Wednesday can't win giving the other team 29 outs Discussion

Who really cares, you won, great job

You do obviously. You said you loved the title in Thursday thread.

Many people have questioned his asinine comments so Yea I'd say numerous others care as well.

What's your point? Do you even have one?
I made 10 mistakes on Sunday alone, it happens

Well you can admit to them. Probably not a spoiled rich kid who has been handed everything to him. We all make mistakes and should learn and adapt. We're usually better people after.
You do obviously. You said you loved the title in Thursday thread.

Many people have questioned his asinine comments so Yea I'd say numerous others care as well.

What's your point? Do you even have one?

many people? start counting
Well you can admit to them. Probably not a spoiled rich kid who has been handed everything to him. We all make mistakes and should learn and adapt. We're usually better people after.

am i the spoiled rich kid with everything handed to me? Just want to be clear
Seeing Caleb catching for Bud that is not good for Bud
26.2 innings ERA of 9.79 will wait and check closer but if true Boom Chicka Boom
Seeing Caleb catching for Bud that is not good for Bud
26.2 innings ERA of 9.79 will wait and check closer but if true Boom Chicka Boom

he supposedly lost a lot of weight due to bronchitis earlier in the year, something like 20 lbs, but his legs seemed just as big as i remember them so maybe he's healthy again. Can't blame you fading him, especially with Clay's success in this month
absolute waste of time. I will no longer touch on the subject, we all have better things to do and it's became redundant and repetitive.

GL everyone even GW.
Duffy only threw 65 pitches in his longest rehab start that I could find, so that's not a great sign that he'll go deep tonight. However, with the KC bullpen that may not even be a bad thing?

KC should be pretty upset they got shutout yesterday, especially after loading the bases with none out in the 1st. Don't like the move to -102 at my two outlets, but I think it'll be hard to lay off
tuck, what is that smogers trend you mentioned? is it an 0-12 trend betting on the smogers, or 0-12 betting against them?
Ive got faith in Duffy coming off DL then rehab stint....dude just needs to throw strikes. He's got great stuff but walks too many and gets in his own head. I think he throws well tonight and KC takes the series.