Wednesday Discussion Thread

My only concerns w keller is he has a odd splits thing going where his day games been fantastic but he has less k’s, that gotta be small sample fluke I think. And his swinging strike would ideally be a little higher but he gets lot of looking strikes, giants not shy bout swinging but I think his swinging strike will be higher today.
How are we not gonna see runs in Toronto? Don’t care bout terahan 1st start, didn’t even know he still around, I think jays hit him, Manoah probably give up several bombs to this milw team! The 1st 5 is fucking 6 tho! That high for a 9.5 game total!
Well it good thing I went nats Ff tt, at least that has chance. Corbin turned back into a pumpkin. Lol
Not getting any damn runs in Oakland. Those assholes have had runners all over bases in few innings and nothing. Braves continue not hitting bad pitching! Fuck
They should let the handful of paying fans come down and take a at bat one inning, I mean why not??
Played paxton ov 5.5 k’s. Yesterday despite Bello failing to punch out any the 4 guys he had 1-2 in 1st and throwing 38 pitches that inning he still fanned 4, I trust paxton will put guys away when he gets them in 2 strike holes. Even when he got blown up last start in la he still managed 5 k’s in 3 innings, I don’t think reds present as tough a challenge as the halo’s and I think he will bounce back, he may or may not give up some runs but he should without a doubt fan a bunch of reds!
Funny tuna and salmon are my favorite sushi but I can't stand tuna salad. Canned tuna is a no go and no need for mayo anyway

I won’t eat it from places cause they all use way too much Mayo for my taste, I make bomb ass tuna salad with very little Mayo! Nothing strange bout loving real tuna and not stuff in the can, completely different! I happen to like both, back when I was serious bout working out and eating right I would eat straight out of can with some salt and pepper! Not great but served the protein purpose without bad fat!! Rather have that than all the places that drowned in Mayo, that nasty to me, I rather the mustard and some banana pepper juice be what comes thru when I make it!
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So glad went w nats Ff tt i steward of going for that +170, woulda been so pissed, punk ass corbin, they have you 3 runs, shoooda been push at worst.
I won’t eat it from places cause they all use way too much Mayo for my taste, I make bomb ass tuna salad with very little Mayo! Nothing strange bout loving real tuna and not stuff in the can, completely different! I happen to like both, back when I was serious bout working out and eating right I would eat straight out of can with some salt and pepper! Not great but served the protein purpose without bad fat!! Rather have that than all the places that drowned in Mayo, that nasty to me, I rather the mustard and some banana pepper juice be what comes thru when I make it!
Something about canned fish hits me wrong. I actually like canned chicken but fish either has to be ice cold or boiling hot for me

Last time I flew to Des Moines they served salmon and lox for breakfast, shit was basically room temperature and I had to hold the vomit in so as not to puke on the gal next to me. God that was a bad trip.
Who woulda guessed nats have one the best team batting averages in league!! How you make that team total 1.5 vs sydergaurrd I’ll never know
Something about canned fish hits me wrong. I actually like canned chicken but fish either has to be ice cold or boiling hot for me

Last time I flew to Des Moines they served salmon and lox for breakfast, shit was basically room temperature and I had to hold the vomit in so as not to puke on the gal next to me. God that was a bad trip.

Lol, funny I actually don’t like can chicken at all!

I make awesome salmon, I like mine seared on outside but very under in middle! Almost every place overcooks salmon imo.
Fucking Braves left 1st and 3rd against the worst pen in baseball, weak fucks. Gonna need A’s to tie it up to get the over! Cmon oaktown!
Lol, funny I actually don’t like can chicken at all!

I make awesome salmon, I like mine seared on outside but very under in middle!
Seared salmon and ahi are big favorites of mine

Just no room temp off the plane and straight line to the restroom, amazing that didn't result in an emergency landing in New Mexico!
Keller finishes with 8, like it was never in doubt! Another guy kinda like Gallen who starts a little slow but punches out more as he goes! I was kinda shocked to see keller at 6.5 vs giants, his swinging strike isn’t elite but he gets ton of called strikes and he been fanning 8+ in a ton his starts so 6.5 felt cheap.
Seared salmon and ahi are big favorites of mine

Just no room temp off the plane and straight line to the restroom, amazing that didn't result in an emergency landing in New Mexico!

Outback used to have amazing ahi appetizer, they must have like crazy hot grill cause the way they seared and got middle to still be raw was fantastic!!
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Man, I’m so tempted to play Schmidt ov 6.5 at +140, that a big number for him cause he doesn’t go deep very often but I could see him striking out a lot of seattle guys. Woulda loved a 5.5 but feel like 6.5 is kinda a tell, they damn sure knew he would get 6k’s!
Man, I’m so tempted to play Schmidt ov 6.5 at +140, that a big number for him cause he doesn’t go deep very often but I could see him striking out a lot of seattle guys. Woulda loved a 5.5 but feel like 6.5 is kinda a tell, they damn sure knew he would get 6k’s!
Getting to the time of year the sun stays out til almost 10pm up there

Might be shadows lol
I did something a little different in Toronto,

7 inning total ov 7.5 -125

Over 6 for 1st 5 just felt high, I could see it hitting but needing 7 to cash I much rather have the 6th and 7th needing just 1 more run to cash, didn’t see much point needing 2 more with both teams having really good guys available for the 8th and 9th. This just felt like the sweet spot to me, I have no doubt one these starters gets tagged and don’t think either going more than 5 and holding either team below 2-3 runs.
I can’t believe Braves couldn’t manage to score runs off oakland redic bad pen all series, just crazy. No way these oakland losers score 2 in 9th. So 3-1 for the day set after this loses.
I was so close to playing Varland over 4.5 k’s but couldn’t bring myself to do it, his swinging strike rate has been way down his last few starts, he is more than capable of fanning 5 Stros tho, they have him lined at 17.5 outs, if he goes that deep I think he will for sure fan 5+, im not sure he will go 6 vs a hot swinging Stros lineup tho?
I can’t believe Braves couldn’t manage to score runs off oakland redic bad pen all series, just crazy. No way these oakland losers score 2 in 9th. So 3-1 for the day set after this loses.
I think the Braves offense is massively overrated. They never score when I need them to and fail against poor pitching. Under team for me
I think the Braves offense is massively overrated. They never score when I need them to and fail against poor pitching. Under team for me

I don’t think that lines up tho does it? I have to look but I feel like they have quite a few more overs than unders. The problem is they a total 3 true outcome team, they swing for fences, walk, or strike out trying to hit bombs! That why I like playing k props against them, they connect quite a bit but oakland isn’t exactly a park for home runs. Hindsight and all prob shoulda seen those offensive struggles coming, I just thought that pen so bad surely they would put a big game together. They had 2 innings late, one with bases loaded only got 1, another with 1st and 3rd got nothing, they won’t just make contact and score the runs, they swing out their shoes no matter what.
Saw the temp and figured there was a good chance, pretty much gotta play over right? Not like we got world class starters going or pens backing them up!
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Saw the temp and figured there was a good chance, pretty much gotta play over right? Not like we got world class starters going or pens backing them up!
Yeah I like over tonight

Day game tomorrow but Snakes stay home so could be a quick game to get the evening off
I still don't know who some of these starters are for the dbacks lol, you'd think I'd be more up on them but they're all just names outside of Gallen and Kelly at this point
I still don't know who some of these starters are for the dbacks lol, you'd think I'd be more up on them but they're all just names outside of Gallen and Kelly at this point

Lol. You ain’t alone, I sure as shit don’t know a few of them!
Man, im gonna have to start giving cincy limeup a little more credit, 2nd Day in a row pitchers with good stuff got 2 strike counts and these guys just foul off one good pitch after another running the pitch counts way up, only 1k in those 6 outs last 2 1st innings and every hitter had 2 strikes. Those some crazy good at bats!
Here the manoah I’ve grown to appreciate the fade! Lol, kinda wish I woulda played milw Ff ov 2.5 but I think jays will score off Teheran also.
Paxton gonna need a quick inning or 2, 2md wasn’t bad even tho im pissed he didn’t fan Barrero 35% k rate ass! Fuck the was one I counted! Mfer better be efficient enough to get another crack at him. You gotta fan dudes that strike out that much!! Instead a little pop up.