. Anyway, I have Miami OH +260. Honestly, I'm not so sure the right team is favored here.

more to come. Want to post before I lose this...
Louisville & K State. This one's for KingKrunked. K state, congratulations on your win over Marshall. I'm sorry to report, you will have your asses utterly raped with a garbage can next week. Louisville may not be a top team to some of you fellas, and I think Miami's not so good as usual, AND Brohm is out ........but Louis is going to bust another lower talent team next week. Louisville crushed Miami and their great defense last week...I mean, garf is right, that Miami secondary is sick...BUT, Louis cut right through em even with the backup QB. Meanwhile, K State manages to let the Hundering Terd rush for 4.1ypc. I'm not saying Marshall did well or is good...far from it. But K State doesn't seem to have a dominant rush defense, and if they can't stop a terd, even hundering, then they ain't stopping this incredible Louisville offense. This one's going to get extremely ugly. I have no faith in KState's defense at all. I sold points in this one to 20.5 to get some positive juice. No Louisville field goals, and don't expect an overwhelming number of Louis first downs.. This one gets ugly early and often. GO CARDINALS! Louisville -13.5 (+101) for 2 units.
I know this may not be popular...hell, maybe it will be.

But I'm still riding the temple fade train. Still can't believe I let Louis at Temple get by without making 5 units off of it...bad redbearde
I'm liking this Western Michigan team off a good solid performance at UVA. ven as bad as UVA is this year, it's still hard to win in the Cavaliers' house. Temple is bad. Western Michigan is much better. I think WMU is 5 TDs. better. Maybe another 42-0. Maybe....anyway, no need to touch the temple boxscore. Not suggesting this play, really. I just like the temple fade train this year. REALLY bad team and an opportunity for everyone to pad stats. I think temple opponents will keep taking that opportunity.

Western Michigan -27 (-105)
I'm on Louisville -13 for 2 UNITS as well. Biggest bet of the season for me so far. I watched the marshall/K-State game last Saturday. Both teams sucked. Louisville should be able to do whatever they want with K-State.
West Virginia at ECU. Not sure what's going on with this line. Why isn't it -31? Who seriously thinks ECU will be able to run with WVU? It looks to me like the books consistently undervalue WVU (though not last week) and Louisville. ECU is so damned flakey, and this is not a situation where they're likely to show up. WVU -21 might be serious if ECU has the best game the pirates can manage this year.... meanwhile, isn't WVU undefeated ats with white and slaton? Those two could run through 13 in the box....and white can fucking throw, too. If WVU didn't let up in the 3rd and 4th with some backups (not saying it's a wrong move...gotta get your underclassmen gametime), there's no way UMD gets back into that game. Memphis coughed up 6 turnovers for ECU. Kinda doubt WVU will oblige like that. Memphis ran for 3.2ypc. That's not great but somewhat respectable run D for EcU. Last week, White and Slaton rushed for over 8ypc against Maryland. ECU is in trouble this week. trouble = WVU could score every possession if they tried; I think WVU sets their own cover, and it'll be at 4 or 5 TDs. I sold points for positive juice. Still under 3 TDs.

West Virginia -20.5 (+104)
Love reading your stuff redbearde.

I agree Louisville is solid. Cantwell is no joke, and has some big game experience. GOod health on Western, I have to admit I haven't seen them much so I can't play them.

FSU Offense is not any better than it was last year, very dissapointing team IMO.

I do like WSU too, but worried about them barely handling Baylor..anyone see that game? what happened?

GL bro.
okay, to recap and to make a list...

Overall, I'm up.
Moneylines = 8-15, 34.8% +3.95 units.
Spreads/tot= 44 - 27 - 3, 59% +23.32 units

ML dogs Week 4

Miami OH +260
Rice +2600 .5 unit
Louisiana Tech +1640
Arkansas St +260

I see more I might play. Depends on my mojo later on...

Louisville -13.5 (+101) 2 units
Rice +27.5 (-105) 2 units
West Virginia -20.5 (+104) 2 units
Army +10 (-102)
Western Michigan -27 (-105) 2 units
Louisiana Tech +22 (+107) 2 units
USC -20.5 (+113)

Moneyline leans.
KENT will be under observation. Not liking how they've played so far, but they did carry Army to OT, and I'm not sure BGSU should be this much of a fave to anyone. I think some of these smalltime games get zero interest from books. Both the SMU game and this one it's like. "Hmm. wtf do we do? Oh hey, I know. TD fave for the hometeam. +260/-300. Yeah, that sounds decent. We only have that one dork that bothers betting these MLs, anyway".

Navy and Tulsa. I'm used to Navy being the dog. Not sure how to react to Navy being favored. Watching and waiting. May do nothing at all.

Arizona St, in a shootout, they may run with Cal. I don't hold out much hope for the victory though, and I want a good bit more than 280. If it gets to upper 300s, I might have to consider this. Right now...just watching.

New Mexico showed up versus Missouri and busted the spread. UTEP and Palmer would have to fuck up some, but little bro Palmer's good at that. 310 is okay there. More would make this more attractive. 400+ and I might just have to play it. Opinions on this would be appreciated. Lobos only got 200 yards of offense...easy to say "UTEP SHOULD WIN!", but likely scenarios for how the game will go would be appreciated.

Alabama likely will lose value. 118 isn't value anyway, really, I'd rather have the points. But Arkansas really tried hard to lose to Vandy. Bama's defense may not be as dominant as last year, but this should be one of those low-scoring defensive affairs...and again, arky has that frosh QB. Maybe someone thinks Bama has the better defense...but I want over 130 for this one. 150 would force me to play. I expect people to bet shit out of bama though. But I'm watching.
Sooner, oh yeah. This should be a beautiful slaughter.

Huntdog, I didn't see that game, but I don't like Wazzou to beat Tree because of Wazzou......but because of Tree and everyone running it down their throats. Wazzou ran on Auburn (124 yards on 28 carries for 4.4ypc) ...cougs just couldn't score and keep up. Idaho doesn't count. But Wazzou ran for 49 yards against baylor for 1.5ypc. They held the bears to negative rushing yards, and yet Baylor still led for most of the game. If the cougs try to have a passing shootout, that might just give Tree a chance. I'm staying off that game. I can't bet on Stanford...just can't see it. Just.........can't. But Wazzou might just let them stay in the game...at least close enough to bust the spread.

that's my opinion. I could be completely wrong. Like last week.
grind, thanks. I try.

fondy, glad there's some LMIs out there for me.

GL on the bets guys. I gotta move the computer to the other room so we can put the kid to bed. I love Country inn and suites with the two room style....for a tolerable price.
Army at Baylor. Not sure what to do here. I'm thinking army is not likely to win, but Baylor's performance against the Couger's notwithstanding, I don't think they're all THAT much of a better team. If army plays as well as they did against Aggie (not likely), they have a good 40-50% chance of a win. That would obviously translate into a play, but I have a feeling this number goes up some. Watching...waiting...anticipating....
Wake forest at Ole Miss. Have to give this one some thought. Wake is inscrutable, and back to back road games makes this a bit less attractive...certainly at this light number. Maybe at 2:1. maybe.
Mississippi St at UAB. not til MSU shows they can score...somehow.

UVA. Just...no. Not even with points.

Hawaii at Boise. This would have real possibility if not for 2 things.
1. Hawaii's history on the mainland.
2. Boise's history at home.
Hawaii may have improved this year, but methinks the altitude or jetlag or a combination of those or other things I know nothing about.....or whatever makes this reeeeally unlikely. Hawaii might hang in for the first half, but I think they will get tired by mid 3rd Quarter. I might make a first half over play here. This would obviously be later in the week. I would not be surprised to see boise cover this spread.

Utah seriously underperforming this year. SDSU at home for 2:1 might be some good value. I gotta think through how likely the Aztecs really are for a SU win here. Some of you guys are Aztec guys. Let me know what you think, please.

Michigan St. Maybe they win, but I think the domers will be hopping mad after sleeping in their shit beds for the last week. I don't like this spot even if there was value...you can try to change my mind on this, but I doubt it will happen.

Arizona ML. just wipe your ass with your money instead. Not a chance. I have a USC ticket.

Okie St/Houston - if a dog appears, I will analyze value. i like Houston in this game, so perhaps people will bet me into a play. I hope so.
okay, regarding NCSU, this week.

In case you missed it, had you wagered Southern Miss -15, you still would have won. This was a gift at a FG.

Marcus Stone threw the ball 24 times. Twice, he hit a defensive man. I did not figure amato for putting in Evans, but the poor kid threw the 3rd predicted pick, himself. Lord knows what amato will do to or for this team this week, but I can tell you this...they won't be rushing for any 4.3 ypc next week like they did in week 3. Forget about it. 2ypc. Maybe less.

Wolfpack will likely throw 3 picks again. Who knows who the QB will be?

BC squeaked by BYU. The Eagles may not be top 10 caliber, but they're deservedly ranked, I think. They've got to be of a mind to continue the ACC winning ways...not to mention their simple lack of defeat.

Whereas the wolfpack's morale is in shambles, the Eagles, even without Toal and other key defensive men are getting it done and have got to be on top of the world still after that Clemson win.

.......God I want to fuck espn's Rachel Nichols. A lot.

NCSU +7.5 might look attractive, but I all but guarantee you a BC win by somewhere around 21. 17ish would be right. 24ish would be right. 7 is ridiculous.

I wasn't betting this game because my insids hate betting -7.5. But I just saw it at -7 (-102) and I dropped 2 units on that.

This is not free money like Louisville at Temple, but I'll be shocked if NCSU manages to show up for this game. This time, the wolfpack fans leave thinking, "well, at least it wasn't akron....."

want a numbers prediction?

Boston college 31

BC's dfense has a big day, and once again Marcus Stone goes home to contemplate his monumental mistake in college career choices.
Hi, this is my first time posting here and i love reading what everyone has to say. I go to A&M and I'm not so sure that army would be that great of covering team ATS based on playing the aggies. I was at the Citadel and UH la la game and I have to say our so called before the Army game "#1 ranked pass defense" was a retarded stat. At the previous games, the QBs and basically the offense of both Citadel and Uh lala beat themselves into the ground. We did not create any real stops at those games. In the army game, we were actually up against a team that could produce some offense, therefore they were able to gain yardage. A&M really has no defense whatsoever and in my opinion our rush defense is much worse than it was last year. As far as the secondary is concerned, we are always 5 steps behind a guy before he catches and hardly ever contest a pass. Our offense has improved so I think overs should be pretty good this year.

And on Baylor, they have been improving every single year since I was a freshman at A&M (first year med student here now) and I really have a strong lean that they will cover the spread against army. If you watched the TCU game, I strongly believe they would have beat TCU if they didnt have about 15 players cramp up. Just my couple of thoughts.:smiley_acbe:

Once again, I love this site and love everybody's insight!!
ahitspat said:
Hi, this is my first time posting here and i love reading what everyone has to say. I go to A&M and I'm not so sure that army would be that great of covering team ATS based on playing the aggies. I was at the Citadel and UH la la game and I have to say our so called before the Army game "#1 ranked pass defense" was a retarded stat. At the previous games, the QBs and basically the offense of both Citadel and Uh lala beat themselves into the ground. We did not create any real stops at those games. In the army game, we were actually up against a team that could produce some offense, therefore they were able to gain yardage. A&M really has no defense whatsoever and in my opinion our rush defense is much worse than it was last year. As far as the secondary is concerned, we are always 5 steps behind a guy before he catches and hardly ever contest a pass. Our offense has improved so I think overs should be pretty good this year.

And on Baylor, they have been improving every single year since I was a freshman at A&M (first year med student here now) and I really have a strong lean that they will cover the spread against army. If you watched the TCU game, I strongly believe they would have beat TCU if they didnt have about 15 players cramp up. Just my couple of thoughts.:smiley_acbe:

Once again, I love this site and love everybody's insight!!

thanks for your thouhts bro. I really appreciate it. If I get a SU shot against aggie this weekend, I'll be delighted to lose the Army spread. =)
scourge said:
I'm about to take GA Tech 1st Half -9 over UVA,


um...2nd mortgage your house?

in all seriousness, this is the sort of game that Reggie Ball and the Jackets like to play down for. I wouldn't do it. If all is equal, GT goes for the national TV fuckover of UVA in a big way. I hope you win if you take this wager, but I'm staying away from that game.

I don't know too much about Louisiana Tech, but if they have an offense, u dont have to worry about them scoring, though our D usually plays better at home. But then again, being at San Antonio should be a home game for us anyways.

But i hope we don't lose SU =(. hahah GL either way.
In my previous post I was saying that your play is very worthwhile

lol me not being very clear. I really wanna jump on that too but I feel bad betting against my aggies.
good stuff, red. enjoyed the read a lot.
i'll look into it more over the week...but i'll definitely be right with you on Louisville and USC, for certain.
Thanks guys.

ahitspat, I caught that. =) thanks. I bet against my wolfpack all the time. But like a quarter unit on that huge ML against aggie. Then you win no matter what happens in the game. hehe That's how that Akron loss NCSU had in week 2 was so palatable for me.

pags, yanks, GL to us.

I have some more...all for one unit.

Tulane/LSU UNDER 48 -105
Hawaii/Boise St UNDER 63 +104
Barf/Auburn UNDER 48.5 +104
Colorado/UGA UNDER 36.5 -105

Those SEC games...LSU, Auburn, UGA...they so often end so low because they have such crushing damn defenses. Have trouble believing buffs can move at all on UGA. Auburn under is pretty much an Auburn team score under...cus Barf ain't going to. I'm a big fan of LSU defense...and I think the team will be PISSED about week 3. So another team total...heh.

Hawaii and Boise...the conventional wisdom will scream over, but that conventional wisdom didn't make it 2 weeks ago. Also, Matador posted this under in his invitational damn near immediately. There is supposedly an altitude issue. It certainly affected Oregon State. At least I think it did. About halfway through the third, the beavers, hereafter referred to as pussies, just gave up and stopped playing. I think it's real likely they rack up 30-40 points between em in the first half, and then they reeeeally slow down and try to shorten the game. Obviously the new clock rules help a tad.

I got one hour of sleep before my kid woke me up. Hope that's not fucking up my decisionmaking, but I'm having a lot of trouble seeing plays this week...whereas I couldn't stop seeing them last week. I think that's a good sign.

GL to us this week fellas. Let's make some money.

I do have a question for you...couldn't help but notice you have SDSU as a play...what do you see in them that warrants you to play them?...reason is I feel pretty fortunate to have cashed my SDSU +14.5 ticket yesterday and I don't think Utah will only score 14 vs. them here...take away the quarter and a half explosion they had vs. UTEP, they've scored 3 points the entire season...

not trying to start anything, just would like to understand your reasoning here...
pags, hey I don't mind questions, and those are good points. I guess you mean in the invitational because I haven't put real money on them. It's more of a fade of Utah than anything else. I asked above for some Azteckers to give me some info before I place real money.

When I get into making bets for the MI, the juice comes into play in my decisionmaking. at +111, I thought that was a valuable spot. shrug. I can lose some. But hey, I can hope for the quarter and a half explosion to show up again, too. =) In short, I have very little reasoning on it except that Utah has been seriously underperforming and SDSU is in a good spot (home) to pull off a win.

good late night/ early morning discussion we have going as I watch the latest family guy and listen to the Friday episode of Tom Leykis...lol...I do agree Utah had a first rough game vs. UCLA, but they've gotten it going the last two weeks...granted not against great competition, but they've trucked both of them...just wanted you to know that I think Utah's one of the better plays on the board this week, that's all...GL bud...
Washington +145

I don't see why UCLA is favored. *shrug* I'll take this...doubt it gets better. Expect folks to pound Wash plus hooked FG.
pags11 said:

good late night/ early morning discussion we have going as I watch the latest family guy and listen to the Friday episode of Tom Leykis...lol...I do agree Utah had a first rough game vs. UCLA, but they've gotten it going the last two weeks...granted not against great competition, but they've trucked both of them...just wanted you to know that I think Utah's one of the better plays on the board this week, that's all...GL bud...

well, unless I hear anything different, I'll take your word for it and not play SDSU. =)


Great thread as always Red.

Right there with UL as well and have WMU locked in. I think they get it down but want to look more before totally deceiding to stay with the plays.

Hunt, that Baylor team isn't bad defensively. They really had their way with TCU sans a huge bomb on a missed assignment in season opener. No suprise to me that they hung with Wazzou. If Wazzou gets up early in this game I see Tree just wilting.
Great points and knowledge of the game, Redbearde

Appreciate your time and efforts.

I realize I'm in the vast minority here (as I probably was when I played West Virginia plus the points against UGA in the bowl game), but I would not totally discount EC's chances at home against those high-flying Mountaineers.

Last year in Morgantown, the Mountaineers beat EC, 20-15, and out-gained the Pirates by only 20 total yards (307-287). Realize this was when Jason Gwaltney was still all the rage at TB (no longer in the program) for the Mountaineers and somewhat-pre Steve Slaton.

Fundamentally, EC is the first team the Mountaineers have played this year who have much familiarity with the term "forward pass." Aundrae Allison is a playmaker at wide receiver for the Pirates and if the Mountaineers' defense has an Achilles' heel, it would be at cornerback.

Certainly, don't want to get in front of a runaway train such as West Virginia and give money away to "the man," but certainly see this as a favorable spot for East Carolina which _ by the way _ has been consistently undervalued by the books winning 11 of its past 14 spread decisions.

Good luck,
pstone said:
Appreciate your time and efforts.

I realize I'm in the vast minority here (as I probably was when I played West Virginia plus the points against UGA in the bowl game), but I would not totally discount EC's chances at home against those high-flying Mountaineers.

Last year in Morgantown, the Mountaineers beat EC, 20-15, and out-gained the Pirates by only 20 total yards (307-287). Realize this was when Jason Gwaltney was still all the rage at TB (no longer in the program) for the Mountaineers and somewhat-pre Steve Slaton.

Fundamentally, EC is the first team the Mountaineers have played this year who have much familiarity with the term "forward pass." Aundrae Allison is a playmaker at wide receiver for the Pirates and if the Mountaineers' defense has an Achilles' heel, it would be at cornerback.

Certainly, don't want to get in front of a runaway train such as West Virginia and give money away to "the man," but certainly see this as a favorable spot for East Carolina which _ by the way _ has been consistently undervalued by the books winning 11 of its past 14 spread decisions.

Good luck,

I was beginning to believe that mine was a voice crying in the wilderness! I agree 100%!!
maryland tried a few of them thar newfangled 'forward passes'...45 of em for bout 200 yards and under 5 yards per attempt...and 2 interceptions.

i'm working by phone in my truck right now, or I'd investigate this more thoroughly. perhaps when we stop for tonight's one hour of sleep...

I think the pirates can't stop WVU. I think wvu can stp the pirates enough. you make good points, paul, and I really appreciate the contrary pov. perhaps ecu can compete...the trends you mention and the books undervalue is good to know, but most of ecu's opponents aren't uga or lsu's defensive or offensive respective calibers...I mean, good for the pirates for scorng on UAB, and maybe WVU's corners are no better or worse than the dragons, but I think the comparisons of ats records is a bit skewed.

having said all that, I'm talking out of my ass right this sec cus I'm workin with a pckt pc.

and again, thank you for the heads up on this game.

but I don't think this 'forward pass' fad is going to catch on. ;) go Army!
redbearde said:
Louisville & K State. This one's for KingKrunked. K state, congratulations on your win over Marshall. I'm sorry to report, you will have your asses utterly raped with a garbage can next week. Louisville may not be a top team to some of you fellas, and I think Miami's not so good as usual, AND Brohm is out ........but Louis is going to bust another lower talent team next week. Louisville crushed Miami and their great defense last week...I mean, garf is right, that Miami secondary is sick...BUT, Louis cut right through em even with the backup QB. Meanwhile, K State manages to let the Hundering Terd rush for 4.1ypc. I'm not saying Marshall did well or is good...far from it. But K State doesn't seem to have a dominant rush defense, and if they can't stop a terd, even hundering, then they ain't stopping this incredible Louisville offense. This one's going to get extremely ugly. I have no faith in KState's defense at all. I sold points in this one to 20.5 to get some positive juice. No Louisville field goals, and don't expect an overwhelming number of Louis first downs.. This one gets ugly early and often. GO CARDINALS! Louisville -13.5 (+101) for 2 units.



pags11 said:

I do have a question for you...couldn't help but notice you have SDSU as a play...what do you see in them that warrants you to play them?...reason is I feel pretty fortunate to have cashed my SDSU +14.5 ticket yesterday and I don't think Utah will only score 14 vs. them here...take away the quarter and a half explosion they had vs. UTEP, they've scored 3 points the entire season...

not trying to start anything, just would like to understand your reasoning here...

i watched this game closely cuz the other games were fucking blowouts...i had sdsu at 14 (push) but why take sdsu? cuz their defense is AMAZING!!! the only way to cover a spread like this is to shut them out like wisky did last sat!!!! i agree w/ red
KingKrunked said:



I distinctly remember you saying you hate K State in my week 2 thread.

Why are you now saying you hate the jayhawks andyou live in Manhattan?
Should have clarified my reference to "forward pass"

I certainly did not mean to infer that West Virginia's previous opponents didn't throw the ball. I simply meant they throw it with very little success.

Maryland's Sam Hollenbach and Marshall's Bernard Morris may indeed get drafted, but it will certainly be by one of our armed services and not the NFL.

Maryland ranks No. 84 out of 119 Division I teams and Marshall is several slots back at No. 92.

With all that said, don't know whether I've got the inclination to "challnege" West Virginia and its current level of offensive play.

Good luck,

I have to disagree that SDSU's defenese was amazing in this game...I watched the entire game as well and sweated out my SDSU +14.5 side...I really feel like we lucked out...yes, SDSU's D played well, but not amazingly...Stocco was hurt and couldn't complete a pass over ten yards...the wind was blowing wildly...and SDSU still gave up almost 200 yards rushing solely to P.J. Hill...I thought there were some poor coaching decisions by Belima sp? going for it on fourth down a couple of times when he could have taken some points...kept the game a lot closer than it could have been...if Wisconsin's D wore them down, I think Utah's will for sure...best of luck to you anyway here though...
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Paul, okay I have some time now. I've driven across Tennessee with a wife and infant and none of us got much sleep last night. It's been...a sojourn...anyway, this is what I see you saying:

West Virginia has faced no one who bothered to throw the ball. WVU also is weak in the secondary. ECU will exploit this weakness (first) as it plays to the pirates' strength and keep it closer than redbearde thinks they will. I assume this is correct; if not, please do correct me.

I've been looking over boxscores... first, Maryland and Marshall.

I know MTSU and Bill&Bitch are weak, but that's all we have before the WVU game.

Maryland versus MTSU. 11-16 for 139; 7.7 per attempt. Not surprising as they were rushing for 5.7ypc on 34 rushing plays. 16 and 34 isn't perfect balance, no...
Maryland versus WillMary. 9-20 for 148; 7.4 ypa, and a INT.

you're right. far from thunderous was this passing game before WVU...marshall looks about the same.

Against Memphis, ECU managed 236 yards passing, and still required two late turnovers for quick defensive scores to get the runner runner backdoor cover. Memphis coughed up 6 turnovers in this game. The tigers absolutely gave it away. This was not a game that ECU took.

ECU at UAB managed 280 yards passing. Outgaining UAB, they still managed to score 5 less. They covered. Good for them.

ECU at Navy. This one strikes me as somewhat indicative, but for each of the 4 punts the pirates sent to Navy, WVU would convert a TD off of it...even if Navy didn't.

ECU and UAB are both profoundly flakey teams - each had 3 turnovers. It's hard for me to take that one as seriously indicative of much.

If WVU turns the ball over, AND if the pirates play perfect mistake free football, AND WVU lets up early in the 3rd quarter, then I think maybe this cover comes for ECU.

I do appreciate the reality check on WVU corners, but I'm thinking (hoping?) that instead of them being crappy, I rather would suggest that they're untested...against a Maryland team that likes to run it at least 66% of the time...and it's not like bill and bitch or MTSU should be an indicative game for Maryland when they go up against an offensive powerhouse like WVU.

perhaps this is a noplay game, but I really like the White/Slaton tandem (and their ats streak more than ECU's), and I just don't see ECU keeping up. I can be wrong. It's happened before, and it may happen this weekend.

good luck with your wagers this weekend.
i'm staying off the game entirely, and perhaps im giving wisky too much respect cuz i'm a cbb guy (and they're alright in that sport)
Mississippi St +373

new QB got some offensive fireworks going last game. And this defense has done alright given how atrocious the offense has been keeping them on the field so damn long.....

UAB is flakey, and Mrs Sippy St is in dire need of a win. Eh, value.

wtf am I doing? I'm too tired to be doing this...
KK, whatever capping style works for you, do it. I personally think limbaugh's "which mascot is more politically correct" capping style for NFL is good.

the Dart and Board style is another one......