Week 15 NFL

Jason Campbell is a fucking stud and a half.. i was one of the only people who liked him at auburn, guy has a nice future.
abcs said:
Jason Campbell is a fucking stud and a half.. i was one of the only people who liked him at auburn, guy has a nice future.

I have enjoyed watching past few weeks...funny I would have put in teh same category as Weinke though.....just someone written off before he even got a shot...obviously huge difference since Campbell was never a starter and young...while Weinke was a failed starter...CAR what sthere deal...they just give away game after game... he aint playing so bad though...

BOL bro...
albyman32 said:
You have any thoughts on the Cardinals today? They seem to do this every year. Do terrible then win a few games towards the end to make people think they may be poised to do well the next year. Broncos are in a freefall.

I dont buy tey do this every year...this is notthe same deal...they never had a stud back in JAmes or a young stud QB in leinart....with that I am not sold on them..they basically were again 1 yard away from losing teher 3game at home which they led 14-0...Den is better then seattle and worst case equal ....they played tough opponent after tough opponent...been confused by the lines in Den and oak so no play yet but def string lean towards Denver...
No second Half plays...

Vikings and Bucs suck right now (Gruden just idiot for taking out Gradkowski)and are basically lost as is Carolina... real concerned about Tenny and how they ended the 1st H...

generally what looked good early now suck after awful 2 nd Q for Minny , TB and Carolina...Bucs play well except for a handful of plays...would havde played Balt if not for Boller...
Why is he an idiot for taking him out? The offense wasnt producing and hasnt been for a month and obviously he was looking for a spark. The offense has 2 first downs :shake:
Just dont think Rattay has any future...the guy has proven to be god awful on the road in his career...and you gain nothing by benching Gradkowski...he is not the problem IMO..why start him then..?? Do you really think this offense was going to show improvement here..??
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left>Home</TD><TD class=yspscores>16</TD><TD></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>90.7</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>249</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>387</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>64.3</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>2731</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>143.7</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>7.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>19</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>10</TD><TD height='\"16\"'></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>57</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>3.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>2.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>0</TD><TD height='\"16\"'></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>32</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>183</TD><TD height='\"16\"'></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>6</TD><TD height='\"16\"'></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left>Away</TD><TD class=yspscores>13</TD><TD></TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>65.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>116</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>212</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>54.7</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>1293</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>92.4</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>6.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height='\"16\"'>8</TD><TD height='\"16\"'></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Well all i know is ive been readin the tampa tribune for the past month is gruden is tired of gradkowskis mistakes. Hes missed some wide open guys today and in other games he stayed in the pocket too long and fumbled the ball. They had 2 first downs, so why not make a change? I mean check the last 12 quaters.. hes averaging less than a point a quater
I actually think Cadillac is the main problem he has had some pittiful games in his career
Exactly !Why not make a change is right before the game...what have you accomplished..spark the team when there down...who cares...

I very familiar with TB and there problems are well documeneted... Gradkowski has missed wide open WRs alot this year but they cant run the ball thats the death of the offense right there...Rattay aint doing a thing in a road game to help anyone...if he was the answer then start him...

Gruden is just another clueless coach..for all the shit phil Jackson catches the guy understand the role of a coach put your players in position they will suceed...if you make Gradkowski feel like he NEEDS to make plays to stay in there its addded pressure..

Not saying Bruce nevers to be playing but Grduen IMO is failing as a coach..this tem has no offensive weapons what does he expect...

maybe I will eat my word but nothing gained IMO by teh switch during teh game ..
Tampa Bay getting a spark.......GLad I went for the upsize today your XL plays look money!! Hope these Titans can pull this one out as I also got the ml....keep up the great work bro
abcs said:
Tim Rattay baby

I was choking on some crow....

Its not that I thought Gradkowski deserved to being playing I just dont see the sense of pullng him...Did he really expect Gradkowski to play better then he had facing the Bears..its the logic that gets me...a cover would be nice though...
Nice hit on the skins ml and the titans ml.. now that gradkowski is on the bench tampa might come back and win ya never know
Gonna watch the 1st H of Den / Ari ...

Over 38.5 -110 Rams / Raiders (Large)....meant to play this all week but SIA still has it cheap....
Thats a nice way to say I told I so in the South I guess...

Up North I will say they might be winning had they started Rattay instead of being a bonehead...:smiley_acbe: :hairout: :bow: :cheers:
Yea i guess i do know what im talkin about sometimes.. I would love to see them come back and win this game.. that would be 3 sick moneyline hits for you
You know what your talking about...its never about or wrong...

I just thought if your gonna pul the kid why not start Rattay then?? Did he realy expect Gradkowski to improve in Chi..?? That would be three nice ML's...all reall small though...more about bragging rights..Thanks!
I see what your sayin
Gruden said he still wanted to see if bruce could play in the nfl, so he gave him a chance..but he said that both would prob play in the game today. I think he got his answer today about bruce.. this isnt the mac
Thanks!! ...

Like I said if Gruden needed to see this game for an asnwer he should just retire now...it was the bears...and while its a positive for Rattay...Chi thought they had it won its nothing to be impressed about...next week Rattay will start people will drool over him and then he will throw for a buck fifty and people will say what happened....TB needs an overhaul..
2nd Half

Under 22.5 -126 Ari (Small) ..lean Zona +0.5

Lean over Oak but not pissing anything else away on that
Hell yea go eagles.. Garcia >> Mcnaab ;) Not really but hes been ballin as a starter.
:spank: I am so fucking pissed I played the Over in Oak instead of NY....get fucked everytime I switch gears...I hate to lose....could have a great day instead every decision today I made sucked....:hairout: :hairout: :hairout: :hairout:
Hawaiiguy said:
dude, i didnt look at the results, but right now all i see is winners!

great job!:spank:

Thanks Hawaii...it was a solid day..I just did a couple things today that gave some money back...good easily could have been great...
Yeah, I was quite obviously wrong about the Bears defense showing up today. Though I think it's safe to say that if we knew they'd put up 34 today at least one of us would have bet them pretty heavy.

Backup QBs, though, they can be a killer. I'm looking at you, too, Derek Anderson.

Of course, Tavaris Jackson covered a teaser for me, so I suppose it evens out.

And Jeff Garcia got me the ML win, so ya gotta love that.

Now, if Trent Green can just get this damn team into the endzone.
texasfight said:
Perhaps going 17 and 1 in basketball has skewed your expectations. :bow:

yeah NBA has been real good of late...had consecutive weekends that resulted in some gross numbers like 35-7....my expectations ...?? I just have that perfectionist , over acheiving complex that really doesnt allow me to enjoy wins..wins are validation and losses are mistakes...thats why I tell people this shit burns me out...I can deal with being wrong its just stupid shit that I do irrates me...not playing Zona , not playing the NYG over all things I had intended to do , flop off the Pats and take the Texans even for just 1 unit...

Joe Public said:
Yeah, I was quite obviously wrong about the Bears defense showing up today. Though I think it's safe to say that if we knew they'd put up 34 today at least one of us would have bet them pretty heavy.

Backup QBs, though, they can be a killer. I'm looking at you, too, Derek Anderson.

Of course, Tavaris Jackson covered a teaser for me, so I suppose it evens out.

And Jeff Garcia got me the ML win, so ya gotta love that.

Now, if Trent Green can just get this damn team into the endzone.

I dont know about being wrong. To me its something you sort of expect...bears get up big there banged up , TB hasnt done anything all day...sort of checkoff the win and TB doesnt cooperate...thats why laying -10 +++ has to have very few holes... healthy Bears get it done convicingly today but that was apart of my angle they weren t healthy.

I couldnt touch that big number in Balt and once Boller went in he made a game that should have been a blowout somewhat close...Boller is more to blame...look at those late 2nd Q possessions...

I really dont have many complaints if I stuck to my guns...did the same shit on Thursday ...called out the situation but with the total and still managed to fuck it up..then had a few I didnt post that I wanted to talk about and got lazy...Over Dallas team yesterday ...teased GB ,NE and Balt , then just the minor hiccups...even wnet Under 47 here...but was just pissed off...

What have we learned so far...???

Carolina is real BAD....end of story..and that ruling was bullshit and LT fucked us...