Week 1 RAS/service release in-game...

suspicious account just bet Clempson +1.5 when the whole world is 2. Not sure what is going on but something fishy seems up there.
Is it true rex some books subscribe to RAS's picks to know what they're taking? I take it your book you work for doesn't.
cogen - yes. Some well-heeled owners do that. It's a very good business practice, can save you thousands over the course of the year if some of his subscribers lay bad numbers. All it takes is one game to make it worthwhile.

Someone is out betting on Louisiana Tech, not sure who it is.

The Computer kids were betting Kentucky earlier but rumor back home has it that Walters is on Western. They could be helping to set it up for him.
cogen - yes. Some well-heeled owners do that. It's a very good business practice, can save you thousands over the course of the year if some of his subscribers lay bad numbers. All it takes is one game to make it worthwhile.

Someone is out betting on Louisiana Tech, not sure who it is.

The Computer kids were betting Kentucky earlier but rumor back home has it that Walters is on Western. They could be helping to set it up for him.
thanks rex :shake:
totally unrelated, but CRIS getting blasted on the Pats as well, up to 10.5 now. Total falling. Guess that's what happens when you have no QB in the No Fun League.
yeah buffalo is without any proven quarterbacks. looks like Kolb's concussion injury is serious.
If u love tha service so much why are u not payin for tha service then?

I actually paid for it last year but I could never get online or get the bets in ahead of the quick change online by the books due to a pretty grueling work schedule, so I decided to be a free loader this year instead. But I've actually paid to have their service twice now in the last 4 four years, I just can't get the bets in fast enough. When they find a way to fix that I'll be back on I'm sure.

Thanks for the question though I really appreciate it. I believe some of the words you're looking for in your sentence are "you," "paying," and "the." Those are easily confused though. Best of luck moving forward to you my friend.
I actually paid for it last year but I could never get online or get the bets in ahead of the quick change online by the books due to a pretty grueling work schedule, so I decided to be a free loader this year instead. But I've actually paid to have their service twice now in the last 4 four years, I just can't get the bets in fast enough. When they find a way to fix that I'll be back on I'm sure.

Thanks for the question though I really appreciate it. I believe some of the words you're looking for in your sentence are "you," "paying," and "the." Those are easily confused though. Best of luck moving forward to you my friend.

Capping tha game, not English class. An all I was sayin is if u use tha service like that why not give them tha credit by payin for it? They email plays rite? Ur phone doesn't have email? I don't see how ras or dr bob or other services change how they get plays out, as soon as an email is sent tha masses an books will move on it quick
Yeah, I was just screwing with you. I guess the easiest way to honestly answer your question is that honestly I don't play enough dollars per play to validate paying, couple that with not having access to getting them in on time before movement it just doesn't work. I'm not kidding when I say I was a member last year and maybe got 60% of the published numbers, and that's when I was online and waiting for the release. They move in about 7 seconds. As far as credit, well I try to give it to them.

At the same time, I give credit to Direct TV for the NFL Sunday ticket but that doesn't mean I don't try to get it for free every year.
Edward's big on injury plays, and BYU's injuries at corner had not been factored into the line. The line, however, was way off before the injuries.
Does DMoney416, formerly of CTG fame, work for RAS? I thought he did. He was unbelievable.
Cherry I don't mean to be rude but was just curious. All you do is tail or pay service plays? Again not mean spirited, but if so your name here fits and is funny:shake:
Edward's big on injury plays, and BYU's injuries at corner had not been factored into the line. The line, however, was way off before the injuries.

Both teams have lots of issues. Seems like a crap shoot either way to me. Would lean BYU though.
If u love tha service so much why are u not payin for tha service then?

A little offtopic, but dude you need to get off eggman's balls. I've been lurking back here actively for a week now since the season is starting back and almost every other post from your "God" mouth is you giving him shit about his record, tailing, or whatever some bullshit degraded misspelled line of words you can manage to string together.

Surely "God" has better things to do then play the life of a troll.

slap on the wrist....lol
Cherry I don't mean to be rude but was just curious. All you do is tail or pay service plays? Again not mean spirited, but if so your name here fits and is funny:shake:

Correct... < 1% win long term. I'm not naive enough to think I'm among that group.