reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler

2013 Gold Cup: Is the United States in a 'No-Win' Situation?

COMMENTARY | The outlook is brighter now for the United States Men's National Team than at any other time during the Jurgen Klinsmann era. They've won nine straight and are also two victories away from Gold Cup glory, while rivals Mexico have been in complete disarray since the completion of the 2012-13 European calendar, and they have stumbled through a Gold Cup tournament that they were favorites to win just a couple of months ago. It's all sunshine and gumdrops for U.S. Soccer, yes?
Not exactly.

A wind of change has blown through CONCACAF since the beginning of June, and the current U.S. squad referred to as a "B-team" by many is no longer one that will hopefully just make it to the final game of the Gold Cup. They're now the favorites, the big dogs who should absolutely have their way with Honduras on July 24 before taking it to either Panama or Mexico on the last Sunday of the month. Victory for the Americans is, on paper, inevitable.

Unfortunately for Klinsmann and company, the luster of such an accomplishment that hasn't yet happened is already partially, if not totally, gone. Casual sports fans who only watch a handful of U.S. Soccer matches every year have been witnesses to dominating performances that have resulted in "Can Anybody Stop the U.S.?" headlines. The U.S. winning the 2013 Gold Cup will elicit a fist pump or two and not much more from these individuals.

Diehard supporters who follow the sport 12 months out of the year, on the other hand, are well aware that the Gold Cup hardly features the best of the best of CONCACAF. This tournament, for these viewers, is as much about the U.S. preparing for next summer's World Cup as it is about the Americans winning a trophy. Sure, our second-squad being better than Mexico's is good for a chuckle and a smile. No real U.S. Soccer supporter is dreaming of a significant run in Brazil next summer because of what has taken place this July.

Life is not fair. That's a statement that is as true in sports as it is in any other facet of life. The harsh fact is that the USMNT really can't win this week. They'll be branded as an overrated side that merely beat up on minnows if they fall short in either the Semifinal or the Final. A Gold Cup victory will, for the U.S., mean that the competition's best overall side didn't trip over itself en route to doing what it was always supposed to do. Big deal.

Of course, the U.S. was supposed to win the Gold Cup. Of course, the U.S. is supposed to qualify for the World Cup. Of course, the U.S. should win The Hex considering the state of Mexican football.

How far we've come from those "Klinsmann Out!" cries that were heard earlier this very year.

The bold part makes me sick but its absolutely true.
agreed, the casual fan will just make assumptions that since a great Gold Cup they must surely be prepped for World Cup. Being favourites in the CONCACAF region is hardly a status.
I also think Mexico wins the Cup, just smells fishy, they start out shit and will find a way to win it.
weve had a bunch of cake walks. shit wont be that easy Sunday... if we dont slip up today.

whatever gets us prepared for the WC. ill take a loss if we are able to better evaluate who can help the national team
weve had a bunch of cake walks. shit wont be that easy Sunday... if we dont slip up today.

whatever gets us prepared for the WC. ill take a loss if we are able to better evaluate who can help the national team

This. It's always nice to win a trophy but this Gold Cup is hardly significant. Keep evaluating who can show up and help the US get as far as possible next summer.
wanted to ask actually why is it a B team? Why isn't Dempsey in? curious
also i had always assumed Donovan was a lock into the A team...he's like such a rock
wanted to ask actually why is it a B team? Why isn't Dempsey in? curious
also i had always assumed Donovan was a lock into the A team...he's like such a rock

gotta see who fills in the back end of the roster. Its kinda the same thing hes been doing throughout his whole time with the team, testing out new pieces, seeing who fits, etc. The results are beginning to show.

Landon being on the B team was because he stepped away from the game for months and came back. Jurgen probably did not want to the team to lose faith if he was just like... "Hey, we had a spot reserved for you this whole time, take a break whenever you feel like it!"

One guy I have loved seeing is Mix Diskerud, our midfield has so much talent compared to teams in the past.
ah gotcha!

I mean Landon is still only 31 holy crap and he's got so many damn caps.
I have given so much flack to the US team and fans because the ignorance can be overwhelming.

The squad is one of the most united and often scrutinized squads whenever they are in the World Cup, but that's because everyone loves to hate the US but makes it more enjoyable to dislike them is that a lot of the fans who just become a bit too ignorant.
If I was the manager of any team I would want to avoid playing the US in the group stages...they always seem to know how to catch teams off guard.

Team USA finishes 4th next year. In the quarterfinals we knock off a better team and make a great showing in the semi's before losing the 3rd place game.
I watch quite a bit of US soccer, but, clearly not as much as u, renew, and some of u other guys...I'm wondering why u don't like this Wondo guy? He seems to be having a lot of success... Or, is it just the level of competition is making him look a lot better than he really is?
I just don't see how the US and A comes anywhere near the top 4 in the WC in Brazil. It would be awesome for sure, just seems like a big long shot.

Of course it's a long shot, but they should have done it in 2002 with a roster that wasn't anywhere near this talented. Team USA will not be lacking for scoring options as they have in the past, and I think even off the bench there will be players coming in capable of making a difference.

My biggest concern is the back 4 (big shock), and I wish we had that Charlie Davies speed threat up top that gave Spain and Brazil hell back in 2009. This is a veteran laden team with mainstays in Donovan, Dempsey, and Howard making their last showing in the WC and I think they make some noise.
Where would each of u guys rank 'Merica in soccer right now vs the rest of the world?

I found the FIFA rankings at #22 and some ESPN spi rankings at #21 right now..... Seems pretty low, or, u guys think that's pretty accurate?
Where would each of u guys rank 'Merica in soccer right now vs the rest of the world?

I found the FIFA rankings at #22 and some ESPN spi rankings at #21 right now..... Seems pretty low, or, u guys think that's pretty accurate?

It seems pretty accurate to have the US right around #20.
Where would each of u guys rank 'Merica in soccer right now vs the rest of the world?

I found the FIFA rankings at #22 and some ESPN spi rankings at #21 right now..... Seems pretty low, or, u guys think that's pretty accurate?

Ranking system is flawed so you wouldn't want to really look into it so much.
There's a ton of European teams way ahead of the US, the teams that shouldn't be ahead of them are Bosnia, Greece, Mexico. However I do recall hearing that their recent victory would leap frog over the Mexicans.

You also have to factor in how playing on the road is very challenging especially if you play in those South American nations where weather and also altitude come into play.
Of course it's a long shot, but they should have done it in 2002 with a roster that wasn't anywhere near this talented. Team USA will not be lacking for scoring options as they have in the past, and I think even off the bench there will be players coming in capable of making a difference.

My biggest concern is the back 4 (big shock), and I wish we had that Charlie Davies speed threat up top that gave Spain and Brazil hell back in 2009. This is a veteran laden team with mainstays in Donovan, Dempsey, and Howard making their last showing in the WC and I think they make some noise.

Now you are sounding like a homer. Quality of the US vs the rest of Europe is a bit of a joke dude you know it and don't deny it. you haven't even seen which group they will be pitted against and you also have not seen how the US will fair in the conditions of Brasil, please tell me how the the Americans fair playing in extreme humidity. Not a lot of teams do well in those conditions.
Belgium and Germany's b team ran all over our defense...Belgium are very good, but think about all the other teams that have world class strikers that are going give us fits...

I'd be happy getting out of group
Hell Keane with Ireland would be a challenge, and they prolly wont be in the world cup..who is a world class striker in concacaf, chicarito?..concacaf just doesn't have any
i'm almost certain if it was 4 defenders and 1 goalie of the US vs 11 Canadians....the Canadians will still find a way to lose 1-0
While its certainly statistically possible to make a semis run I think quarters is probably a realistic best case scenario, with making out of the group stages a decent World Cup.

USA are in the 18-25 range ranking wise IMO.
Also, if the Us lose I'm going to blame the pitch and be furious bc I have 18 people going to the game on Sunday with me! Biggest must win in USA history (for me)
Now you are sounding like a homer. Quality of the US vs the rest of Europe is a bit of a joke dude you know it and don't deny it. you haven't even seen which group they will be pitted against and you also have not seen how the US will fair in the conditions of Brasil, please tell me how the the Americans fair playing in extreme humidity. Not a lot of teams do well in those conditions.

And you are sadly mistaken if you think the talent gap is widening instead of shrinking. In 2002 we beat Portugal and Mexico and outplayed Germany with a joke of a roster, and while 2006 didn't fare too well we did tie eventual champions Italy. USA will field it's most talented roster ever by a wide margin next year.

Get out of the group ???

If anyone here has doubts I will gladly take that action right now.
So because we made a magical run in 2002 your expectations are going to be unrealistic here on out? If Florida gulf coast university doesn't make the sweet 16 next year is it a disappointing season?
And you are sadly mistaken if you think the talent gap is widening instead of shrinking. In 2002 we beat Portugal and Mexico and outplayed Germany with a joke of a roster, and while 2006 didn't fare too well we did tie eventual champions Italy. USA will field it's most talented roster ever by a wide margin next year.

Get out of the group ???

If anyone here has doubts I will gladly take that action right now.

listen to yourself, this is unreal what you did in 2002 was 11 years ago dude, get a fucking grip.
the Toronto Blue Jays on paper have a better team than years past but they suck ass this year why?
Who gives a shit what happened there man my god. Circumstances change.

You don't think every other team in the world is going to field their best squads possible?

The US play in a weak conference and they dominate big fucking whop dude.

Please again you are the reason why people think the US fans are ignorant
And you are sadly mistaken if you think the talent gap is widening instead of shrinking. In 2002 we beat Portugal and Mexico and outplayed Germany with a joke of a roster, and while 2006 didn't fare too well we did tie eventual champions Italy. USA will field it's most talented roster ever by a wide margin next year.

Get out of the group ???

If anyone here has doubts I will gladly take that action right now.

I would agree that the US probably gets out of the group stage. Using 2002 as a point of reference is confusing to me though. That's over a decade ago. You referenced 2006 which didn't turn out well (even though we did beat Italy), but what about 2010?
ESPN Soccer Power Index probably the best rankings out there.

I like how everybody ignores how Team USA put the only loss in 50 games on one of the greatest teams ever in Spain in between their Euro 2008 and 2010 World Cup Titles.

My prediction could be worthless if we draw Brazil in the first game in the knockout stage, but I like the teams chances entering with its best roster ever.
OM said it clearly, get out of the group first is already a solid expectation. Anything after that is icing on the cake. You need to check your expectations
ESPN Soccer Power Index probably the best rankings out there.

I like how everybody ignores how Team USA put the only loss in 50 games on one of the greatest teams ever in Spain in between their Euro 2008 and 2010 World Cup Titles.

My prediction could be worthless if we draw Brazil in the first game in the knockout stage, but I like the teams chances entering with its best roster ever.

and you go on to lost to what is your point? What has the US done since? What happened in 2010 World Cup for the Americans? Oh yes we beat Spain but in 2010 we lost to Ghana in the World Cup....again
My points of reference to the past world cups are merely pointing out what we have done with much less.

Go look at the 2002 and 2006 rosters and have a laugh. Jeff Agoos taught me at a camp once and I admired him greatly but he sucked in comparison to the defenders on the roster now.
My points of reference to the past world cups are merely pointing out what we have done with much less.

Go look at the 2002 and 2006 rosters and have a laugh. Jeff Agoos taught me at a camp once and I admired him greatly but he sucked in comparison to the defenders on the roster now.

but that is the traditional false assumption, that because we did what we did in the past with less, now that we have better we must therefore exceed all that we did then...really? Again there are plenty of examples that will make your belief rather irrelevant.
Weren't the French suppose to have one of the best squads they've had in awhile in 2002 and defend the Cup? Boy what a disaster that was
AZ kid where do you rank USA in the world? Seriously top 10?

Hell no but I think 20th is about right.

That said, rankings are meaningless. Every ranking probably has England in the top 10 and I would gladly play them in the opening of the knockout stage next year. Portugal, France, Russia...please would have no fear of those squads.

Yea we may get Brazil, Spain, the Germany , or Argentina to open knockouts and my prediction is dead in the water. But I expect to win in the round of 16 and all it takes is an upset by someone else in the same round or by us in the quarters and I'm right.

Christ, one upset is all it takes and you guys act as if I said we're gonna win the whole damn thing.
So you think we're about 20th in the world yet you not only expect us to make the round of 16 but likely get to the quarters and maybe make the semis......why?
i agree it could happen but the cubs could make a playoff run and make the nlcs too.

I think out of the group should and would be viewed as a success, pretty much regardless of group, and any wins in the knockouts would just be very nice bonuses.
I dont know much but I can clearly see this coach is better than what we have had

And I think getting out of group would be awesome(depends on the draw), and then maybe getting an upset

I thought last WC we got a decent draw and did ok, right?
Why do you think he's better? Formations? Player selection? Sportscenter said we've won a team record 10 in a row?

i ask bc we haven't played in a real competition besides CONCACAF qualifying which some would argue still isn't a real competition. It's ok to be happy with recent results but klinsman has plenty to prove
I dont know much but I can clearly see this coach is better than what we have had

And I think getting out of group would be awesome(depends on the draw), and then maybe getting an upset

I thought last WC we got a decent draw and did ok, right?

The US had a fairly straight forward draw and came out on top....however you'd also have to remember they lucked out big time vs Algeria.
End up getting knocked out by their old nemesis, Ghana lol
The US had a fairly straight forward draw and came out on top....however you'd also have to remember they lucked out big time vs Algeria.
End up getting knocked out by their old nemesis, Ghana lol
AND England's keeper basically gave us a goal by misplaying a shot most u15 keepers have no trouble with. And 2-0 comeback vs Slovenia.

team is moving in the right direction but there are plenty of faults to point out along with the positive results