Week 3 Pro Feet


The Magsnificent One
Alright guys, not a great week for me in Week 2 but another winning week so I'll take it. A couple locked in and looking at a few more.

Locked in:

Chicago -3 (120/100)
Buffalo -9x (55)
2H Washington -x (100)
2H Chicago -2x (110/100)
Denver -4x (110/100)
St louis +9x (110/100)

As always, BOL to all and thoughts/inputs are welcomed.


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Yeah, should be ALOT of points in that one huh?

BOL to ya bro!

Well I would think so but it wouldn't shock me if it ends in the low 40's. The Saints defense isn't as bad this year. They have some key players injured and this has people mislead.Only starter out today is Fujita on defense. I believe Harper plays and so does Mckenzie. This is the Saints best players in the secondary and changes there makeup. I honestly think the Saints win SU but I don't bet on my team.Trust me I almost dropped a shitload on the Skins last week but didn't. I still have to be a fan of my team.When I bet on them it takes the fun out for me.