Week 2 ML Dogs

@JROCK1966 #74 that missed that block, he's a rFr playing in his second ever game? Why was he in that early in the game anyway? Did he appear or perform better in fall camp than someone else? Not sure who started the game or if they just rotated him in. You say he's been demoted to second string, that implies he started the game then. Live games better than practice, but coaches must've like him enough to start, or they didn't like the other guy(s)

Love this type of breakdown, BUT if that RB took it to the outside that OL is set up perfectly
I think the RB made the wrong read here
Adding another...wth right? 2, 3, & 4-teamer RR:

Duke +290
N. Ill. +195
MTSU +440
UNLV +375
Risked $22 ($2 per Parlay) to Win $1,379.16

Added another 2 & 3-teamer RR with:

Mizzou +220
USCjr +275
UNLV +375

Risked $20 ($2 per Parley) to Win $490.06
Seeing how today is going and making some adjustments...gonna see if I can salvage my day with this one: 3, 4, & 5-teamer RR:

USC -9
WVU -14
NIU +195
FIU +390
Arizona +300
Risked $26.90 ($1.68 per Parlay) to Win $1,343.76

If I'm right I count 11 FBS vs FBS upsets with 7 of those being DD and a few of those being the 3+ score variety!! (Duke, South Alabama, Marshall, App St, Wash St, Middle Tennessee, Iowa State, Kansas, Liberty, Kentucky, Georgia Southern).

Then we hvae 4 FCS over FBS upsets, two of which we talked about here. The Word over what was a fraudulent 2-0 Nevada, Holy Cross over Buffalo on a walk off hail mary none-the-less, and Eastern Kentucky in 7 OTs over Bowling Green. But the absolute shocker must be Weber St over Utah State. Not just the fact they lost, but the manner in which they lost. 7-35. Damn. Last year's darling is this year's turd!

Good stuff.

And I know the upsets extended down to the FCS level also. In games I tracked there was Fordham over Monmouth (I had Fordham ATS and watched this game it was wild), Colgate beating Maine as DD road dog, Citadel beat ETSU as DD home dog, Northern Arizona beat Sam Houston 10-3 as 2 TD plus dog, and UC Davis made it very very interesting at the end. Crazy. Davis scores to cut the game to 1 TD deficit late 4th Q, South Dakota State blks the xpt and returns it the other way, so now it's an 8 pt game. Davis gets a perfect onside kick, the type kicked right down the middle and the K recovers it. Davis catches a deep TD pass off their own receivers hands and bounces right to the trailing receiver for the score, but their 2pt and next onside kick fail.
Weber is indeed a quality FCS team but that Utah State offense is below sub par, whatever the term is for that.