**Week 16 In-Game**

big group of guys going. We are taking my buddy that was diagnosed with ALS this year. probably his last time going.
Maybe P, I'll have to see how it plays out. Week before we have Phx Open and Super Bowl in town, might be a recovery weekend but I might entertain it if things play out right
lol, Ginger has had virtually no impact on this game. ST and defense and a long TD run are why Cincy is in this.
haha wow tip, this is what your browns have come too

Rex doesnt want to make 50k for 3 days work

Rex Grossman spent a portion of the 2014 preseason with Cleveland and the Browns called to see if he was interested in returning for Week 17 and a game check of at least $56,000. According to Jeremy Fowler of ESPN.com, Grossman said thanks but no thanks.
Grossman apparently is bringing his whole family into town this week for the Christmas holiday and couldn’t work out the logistics of a return to the Browns. As an 11-year NFL veteran, Grossman would have been able to make at least $56,176 for a one-week return effort.
Remember when Taylor Mays was mad at Pete Carroll for not drafting him ahead of Earl Thomas? good times.....
What happened to Capping the Universe? I was just starting to adopt that and the thread died off.
Yup nice start, I'm on Wichita too. Wasn't really confident in either although Wichita was more the time change than anything. I think if they play anywhere without drastic time difference they win by 40, really, really good team.
Can't wait for the 1am EST for Corn/Hawaii, hope for some late night degen chat in here like old times