Warning>>> Afternoon Game For The King


CTG Player


they are about 110-120 dogs..... I like The King any time is a dog. In his last few starts he has not come out well.... giving up a couple I think in the first inning of his last 2 starts off the DL. Before that he has his horrible game when he had the injury and came out before the end of the first. But before that you are looking at the most domminant pitcher in the Majors right now. Take out his first inning in the last two starts and you take away all the runs he gave up I believe, which pretty much means after the first inning despite giving up a good deal of runs in the first he has been lights out for the rest of the game. I think he opens up nicely today and stops the streak of 1st inning blowups.... I think for his part he gives up 1-2 runs in 7 innings max.
I dont play bases cept preseason futures..... But, if I played something probably play a M's 1st 5 innings bet or M's Side. But, I am fairly biased when it comes to Felix. I just dont think Felix should ever be a dog. I think as his carreer continues, he will always be the better pitcher on the field, just needs some run support. And with the way the M's are batting right now, esspecially with RISP and with 2 outs, I think the M's with him on the mound are the right choice tonight.
looks like I am a little off... thought he had only 3 starts since the injury....

still looking good since comming back despite a couple first inning blow ups. He'll do alright tonight.... still like him under 2 runs by the time he comes out tonight. If he gets past the first 2 innings unscathed, look for him to go shutout.
I love Felix as well and the M's are my favorite team (forget the avatar, I like the Angels but Mariners are my team ;)) but Felix has been hurting since the injury and you can't neglect that. I just can't back him until he gets his groove back on, the way I see it he either pitches a solid game, lets in a few, or he falls apart early.

In both cases advantage SD.

I would lean the Padres here. good luck. :shake:
I think when you have a quality home team that is being swept you should focus on that side and not worry about affection for some pitcher you are a fan of. They are just people.
I think when you have a quality home team that is being swept you should focus on that side and not worry about affection for some pitcher you are a fan of. They are just people.

lol. yes of course.... I am just a fan in bases.... that is my offseason, so I have fun.

ETA: 10 minutes
well he is getting his velocity back up.... still needs to get it a little higher, but his fastball is looking better.
the good thing is that he is getting that first pitch strike in there. 94 MPH fastball..... nice keep it going. he'll get back up to the upper 90s soon.
scoreless going to two.... felix gets through the 2nd and he will make it a low scoring affair at least on the Pad's end. He looks good early on, still does not have his arm back completely, but almost there.

nice defensive play Giles!
young is pitching well.... he is getting hit but all ground outs and not too hard. going to the bottom of the 2nd.
SDG is swinging on every pitch, they know all he does is pitch strikes. 1st batter up in both innings has gotten on.
whew.... young almost helped his own cause.... alright out of the first 2 innings... he'll settle into a nice groove. I think he goes atleast 7 tonight now and he should give up less then 1 or maybe 2 runs at the most here on out. Pitchers Duel..... who will be the first to draw first blood?
Burke is starting at catcher tonight.... did not even catch that until now.

infield single. 6 game hit streak for him.

King is on deck.
hit and run..... felix up no outs with men at first and third....shoulda had a run on an error on Cruz Jr handling the ball off a bounce.
3 up 3 out in the 3rd for Felix.... settling in.. got the first runner out and pitching Hard Strikes.

1-0 Ms after 3.
But, if I played something probably play a M's 1st 5 innings bet or M's Side.

well 1st 5 innings would not of cashed.... come on Ms create some runs here.
not a great day for young Felix.... although really just the two bombs are the only runs. was not hitting perfectly and can still add a little to his velocity. Well 3 runs through 6. rooting on the Ms now to pull this one out. COME ON MARINERS!