Webb's Week 6


Pretty much a regular
Season Record: 24-21 (53%) +6 Units

Got three plays so far:

Kentucky +3.5
Central Florida -3
South Florida -15.5

Im sure to tack on more as the week goes along.

1-1 so far this week. Lost on UK last night, won on the Louisville total tonight. Hopefully I will put a good run together tommorow for another winning week!

Good Luck to everyone tommorow!

I can only hope.......but chances are not good that it will happen. Jurich is friends with him, and probably thinks that he owes him something after bringing him here. Like I said in my other post. He has absolutely damaged this program.
There is some bad shit going on there...he has no control over his players either. They are becoming a minor league affiliate for the Bengals with everyone getting in trouble...
The players arent scared of him, because he acts like everyones best friend. With Petrino, it was completely different. Petrino was a pompus ass, but at least he had authority and knew what the hell he was doing!
Added 10.......yeah thats right, added 10!

Kansas ML (1 Unit)
La Tech +13 (1 Unit)
Missouri -6 (1 Unit)
Tennessee ML (1 Unit)
Colorado St -13 (1 Unit)
Texas Tech -24.5 (1 Unit)
Notre Dame +22.5 (1 Unit)
NC State +17.5 (1 Unit)
Houston +10.5 (1 Unit)
Vandy +8 (1 Unit)
I dont know what came over me this morning, but I just started surfing through and while looking at a ton of games I liked, I got a bit of a happy trigger finger! Definitely played far more games this week than my normal 7-10, but I feel good about it, and hopefully it will work out great!

Final Card for the Week:

Kentucky +3.5 (1 Unit) L
Central Florida -3 (1 Unit) L
South Florida -15.5 (1 Unit) L
Miami Fl -7 (1 Unit) L
Arizona State -9 (1 Unit) L
Florida +9 (1 Unit) W
Purdue +7 (1 Unit) L
Louisville/Utah Over 62 (1 Unit) W
Kansas ML (1 Unit) W
La Tech +13 (1 Unit) L
Missouri -6 (1 Unit) W
Tennessee ML (1 Unit) W
Colorado St -13 (1 Unit) L
Texas Tech -24.5 (1 Unit) W
Notre Dame +22.5 (1 Unit) W
NC State +17.5 (1 Unit) W
Houston +10.5 (1 Unit) W
Vandy +8 (1 Unit) L

WOW, thats 18 plays this week, which is probably my record number for any week ever!

Good Luck to everyone this week, and lets turn in a great day of college football!

WEBB<!-- / message --><!-- / message -->
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9-9 This week, for no movement in units. What an up and down and very interesting day.

Which leaves me at:

33-30 (52%) +6 Units thus far on the year.

Hopefully everyone did a little better than I did this week, and made some cash!

Back to getting drunk, and forgetting that baseball season ever happened. I guess there is always next year! 100th time has to be the charm!