Week 11 tout/service/Walters release in-game...


CTG Regular
Hi guys, was out of the country for a few days last week, rendering the thread meaningless and obsolete by the time I was working Friday morning.

Here's what happened yesterday:

Mover took 116 Wyo +6.5, seems like a setup.

Same guy bet on 122 UAB, same deal possible.

Same story for 147 UTSA... that guy and one more mover i respect bet on 165 UVa and 173 Idaho. Virginia seems more likely to be real than Idaho from how I'm reading the screen.

Good money for both sides of 131 and 132 Monrow/Appy

140 Kansas was a group of movers, seems like it's billy's guys. whether that's his side or not, not sure, could be a setup but there was some real money coming at two different places I was looking at.

Those same guys, with the same M-O, bet on 157 UConn and 192 Ariz State

They just started today.

First movers on 103 Toledo OVER.

Then the same guys who plowed into the 140, 157, 192 games just bet on Penn State 117. My guy actually had 6 when the screen was painted 4.5 and one of the chasers STILL laid it. All you can do is laugh when that happens.

I'll be around on and off the rest of the day with more updates, and same deal weds thru fri, 4-5 updates per day as warranted and when time permits.

tout-ish type guy on 106 Ohio U -3 -115, could be a Doctor Bob deal if i had to take a stab. mover on 115 Utah State -6 as well
Sharpest guys i see in one of these offices bet on BG and Kent tonight games and first half, and both totals OVER and first halves OVER. Those games will move that way almost 100 percent sure at some point. If you like against, wait; if you like for, go now...
Surprised nothing showing up on nads rex. Fully expect that to close below 3. Dont think huskies should be laying here...
movers taking it easy today. Only game I see for sure going up tonight is the Buff/OU total; guy i respect went OV 54 and he never gets the worst of it in the end.

There was a small move on 147 UTSA again today, other than that, any other moves to this point are fakeys, no legit money in college anywhere else today (well, except my Ball State +3 of course, wink wink)...
no clue on K-state game at this point, don't bother asking if you don't see me chat about it in here; this thread is for the line moves from sharp money only. Ask the questions in my personal thread please.

three totals got hit by multiple movers. First was 145 Ga St OVER.

Next two got hit by same guy but also guys who are on tout plays, and they moved harder so this could be a Dr. Bob type total release at 3pm EST deal. Those were 173 Idaho OV and 171 Air Force OV.

Guessing the movers will be off the clock for a couple of hours...
Movers are on the clock for a few hours.

Here's what I've seen so far:

188 Mich St UNDER

178 N Tex +3.5 but that seems fishy; the same guy bet on Tampa Bay right at the same time the movers came in on the Falcons four minutes ago.

186 Culo St -17 also. I'll be around intermittently with updates.
In regards to tonight's game, I see most people at Clempson -21 and the total 42.5

From those numbers, the spread should come down, and the total will go up. One of the movers who always gets the right sides and gets the goodies early just now bet OVER 42.5. If you like UNDER, wait, otherwise go now. If you like Clempson, wait. If you like Wake, take the 21, it won't go up from there.
122 UAB UN 58

148 Rice UN 48

sharp movers

124 Minnesota is a tout-type play it seems, i see the money but it's different movers. Could be Dr. Bob-ish or Doc's Big 10 GOY for example (i know usually doesn't release til Saturday, just giving toutish examples).
168 W KY -7 -115 is movers.

179 Ga Southern -13 are the same guys

as said earlier, sharpest money tonight is on wake and UN, and first half same sides.
Not that it has crossed a key, but did sharp money push the Oregon/Utah line down? Thx
the move was tuesday morning.....dropped from 9.5/10 to 8 in a matter of a few minutes...prolly insignificant...thx
whats the deal in the Iowa game....opened at 2.5 now at PK
never mind, just re read your comments. post#18 :shake:
quiet day thus far. I'll be back in a few hours to update, as of now i see the movers out on 181 Colo/Zona OVER and nothing else so far today in cfb. they've all been busy in the nuba
Both totals tonight are going to get steamed up. The guy who always gets the right side of the moves went OVER in Mem/Temple and OVER in Utag/Wyo. If you like OVER in either or both, go now. If you like UNDER, wait it out. They will get to 50 or higher in the first game, 47 in the second one.
You're taking Temple +8 1/2? I am just nervous about that ECU game being more of a let down by ECU than a solid game by temple. Temple is the only line I like in CFB today, but the fact that they are getting 8 1/2 puzzles me.
I bet temple; that's in my thread.

Someone is against this guy on 116 Utah/Wyo total; I was fully expecting it to only go one way, but there was all sorts of sharp on UN 46.5 at about 3:50 pm EST. Looks like they were trying to phoney, as it's back at 47 and above now.

The same guys tried to make 114 go down also; like 6 of them went UNDER 49 and better. This time it's working; the game is pretty much painted 48.

These are likely walters, but not confirmed. Multiple movers hit simultaneously.

129 Wiskydicks -17
136 Vandy +14.5

Other totals, likely billy
130 Wisky/Purdue UNDER
145 GSt OVER
189 U-La-La/NM St OVER
136 Fla/Vandy UNDER
last moves last night, after i was already cashed out.

One mover only bet on 170 Wash State.

Him and the other group of billy's guys bet on 196 TCU -5.5

Suspicious account overnight bet 143 Tul/Hou OV 43.5 and 159 A&M/Aubbie OV 67

Other totals bet overnight that are suspicious to me are 117 Penn St/IU OV 43, 124 Iowa/Minny UN 45.5, 127 GTech/NC State OV 60.5, 145 Ga St/Troy OV 67, 152 WV/Tex UN 53.5, 162 Bama/LSU UN 46, 164 Bay/OU UN 73 and 185 Hawaii/Culo St OV 54.5
those overnight totals all appear to be walters, from the last post.

186 Culo State gonna go up also, some guys just laid 19, i expect to see 20 at some point.
2H Walters

156 UN 30
124 UN 21.5

147 +3.5 -115 also him, think it's gone but if you have access to live anywhere, could be worth a look