Week 12 What Have YOU Learned???


In transit, arriving late.
Mark Dantonio is a beast. He is the "3rd" show in town and this guy is the fucking man. The total opposite of what I, as a fan, have to endure on Saturday.

You Sparty guys are lucky. Hope he is a lifer for you all, cuz I would take that guy any day of the week. Just awesome, on some Snyder-Lite shit.

Ohio St just got bit.....hard to win that many in a row, and what they did last year was pretty bad ass but what happened what was expected to happen seemingly after looking at the results of games played. Ran into a good team and lost. No shame in it.....the shame is those kids speaking out after the way they did. Pretty shitty if you ask me. Go pro after the season, and show some respect to your school and coach that brought you to the Big Game and won it.....together. Sad, cuz I like both those guys just from what I have seen and read.

Les Miles needs to go. Ya ya.....I don't care. Time for a new voice. This year is super delicate and I like much of the staff. It is really odd. Just odd odd.

Richt should go. Time for a change there....for sure.

So should CJ at Tulane. I really wanted him to work, but it hasn't. Great recruiter, but seems to be an awful coach. Sucks. Wish him well, I do.

Who is Oklahoma? I bet there are some teams that do not want to find out.

Notre Dame.....I just don't buy it. Sorry tip.

The Pac 12 is gonna have a nice bowl season says me.....SEC, not so much. Then again, who fucking knows this year?!!??
Here's what I learned, or at least heard, at Covers -- Cook's sexual activity with a certain girl was pissing off his offensive linemen. Without him, they played better and beat OSU.
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Today was also a reminder of how hard it is to go undefeated. Part of going undefeated is having good luck with injuries, and the teams that have had good luck so far are due to have their luck change. Look at UH and all those Big 12 teams.
Here's what I learned, or at least heard, at Covers -- Cook's sexual activity with a certain girl was pissing off his offensive linemen. Without him, they played better and beat OSU.

Few angles here...

1. Their O-Line is getting healthy. They have been pretty beat-up all year.

2. Something is amiss up there with regards to Cook...how does the guy not get voted Captain as a Senior and will end up being QB with most wins etc from that school?

Nothing would suprise...
Only really got to see the two local games today...

First, OSU-MSU...

Well, OSU finally played a team with a pulse and they lost. I will say I am shocked. Lotsa factors here today..

-letdown with no Cook?
-Almost as though they approached game without Cook in as though they had it won
-Playcalling was bad OSU
-MSU T.O.P. and great gameplan for the young QB's.

Just an odd OSU team this year. I cannot explain it, maybe ya'll Buckeye faithful can.

MSU secondary is so atrocious but they never tried to take advantage it seems...again...other reasons can explain this...


First, and this is no homer here. It has started to get a bit out of control with the officiating. Yes, the refs are bad all-around the country but today was mind-boggling. 14-3 the penalties were. I have no problem that UM had more penalties as they should have with false starts and off-sides but the interference calls and the weird ass holding on a DL and the terrible below the waist block call were only trumped by the targeting penalty...Zettel left the ground and put his helmet into Rudocks. He jumped up to do this. On the field, PF with targeting. After review, waive off the targeting. That was inexplicable. Now, UM has gotten the short end of stick this year from refs but I am starting to think they are showing up Harbaugh a bit. I thought that was talk earlier in year but now it is almost telling. Oh well, still whooped their asses playing against PSU+Refs.

Rudock continues to blossom in passing game. They basically are using quick screens etc as first down runs. It is working, for now. Nothing much else they can do. Chesson does EVERYTHING. What a great CFB player to watch. Kind of a throwback.

Defense responded today. It helps they played Hackenturd.

Good win today, could have been a letdown. On to 'The Game' next week.
That I should never have Wisconsin, Clemson, Louisville, or weekday games on my card. That or I should fade myself. But, I would still get them wrong.
- Urban will go down as a great CFB coach, but that was abysmal coaching yesterday. Is there a word worse than abysmal? You can't run, that was evident pretty early on. And the opposing team has a secondary that's given up 30 pass plays this season over 20 yards. And you throw it downfield twice? If JTB wasn't capable, give Cardale a shot.
- Tell me that Stidham wasn't going to play the entire 2H, and thus Baylor would have to go a WR to play QB, and I'll tell you Okie State has a good chance to win that game. Not so. Some nice throws by Johnson, albeit to wide open WRs. But against any Baylor defense, especially one that dinged up, you can't be punting 10 times. I'm not going to buy that being a good Baylor defense, it's still coached by Phil Bennett.
- That was a vicious head shot Mayfield took. Not your everyday targeting foul. I don't know how he plays in Bedlam. Probably some pissed off OU coaches after that hit.
- Yesterday was a great exhibit why this handicapping thing isn't for the faint of heart.
Today was also a reminder of how hard it is to go undefeated. Part of going undefeated is having good luck with injuries, and the teams that have had good luck so far are due to have their luck change. Look at UH and all those Big 12 teams.

Bear Bryant said that the things you need to win a championship are injury luck and schedule luck. Still true.
Only really got to see the two local games today...

First, OSU-MSU...

Well, OSU finally played a team with a pulse and they lost. I will say I am shocked. Lotsa factors here today..

-letdown with no Cook?
-Almost as though they approached game without Cook in as though they had it won
-Playcalling was bad OSU
-MSU T.O.P. and great gameplan for the young QB's.

Just an odd OSU team this year. I cannot explain it, maybe ya'll Buckeye faithful can.

MSU secondary is so atrocious but they never tried to take advantage it seems...again...other reasons can explain this...


First, and this is no homer here. It has started to get a bit out of control with the officiating. Yes, the refs are bad all-around the country but today was mind-boggling. 14-3 the penalties were. I have no problem that UM had more penalties as they should have with false starts and off-sides but the interference calls and the weird ass holding on a DL and the terrible below the waist block call were only trumped by the targeting penalty...Zettel left the ground and put his helmet into Rudocks. He jumped up to do this. On the field, PF with targeting. After review, waive off the targeting. That was inexplicable. Now, UM has gotten the short end of stick this year from refs but I am starting to think they are showing up Harbaugh a bit. I thought that was talk earlier in year but now it is almost telling. Oh well, still whooped their asses playing against PSU+Refs.

Rudock continues to blossom in passing game. They basically are using quick screens etc as first down runs. It is working, for now. Nothing much else they can do. Chesson does EVERYTHING. What a great CFB player to watch. Kind of a throwback.

Defense responded today. It helps they played Hackenturd.

Good win today, could have been a letdown. On to 'The Game' next week.

My homer ref bashing: with as good a DL as Alabama has, there have been 2 holding penalties called on our opponents all season, none in conference play.
Rudolph for Ok St was exposed. The moment was too big for him. He was the kind of bad that is hard for his teammates to overcome. He threw the ball off the playing field, short hopped it into wide open receivers by being ten yards short on his pass, threw high, picked the wrong receiver, had poor pocket presence, etc etc. I don't think anyone thought he was great but I thought he was exposed as the very average QB that he is. One of the first games all year that I thought the Baylor defensive line played the way people were hoping they would starting with whatever game they returned from suspension. I was also a little shocked to see the running success of baylor in that game. Just rammed it down the throat of Oklahoma State even when the cowboys knew it was coming. Baylor wr group is sick.

I cannot speak for the season but the officiating in the Mich-PSU game was a joke. While I disagree that the Zettel play was even a penalty let alone targeting, the other calls mentioned were a complete joke. The defensive holding on the defensive tackle was a joke, the pass interference calls were bad especially the one where there was offensive PI and nothing close to defensive PI. But the "block below the waist" call on the WR screen took the cake. It was fun watching the Harbaugh meltdowns though ... taking his jacket off was the best. Thought the announcers finally made a good point in that football game ....... not many teams i would rather have on the key plays of the game if they are short yardage plays. Thought Taco had a good game.

Not sure that Indiana is not as good as any team in the bigten. Positive there is not much difference between them and the best. Still need one more for bowl eligibility. They will win next week and we should all be interested in backing them come bowl season, depending on line and match up of course .. just saying they are a team i want to back.

A lot of focus on the Washington State walk-on QB but that defense has been playing under the radar good for a few months now.

Utep with a gutty effort.

There is something about this time of year that lends itself to ridiculous results. You see more blowouts, you see more upsets, you see more head shaking efforts .... it could be that season goals are over, it could be distractions of the holidays approaching, it could be just being tired of the practices, coaches, teammates, lifestyle, it could be late semester girl trouble, it could be getting tired from juggling football with school (ya i laughed too) or it could be earning a few bucks. But some of the results and efforts are inexplicable and it is not unique to this season.

keenan reynolds is one of the better football players no one talks about outside of when you are actually watching a navy game.

Another OOC poor effort by the SEC with uga against ga southern. GSU not a bad team but I saw what WVU did to them (granted upshaw not ellison).

TOSU - I think maybe we see one of the problems the offense had this year went beyond the poor playcalling itself .... it was that the offense had no confidence in the play calling either. Team completely lost their offensive swagger this year. Watching some of the designed QB sweeps on third down was just hard to watch. Why move Braxton Miller to WR because he couldn't heal up to throw if you are not going to throw with the guys you put in there? Tip of the cap to MSU head coach.... great gameplan. Elliott is a sore loser. I like sore loser's but I prefer the type that do it with a swagger or blame the ref or blame themself .... sore losers who throw their coaches or teammates under the bus are the worst. He is trying to deflect that he came out and said this was a "statement game" before the game, whimpered around the field like a dog with his tail between his legs during the game while getting his ass beat, and now wants to blame anything but the mirror because the statement that the game made was that "TOSU is over rated".

Very impressive game from Notre Dame. Very. That score is going to be deceiving and people's reluctance to give them credit is telling.

Nice pitch play LSU.
Another OOC poor effort by the SEC with uga against ga southern. GSU not a bad team but I saw what WVU did to them (granted upshaw not ellison).

For years, the SEC East teams have been scheduling open dates or FCS teams the week before their rivalry games against the ACC. I'm just glad to see the strategy bite them in the ass again. And I learned that I was right about Florida.
There is something about this time of year that lends itself to ridiculous results. You see more blowouts, you see more upsets, you see more head shaking efforts .... it could be that season goals are over, it could be distractions of the holidays approaching, it could be just being tired of the practices, coaches, teammates, lifestyle, it could be late semester girl trouble, it could be getting tired from juggling football with school (ya i laughed too) or it could be earning a few bucks. But some of the results and efforts are inexplicable and it is not unique to this season..

As opposed to that early-semester girl trouble.

Good win for Norkerlina at Beamer. Also solid win by Tennessee in Columbia. Both losing coaches were carried off the field by their players after the game. Fairly certain we'll never see two losers carried off on the same day again in our lifetimes...
Teams that throw the ball deep down the middle of the field score points. Teams that throw the ball sideways or along the sidelines primarily do not. Baylor is great because they constantly pressure the defense with deep post patterns, and college football teams simply cannot cover that consistently. All it takes is a safety hesitating for a half second or another DB stumbling just a tad and it's 6 points. Why more teams do not test that portion of the field more is mind boggling to me. Too many teams are obsessed with the sideways throws or the long, 35 yard across the field out routes that result in 6 yards. Seriously, when you see a QB throw the ball 25+ yards down the seam, it almost always results in a big play.

I mentioned this before but Hackenberg is just an abomination. I know he's the all time leader at Penn State and that's saying something given their history, but he just sucks. Worse than that, he's constantly bitching when he's the reason for the issue. He'll take a 3 step drop, hold the ball for 6 seconds, get sacked, and then glare at his linemen. Also, Franklin got a lot of heat for kicking the FG when they were 4th and goal down 21-13, but he had no choice because Hackenberg had fled the playing field and disappeared to the bench before Franklin could even decide whether to go for it. If an NFL GM other than the guy with Bill O'Brien as his coach takes Hackenberg, he should be fired immediately. My guess is O'Brien wouldn't touch him either.

Great thoughts by Kyle in this post. I still think Indiana has a lot of "loserish" tendencies to overcome, so I'd hesitate on them if you need them to actually win a bowl game, but he's right, even though they've won a grand total of 1 Big ten game, they are almost as good as anyone in the league.

Oregon is now 17-1 ATS in games in which the line was single digits one way or the other. Wow. Won't be in play in their finale with the Beavs though.

I hope Missouri has some sort alternative to Drew Lock as their future QB because that kid was atrocious again. Even on their one TD, during that "and Goal" series of plays, he could hardly execute a simple handoff. For the year, he's barely cracked 5 yards per attempt, never throws the ball more than 10 yards downfield and still has managed a 4/7 ratio.

Wholeheartedly agree with Kyle on his Mason Rudolph take. Gundy was intelligently trying to expose Baylor deep all game and he could not get the ball there. OSU has some playmakers at WR who made some great catches, but Rudolph blew at least 2, maybe 3 easy TDs. He was really good against TCU, so I was hoping he had turned the corner, but wow...he really cost them last night.

Gary Patterson doesn't give a shit, he is going to come right after you, regardless of the cards he's dealt. They are going to be hellacious to deal with in bowl season for whatever poor soul has to face that offense when they are healthy again.
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As opposed to that early-semester girl trouble.

Good win for Norkerlina at Beamer. Also solid win by Tennessee in Columbia. Both losing coaches were carried off the field by their players after the game. Fairly certain we'll never see two losers carried off on the same day again in our lifetimes...

Almost the magical win for Beamer.
Watching the SDSU/UNLV game, I learned that whether a punt returner made a fair-catch signal is reviewable.
The timing/venue of Zeke's comments may have been less than appropriate but they were dead on. And I think it revealed the mystery behind OSU's sputtering offense. There's obviously something internally rotten.

I don't like dumping all of the blame on Tim Beck...it's lazy. And the Herman deification is pure revisionist history. Go check Herman's rave reviews after 2013 MSU and 2014 VT. Similarly to yesterday, there was an over-reliance on QB runs, abandonment of the star player and absolute petrification of passing the ball.

The common denominator here is Urban. It's his offense. His hires. He sits in on meetings and can call plays if necessary. He deserves enormous praise for last year. Just as fairly he deserves the criticism this year. He's an incredible coach but he's human.

It will be interesting whether or not OSU shows up next week against a team who I'm sure will be very ready for them. I have no idea how it will unfold. I would expect Zeke to be running angry.
I don't like dumping all of the blame on Tim Beck...it's lazy. And the Herman deification is pure revisionist history. Go check Herman's rave reviews after 2013 MSU and 2014 VT. Similarly to yesterday, there was an over-reliance on QB runs, abandonment of the star player and absolute petrification of passing the ball.

In other words, he and Tebow were a match made in heaven.
Rudolph for Ok St was exposed. The moment was too big for him. He was the kind of bad that is hard for his teammates to overcome. He threw the ball off the playing field, short hopped it into wide open receivers by being ten yards short on his pass, threw high, picked the wrong receiver, had poor pocket presence, etc etc. I don't think anyone thought he was great but I thought he was exposed as the very average QB that he is. One of the first games all year that I thought the Baylor defensive line played the way people were hoping they would starting with whatever game they returned from suspension. I was also a little shocked to see the running success of baylor in that game. Just rammed it down the throat of Oklahoma State even when the cowboys knew it was coming. Baylor wr group is sick.

I cannot speak for the season but the officiating in the Mich-PSU game was a joke. While I disagree that the Zettel play was even a penalty let alone targeting, the other calls mentioned were a complete joke. The defensive holding on the defensive tackle was a joke, the pass interference calls were bad especially the one where there was offensive PI and nothing close to defensive PI. But the "block below the waist" call on the WR screen took the cake. It was fun watching the Harbaugh meltdowns though ... taking his jacket off was the best. Thought the announcers finally made a good point in that football game ....... not many teams i would rather have on the key plays of the game if they are short yardage plays. Thought Taco had a good game.

Not sure that Indiana is not as good as any team in the bigten. Positive there is not much difference between them and the best. Still need one more for bowl eligibility. They will win next week and we should all be interested in backing them come bowl season, depending on line and match up of course .. just saying they are a team i want to back.

A lot of focus on the Washington State walk-on QB but that defense has been playing under the radar good for a few months now.

Utep with a gutty effort.

There is something about this time of year that lends itself to ridiculous results. You see more blowouts, you see more upsets, you see more head shaking efforts .... it could be that season goals are over, it could be distractions of the holidays approaching, it could be just being tired of the practices, coaches, teammates, lifestyle, it could be late semester girl trouble, it could be getting tired from juggling football with school (ya i laughed too) or it could be earning a few bucks. But some of the results and efforts are inexplicable and it is not unique to this season.

keenan reynolds is one of the better football players no one talks about outside of when you are actually watching a navy game.

Another OOC poor effort by the SEC with uga against ga southern. GSU not a bad team but I saw what WVU did to them (granted upshaw not ellison).

TOSU - I think maybe we see one of the problems the offense had this year went beyond the poor playcalling itself .... it was that the offense had no confidence in the play calling either. Team completely lost their offensive swagger this year. Watching some of the designed QB sweeps on third down was just hard to watch. Why move Braxton Miller to WR because he couldn't heal up to throw if you are not going to throw with the guys you put in there? Tip of the cap to MSU head coach.... great gameplan. Elliott is a sore loser. I like sore loser's but I prefer the type that do it with a swagger or blame the ref or blame themself .... sore losers who throw their coaches or teammates under the bus are the worst. He is trying to deflect that he came out and said this was a "statement game" before the game, whimpered around the field like a dog with his tail between his legs during the game while getting his ass beat, and now wants to blame anything but the mirror because the statement that the game made was that "TOSU is over rated".

Very impressive game from Notre Dame. Very. That score is going to be deceiving and people's reluctance to give them credit is telling.

Nice pitch play LSU.

It is sickening isn't it. It is like watching a man dig his own grave.....guy is a stubborn fuck
A shutout win over Texas is not enough to keep your job

Yeah, but he'll go to his grave peacefully now. After getting raped by the officials in the Texas game in '13, he had this year's game at home circled for a long time. Rhoads was going to beat Texas in Ames if it was the last thing he did.
Trevor Knight is terrible. But Katy Perry thinks he's cute so he's got that going for him. He threw two passes that just fell out of his hand. I think Patterson was foolish to go for 2. They had all the momentum and Oklahoma couldn't move the ball with Knight. Think they win in OT.
Shitty game plan aside, and noted, Urban should bench Zeke, tell the ingrate to move along, concentrate on the NFL draft and his 3.2-year pro career. Woody would've.
Elliot is a great player, but he was out of line with those comments. Lobbying to the coaches and being upset you didn't get your carries is fine (and he was right the play calling was awful), but don't go public. Much worse though was saying he's leaving.. they are about to play their rival and he's talking about future plans? That's what I'd be pissed about if I was Urban Meyer, or another player on that team.
I'm truly glad Ohio State lost. They were a fraud all year. Sure they have great players and had tons of potential, but they never did anything right and underachieved at every turn. Tried to lose to NIU, tried to lose to Indiana, were awful in victory in a half-dozen others. You can count one hand the number of halves of football where they played up to their standards as a complete team on both offense and defense.

The great irony of all this, is that they lost to one of the few teams in all the land that is equally as fraudulent. MSU got outgained and outplayed by CMU and AFA. Were life and death with Purdue and Rutgers, were in a dead-heat with IU before the turnover train started, and don't get me started on the Duck game, just be glad Adams had a broken finger and the secondary was all underclassmen who hadn't grown up yet, you wouldn't want to see that team again.

Don't take it personally Spartan fans, you've had a nice year and you deserve the praise you're getting now, but I don't need to see you taking up a spot in the playoffs. Maybe there is an outside chance that Notre Dame's frosh QB could throw enough picks in the EZ to keep you in it, but going up against Clemson or Bama would really just be a waste of everyone's time and I doubt you could score with Baylor or OU either. Good luck vs Iowa, but you may want to focus on PSU first, they can be a handful and we've all seen this movie before in CFB after a big win.

Is everyone ready to get grossed out when Ohio St still makes it in somehow?
I'm truly glad Ohio State lost. They were a fraud all year. Sure they have great players and had tons of potential, but they never did anything right and underachieved at every turn. Tried to lose to NIU, tried to lose to Indiana, were awful in victory in a half-dozen others. You can count one hand the number of halves of football where they played up to their standards as a complete team on both offense and defense.

The great irony of all this, is that they lost to one of the few teams in all the land that is equally as fraudulent. MSU got outgained and outplayed by CMU and AFA. Were life and death with Purdue and Rutgers, were in a dead-heat with IU before the turnover train started, and don't get me started on the Duck game, just be glad Adams had a broken finger and the secondary was all underclassmen who hadn't grown up yet, you wouldn't want to see that team again.

Don't take it personally Spartan fans, you've had a nice year and you deserve the praise you're getting now, but I don't need to see you taking up a spot in the playoffs. Maybe there is an outside chance that Notre Dame's frosh QB could throw enough picks in the EZ to keep you in it, but going up against Clemson or Bama would really just be a waste of everyone's time and I doubt you could score with Baylor or OU either. Good luck vs Iowa, but you may want to focus on PSU first, they can be a handful and we've all seen this movie before in CFB after a big win.

Is everyone ready to get grossed out when Ohio St still makes it in somehow?

Haven't we been saying this at this stage of the season for the past decade? "Oregon is the most dangerous team in the county, nobody wants to play them right now."...and then they go out and get their blocks knocked off in a bowl game against an elite opponent.

Running a track meet against mediocre PAC squads doesn't seem to translate against the big boys. Hell, look at how this year's most likely PAC champ Stanford did against mighty NW.
I'm truly glad Ohio State lost. They were a fraud all year. Sure they have great players and had tons of potential, but they never did anything right and underachieved at every turn. Tried to lose to NIU, tried to lose to Indiana, were awful in victory in a half-dozen others. You can count one hand the number of halves of football where they played up to their standards as a complete team on both offense and defense.

The great irony of all this, is that they lost to one of the few teams in all the land that is equally as fraudulent. MSU got outgained and outplayed by CMU and AFA. Were life and death with Purdue and Rutgers, were in a dead-heat with IU before the turnover train started, and don't get me started on the Duck game, just be glad Adams had a broken finger and the secondary was all underclassmen who hadn't grown up yet, you wouldn't want to see that team again.

Don't take it personally Spartan fans, you've had a nice year and you deserve the praise you're getting now, but I don't need to see you taking up a spot in the playoffs. Maybe there is an outside chance that Notre Dame's frosh QB could throw enough picks in the EZ to keep you in it, but going up against Clemson or Bama would really just be a waste of everyone's time and I doubt you could score with Baylor or OU either. Good luck vs Iowa, but you may want to focus on PSU first, they can be a handful and we've all seen this movie before in CFB after a big win.

Is everyone ready to get grossed out when Ohio St still makes it in somehow?

LOL, won't happen
Haven't we been saying this at this stage of the season for the past decade? "Oregon is the most dangerous team in the county, nobody wants to play them right now."...and then they go out and get their blocks knocked off in a bowl game against an elite opponent.

Running a track meet against mediocre PAC squads doesn't seem to translate against the big boys. Hell, look at how this year's most likely PAC champ Stanford did against mighty NW.

Nope, you are actually seeing the exact opposite this year. Stumbled early with young players and injuries, none of the pieces fit quite right. Now in November they are playing like a top 15 team. Exact opposite of every other year.
Nope, you are actually seeing the exact opposite this year. Stumbled early with young players and injuries, none of the pieces fit quite right. Now in November they are playing like a top 15 team. Exact opposite of every other year.

are you saying Stanford should be considered for the CFP or no? the "playing like a top 15 team" is giving me mixed signals..
Nope, you are actually seeing the exact opposite this year. Stumbled early with young players and injuries, none of the pieces fit quite right. Now in November they are playing like a top 15 team. Exact opposite of every other year.

They don't usually play a big early OOC game. Offhand I can remember Boise St. and LSU...games which they lost but then came on strong late in the year.

The past 2 seasons they lost to Arizona and injuries were to blame...last year they struggled early (banged up Mariota, O-line) and then finished the regular season strong.

Regardless of the timing of their stumbles, it's pretty well established that Oregon knows how to beat the crap out of mediocre PAC opponents and thus are well hyped at the end of the year. Hasn't translated out of conference. But a top 15 ranking at this point is fair. Top 5 not so much. With their 3 losses they probably boat race some mid major in a less than prestigious bowl.
CG, its Oregon playing like a Top 15 team now sorry if I'm making it confusing, they were more like top 60 in September and October. Stanford should get playoff consideration depending on how things go in the next two weeks, but they are really good and an absolute handful for all but the very best teams. I can't lay more than a FG but I do expect them to find a way to beat ND. If they can't, then its academic and they wouldn't deserve it anyway. As an aside, Stanford and Notre Dame have about the best offensive lines in the country, so I'm looking forward to some grown man football.

Phife, that is all semantics and how you are defining "elite opponent." They lost to Auburn, LSU, Stanford a couple times, USC once, but they beat Stanford a few times including about the best Stanford teams ever in Andrew Luck's last two years, smoke USC regularly, UCLA several times, beat a top 10 Wisconsin team in the Rose Bowl, a top 10 KSU team in the Fiesta Bowl, a highly ranked FSU team in the Rose Bowl prior to the tOSU loss, and a top 10 team in MSU last season. I think what you mean to say - and what is correct to say - is that they struggle when they run into teams with NFL-caliber players on the line of scrimmage, because with an exception here and there, Oregon doesn't get those guys. Big strong fast black guys, most of whom population-wise are south of the Mason-Dixon line and don't venture up here for a visit let alone a commitment. Arik Armstead was from NoCal, Haloti Ngata from Utah, Deforest Buckner from Hawaii. Even when they do get an elite lineman they aren't from southern California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the south, or any other fertile recruiting area. Its almost a random anomaly if they get a 5-star big guy.

Your comment about not scheduling a big OOC game is factually inaccurate. I will let you review that one. The exception would be 2012 and somebody cancelled on them, I don't remember who. Tennessee was on a down turn so that home and home was disappointing from a neutral fan's perspective but that is a traditional SEC power. FCS team, mid major team, major conf team is the pattern for the most part and of course the Pac 12 only has 3 OOC games to begin with. They will be 2nd or 3rd in the Pac 12 bowl pecking order this year. No mid major to be found. Probably Holiday Bowl against a 2nd tier Big 10 team, which will be a decent enough match-up. I'd like to see them play Michigan personally. Huge divergence of styles.
Yes, physical teams with elite players on the LOS. Compare their scoring average vs opponents such as OSU, LSU, Auburn, etc. to their season averages in those years. As mentioned, I've acknowledged that they boat race most PAC teams so I'm not interested in what they've done against USC or UCLA. Stanford has given Oregon serious troubles over the years because of their commitment to running the ball and playing defense. KSU was very overmatched from a talent perspective.

I said they don't *usually* play a big early OOC game and when they do they haven't fared all that well. Lost to LSU, Boise St. (2x), 1-1 against MSU. I'm going off the top of my head so forgive me if I'm excluding anyone.

That's fine that they scheduled Tennessee with the best of intentions (and I wasn't accusing Oregon of ducking(!) anyone with their scheduling a la Baylor) but obviously Tennessee was not a very good team during that time period.

I see that Oregon is projected to play in the Foster Farms Bowl against perennial power Indiana. Yes, Indiana is actually somewhat of a competent squad this year...but you're still talking about a 1-6 team within the B1G.

CG, its Oregon playing like a Top 15 team now sorry if I'm making it confusing, they were more like top 60 in September and October. Stanford should get playoff consideration depending on how things go in the next two weeks, but they are really good and an absolute handful for all but the very best teams. I can't lay more than a FG but I do expect them to find a way to beat ND. If they can't, then its academic and they wouldn't deserve it anyway. As an aside, Stanford and Notre Dame have about the best offensive lines in the country, so I'm looking forward to some grown man football.

Phife, that is all semantics and how you are defining "elite opponent." They lost to Auburn, LSU, Stanford a couple times, USC once, but they beat Stanford a few times including about the best Stanford teams ever in Andrew Luck's last two years, smoke USC regularly, UCLA several times, beat a top 10 Wisconsin team in the Rose Bowl, a top 10 KSU team in the Fiesta Bowl, a highly ranked FSU team in the Rose Bowl prior to the tOSU loss, and a top 10 team in MSU last season. I think what you mean to say - and what is correct to say - is that they struggle when they run into teams with NFL-caliber players on the line of scrimmage, because with an exception here and there, Oregon doesn't get those guys. Big strong fast black guys, most of whom population-wise are south of the Mason-Dixon line and don't venture up here for a visit let alone a commitment. Arik Armstead was from NoCal, Haloti Ngata from Utah, Deforest Buckner from Hawaii. Even when they do get an elite lineman they aren't from southern California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, the south, or any other fertile recruiting area. Its almost a random anomaly if they get a 5-star big guy.

Your comment about not scheduling a big OOC game is factually inaccurate. I will let you review that one. The exception would be 2012 and somebody cancelled on them, I don't remember who. Tennessee was on a down turn so that home and home was disappointing from a neutral fan's perspective but that is a traditional SEC power. FCS team, mid major team, major conf team is the pattern for the most part and of course the Pac 12 only has 3 OOC games to begin with. They will be 2nd or 3rd in the Pac 12 bowl pecking order this year. No mid major to be found. Probably Holiday Bowl against a 2nd tier Big 10 team, which will be a decent enough match-up. I'd like to see them play Michigan personally. Huge divergence of styles.
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