Wednesday Discussion Thread

Took over 10 here and don't really know what to expect from either starter. I do know what to expect from both bullpens lol
Took over 10 here and don't really know what to expect from either starter. I do know what to expect from both bullpens lol

I played it also, feel like a must, especially with guys who ain’t high caliber starters. I guess lament could be, he always had potential but never healthy. Can’t imagine he goes more than 5 innings even if he good. Outta be lot of bad pens and either starter could get rocked.
Freaking jays scattering a double every damn inning then leaving dude on bases. Starting to piss me off.
From The Guy WHO Said It Was A Tie For Starting Pitching In Oakland Last Night... HAHAHA!




I got some Varland ov 4.5 k’s small, just couldn’t resist this number, even tho his k’s been down last few he still has a 12% swinging strike rate, 4.5 a gift for guys with that! Gotta play even if I don’t love.
Really need some more runs in this jays game in a hurry, glad I went with 7 inning total but ain’t gonna matter if jays don’t start putting some hits together and brewers don’t stop wasting free passes
Really need some more runs in this jays game in a hurry, glad I went with 7 inning total but ain’t gonna matter if jays don’t start putting some hits together and brewers don’t stop wasting free passes
I have Brew tt over and thought it was a done deal after the early couple runs, figured event that crew could hit Manoah now it's gonna be a sweat
I have Brew tt over and thought it was a done deal after the early couple runs, figured event that crew could hit Manoah now it's gonna be a sweat

I was kicking myself for not playing mile Ff ov 2.5, lol. They wasted bunch of free passes and jays are spacing out doubles one per worthless inning. What the flying fuck is wrong w them? I’d say they damn near as disappointing as cards! They might be a game or 2 above .500 but they getting buried in east just the same. They spent hella money and just like that balty jumped their punk asses! Lol
I was kicking myself for not playing mile Ff ov 2.5, lol. They wasted bunch of free passes and jays are spacing out doubles one per worthless inning. What the flying fuck is wrong w them? I’d say they damn near as disappointing as cards! They might be a game or 2 above .500 but they getting buried in east just the same. They spent hella money and just like that balty jumped their punk asses! Lol
Crazy to think the best birds in baseball are the Orioles!
Fucking jays, it was so set up to cash the 7 inning total and those pussies only get 1 run home with 2 on nobody out, man they suck, it don’t make any sense this offense has been so bad all month!
Crazy to think the best birds in baseball are the Orioles!

Man, that sgp parlay boost they give on bases some bs, claim up to a 100% but fuck man, I tried using both rox and snakes team total over 4.5, grichuk total bases, marte amd caroll hits, and it was still only damn 30%! How many fuckimg plays you need to get any real kinda boost?? They don’t let you play pitcher out totals or under k’s, just over. There only so many damn things I can play!
Boom, took forever but cash Varland k’s too! Making up for those 3 ugly ass ones yesterday! It really be icing on the cake if Schmidt could find his way to 7, only put him on end a little parlay with all the rest, pays really nice tho. I still think he prob only gets 6 but it possible. He blew a few chances to get his 4th in 3rd inning, wasted bunch of pitches walking wong garbage ass also. How you walk that loser who can’t hit shit? I’d just lob it down middle before walking him!
Rox getting shit on by a dude who gave up 4 runs to Oakland! Lol. Fuck. Hopefully rox will get some late runs off the pen, or better yet snakes just score 11!
Be nice if rox offense would start helping the cause for this over. At least get Henry pitch count up, fuck.
Wow, what a quick hook for Schmidt. I thought we had at least the whole 6th and maybe into 7th, good damn thing he got 7th, little single and they pull him? Stupid move by Boone imo, think he just lost yanks the game for real.