Wed bases


Pretty much a regular
Was at work all damn day, couldn't really look at the day games. Would have had to do that yesterday if I was gonna take anything. Well anyway, had a good day yesterday. 4-2-1 with a winner of 2090, nice, needed that. Was worried I was heading down the debacle path in MLB after Sunday and Monday. Nope, we're winning this year bitch. I have looked at all the early games up until the Pirates at Cubs. Out of the 5 early ones there was only one I liked. So here is the pick, gonna probably add some here in a bit. Gotta check em out.

Milwaukee -120 at Phillies, risking 1200 to win 1000

Well that Phillies lineup is not good, especially without Utley who is out again tonight. Utley was really raking early, so good he is out again. The Brewers have a lot more thunder, and now Braun woke up all he needed was a trip to Philly. Man, Braun just kicks ass at Philly for some reason. Maybe he will blast a couple more homers, doubt he can get 3, never know, lol. Garza is pretty good, guess he isn't great, but this Philly lineup isn't too imposing so figure he will pitch a good one like his 1st game. Hernandez kind of blows, suppose the move to the NL might help him. He pitched well in his 1st game, but that was vs the Cubs. Faces a tougher task tonight. Cubs certainly don't have anywhere close to the lineup the Brewers throw out there.

Gonna take a look at some more.
If Utley was in there I would be a bit concerned, since he has kicked ass so far. Went ahead since he isn't in.
Pittsburgh at Cubs +111, risking 900.90 to win 1000

After watching that Cubs game at Pittsburgh, I am thinking the Cubs beat Wandy again. Well in that game there were numerous hard hit balls by the Cubs that fell short barely cuz the wind was blowing in 10-15 mph. I was watching that like whew, cuz I had the Pirates. Was thinking shit, I am lucky the wind is blowing in or I would be getting my ass kicked. Tonight Wandy has trouble if he serves em up like that, cuz the wind is blowing out to dead center at 15-20 mph, uh oh Wandy. He better pitch a whole lot better than his last start or it is gonna be a route. Saw where last year before he got hurt he gave up a whopping 10 homers in just 62 innings, that's quite a bit. With Hammel maybe moving to the NL will help him, not sure. Maybe the Cubs have something like Feldman, where he was sucking in the AL then pitched well for the Cubs last year. Really not sure, just think the Cubs will hit tonight, guess we'll see here in a bit.

Thanks play. Good luck to you too.
Arizona +115 for the 1st 5 innings at San Fran, risking 869.57 to win 1000

Well I bet Zona in the 1st match up, going with em again. No way in hell I'm betting the whole game though, you would have to be insane to take that with that Zona bull pen, man they blow. Thing is I think Arroyo is quite a bit better than Lincecum at this point, so think Zona can win the 1st 5 innings. After that who knows, the Giants may be losing and then come roaring back late, but I could give a fuck what happens late. San Fran is hot right now though, so this is a bit of a risk. Taking a shot Lincecum will give up a few early.
Shit the last 2 years Arroyo is a much better pitcher than Lincecum, it isn't that close in my opinion. Well considering where Lincecum was pitching, and where Arroyo was pitching. Most games in Great American for Arroyo, that's rough shit there, Lincecum in San Fran that is no comparison.
Yeah mothafucka right back on that ass. The crew up 2-0 early, gonna get it, 1 k, just calling it over now, lol. You already know what it is.
I remember people at covers back in the day would get pissed at me for saying oh yeah, it's a winner cash the ticket. Just bullshitting early, they would be like you fuck what are you doing? Your gonna jinx it, lol, like it mattered, haha.
Yeah gorgolon, good thing they have replay now. When he made that call, I was like fucking challenge, throw the red flag, ha, guess there is no flag in baseball.

Crap, 2nd and 3rd one out, in a jam now. Good thing there is replay or I would really be fucked at this point.
This is some shit, balk and an error on a throw to second. Wow, how do you fuck up that short a throw to second base. Oh well, hopefully it will work out. Pretty terrible.
The Brewers should be okay still. Hernandez blows, he will give up some more. Garza though he isn't spectacular for sure, but against that lineup he should settle in. Well hopefully the Brewers don't fuck up short throws to second, lol, that was really retarded, oh my.
Detroit -118 at Dodgers, risking 1180 to win 1000

Sanchez was the man last year, so going with him. Guess he wasn't near as good before that, so hope that wasn't a fluke. 1st game they didn't let him go much cuz he had not pitched much in spring. Hopefully tonight he can throw more like 90 pitches or so, guess not sure how long they will leave him in. Maybe should have taken 5 innings, wasn't sure. Beckett hasn't been worth a damn for a while now. So hopefully he is mediocre like usually the last few years. The Tigers bats though aren't too hot, but think they can hit in this one a little at least. Enough to get the win.
That is gonna be it for tonight. Didn't like that Angels at Mariners game at all. Sort of thought about the Mariners for a little bit, not long on that.
Cubs up 1-0 so that's good. This Brewers game I should be ahead damn it, gonna get after Hernandez at some point. Not too worried about the Phils lineup getting after Garza, unless we make stupid errors again.
Looks good at this point for me. Brewers and Cubs are winners, unless something crazy happens.

Not sure if I will be on here tomorrow for the early games, cuz my grandpa took a turn for the worse today, guess he is in bad shape. Not sure what is wrong just heard from my mom, and he is having serious pain, and they are giving him morphine. Guess now he can't talk well at all, is kind of incoherent, gonna have to go see him tomorrow. Just saw him not too long ago, and he was bitching about Obama, like usual, but he is 102, so things can go wrong at that point. That sucks, guess when I go I tomorrow I will rip on Obama, he will like that. Fuck, I don't know many people that live to be 102, almost 103 in May, but sounds like he isn't making much past a few days now, damn.