USC and UCLA to the B1G?

go and look at TOTAL TV DOLLARS NBA over the course of a regular season + the playoffs.

of course CFB (a game i love btw) is going to avg more viewers -- it's 12 saturdays vs 82 NBA game regular season !!!
Ok so you just made the argument

A league with 30 teams playing 82 games each, plus a playoffs, is producing literally thousands of hours more content every year of course it has more content to sell

But the 12 Saturday's vs 82 games is bullshit

I said national games, not random tuesday nights between the Hornets and Pacers

National games are a few times a week, with the best teams on tnt and espn

They are outviewed by a college football preview show that airs on Saturday mornings
Do we know the age demographic breakdown for CFB tv viewership? Also haven't playoff ratings been trending downward (my apologies if thats not true)?

I believe the original discussion was that the cfb changes were going to make the sport a more attractive tv viewing option for newer, younger fans. And that's what I disagree with. This is still a regional sport.

I will give you my very small sample size example here. But living in nyc, and having younger teenage family members and talking to them and their friends, etc. None of these kids could name more than 1-2 CFB players (and if they do it's only for NFL draft purposes) but will spend hours talking about NBA stats, NFL fantasy leagues, etc. I suspect this is similar for young people living in other big market/non cfb cities.

I just don't see where you're drawing the new, younger fans from. This is still a sport that relies on alumni connection and communities with ties to the local university and tradition/rivalries.

Average age is 52 as of 2018 is what I could find

Was 48 in 2008
47 in 2000

NBA is 42, was 40 in 2000 and 2008

NFL is between the two, mlb is 10 years older, nhl is younger

I dont see the regional part mattering anymore, these are national brands now, of course it's going to be more popular in the south, but it's very national

People have been saying nfl viewership is too old for decades and it still keeps rising

Those age ratings are only capturing linear viewership also, which is going to lean older, they were more relevant pre 2015 when streaming became a huge factor

NBA definitely leans lower age, not always a benefit though, a lot of that is u25 who's spending power is lower, which leagues struggle to market too
this site is full of people who constantly want to take shots at the NBA. most of them taking the shots, hate the wokeness and BLM movement.

i get it, the VAST MAJORITY of posters here are white guys between ages of 35 and 45, and learned their politics and their religion from their mommies and daddies.

now, back to the point: why was the NBA brought up by a poster in this thread?

why are we not talking about CFB tv ratings vs NHL, MLB, golf, autoracing?

why does it always seem to come back to the NBA?

are you guys not able to keep your antiwoke antiBLM bullshit under wraps in at least one thread?
I'm not white and between 35 and 45

I dono why nba came up, it makes sense tho, it's the number 2 pro sport in america, it should be compared to college football, that's its competitor for number 2 total

Where have I said anything anti BLM

Stop accusing me of that shit
he cherrypicked. i can do the same. he mentioned G1 of the NBA finals ratings but conveniently left out that it was the highest ranked TV ratings NBA finals in a decade.

overall, it was the highest ranked TV ratings NBA playoffs in 7 years.

again, i can see through all of this, White Boy.

You're making stuff up

Higher than lebron's asterisk bubble title and the covid year after it, so leaving those out because of special circumstances

Lowest since 2007

3rd lowest since 2000

Lower than a finals with a fucking canadian team in it

Not like just barely lower either, 12.4 million this year, 5 years ago it was 20

Again the white boy stuff? Why are you bring racial stuff at me? I haven't said anything racial

You are the one who keeps bringing it up
NBA definitely leans lower age, not always a benefit though, a lot of that is u25 who's spending power is lower, which leagues struggle to market too
Again, the original point I responded to was that CFB was going to reach a newer and younger demographic with these ongoing changes.

I've yet to see the rationale for that line of thinking.
Purdue is one of the best, if not the best, engineering schools in the country. It's also the premier golf course management school in the nation.

And before you go there, it does well with lesbians in its turf management program. I'm certain that @PaintCrew can attest to this.
@KJ Yeah I actually blacked out a bit when I didn't see Purdue listed with NW and Michigan and just now woke back up (j/k)....typically Purdue sits in the top 5 of engineering programs (always behind the likes of MIT and Stanford if I recall....I'd guess you'd find UC Berk and Carnegie Mellon in there). I know we battle back and forth with the fighting academic @B.A.R. 's in the ranks within the top 10 over the decades.

Outside of engineering Krannert Business school is legit and focuses in specialized areas (I think 3 or 4 have to be top 10 at this point). Agriculture (although it's also tied to engineering) is obviously elite.

Computer science has like a 10-15% acceptance rate. Obviously it's not IVY league quality and some Indiana buddies get pissed when it's mentioned but the further you get west the more folks think Purdue is an Ivy league school and I've basically been treated that way at companies (first in California and now in Colorado) ever since (why not take advantage?).

Beyond that yeah there's a lot of fluff if you want to get a Purdue degree in some liberal arts area of study or something for no reason that waters things down and dramatically changes the acceptance rate as a whole.

We also have entirely way too many dudes because of all of the above and abundance of not incredible looking women (we would drive a couple hours south to Bloomington where half the campus are women in child development and education).
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@KJ Yeah I actually blacked out a bit when I didn't see Purdue listed with NW and Michigan and just now woke back up (j/k)....typically Purdue sits in the top 5 of engineering programs (always behind the likes of MIT and Stanford if I recall....I'd guess you'd find UC Berk and Carnegie Mellon in there). I know we battle back and forth with the fighting academic @B.A.R. 's in the ranks within the top 10 over the decades.

Outside of engineering Krannert Business school is legit and focuses in specialized areas (I think 3 or 4 have to be top 10 at this point). Agriculture (although it's also tied to engineering) is also obviously elite.

Computer science has like a 10-15% acceptance rate. Obviously it's not IVY league quality and some Indiana buddies get pissed when it's mentioned but the further you get west the more folks think Purdue is an Ivy league school and I've basically been treated that way at companies (first in California and now in Colorado) ever since (why not take advantage?).

Beyond that yeah there's a lot of fluff if you want to get a Purdue degree in some liberal arts area of study or something for no reason that waters things down and dramatically changes the acceptance rate as a whole.

We also have entirely way too many dudes because of all of the above and abundance of not incredible looking women (we would drive a couple hours south to Bloomington where half the campus are women in child development and education).
Ex went to Bloomington, only time I went with her was a Purdue hoops game at assembly but didn't feel like ponying up for two tickets, she probably wouldn't have gotten the value out of it but we did watch next to campus.

Think all engineering schools have the M/F ratio terrible. I know Rolla in Missouri has a bunch of fraternities and maybe only a couple sororities. Knew someone that went to Colorado School of Mines, think engineering was their schtick too if I recall.
Ex went to Bloomington, only time I went with her was a Purdue hoops game at assembly but didn't feel like ponying up for two tickets, she probably wouldn't have gotten the value out of it but we did watch next to campus.

Think all engineering schools have the M/F ratio terrible. I know Rolla in Missouri has a bunch of fraternities and maybe only a couple sororities. Knew someone that went to Colorado School of Mines, think engineering was their schtick too if I recall.
Yep I target/hire Mines grads here in Denver on the regular. I have a couple newer alums head up there with pizza once a month to connect and recruit. Very rarely miss with Mines grads...their program is clearly elite IMO.
Ex went to Bloomington, only time I went with her was a Purdue hoops game at assembly but didn't feel like ponying up for two tickets, she probably wouldn't have gotten the value out of it but we did watch next to campus.

Think all engineering schools have the M/F ratio terrible. I know Rolla in Missouri has a bunch of fraternities and maybe only a couple sororities. Knew someone that went to Colorado School of Mines, think engineering was their schtick too if I recall.
Curious what year that was....i joke about Bloomington but i always had a blast down there. Fun campus bars for sure.
Curious what year that was....i joke about Bloomington but i always had a blast down there. Fun campus bars for sure.
We went back in 2013 so it was the Saturday Purdue played there. Might have been around Valentine's Day weekend. Was not prepared for it to be that cold, we had parked on the other side of campus and the wind late night was blustery.
We went back in 2013 so it was the Saturday Purdue played there. Might have been around Valentine's Day weekend. Was not prepared for it to be that cold, we had parked on the other side of campus and the wind late night was blustery.
Oh yuck I think you ran into the worst season of Purdue BBall in the past 50 years.....that had to be a blowout if i recall
Oh yuck I think you ran into the worst season of Purdue BBall in the past 50 years.....that had to be a blowout if i recall
Yeah that sounds right. We just watched in a packed Irish pub on campus, the basketball tailgate was fun though. At least she was responsible enough to stay somewhat sober and drive back to Indy that night, was so close to just getting a room but that wasn't going to be easy with the game in town.
Thinking the same thing.

My guess is @guaranteeed is one of those India type countries. They’re very well represented on TV in Canada. They wear turbins during the broadcasts, always makes me feel a tad uneasy.
If you aren't doing hookah you aren't watching tv right
Yep I target/hire Mines grads here in Denver on the regular. I have a couple newer alums head up there with pizza once a month to connect and recruit. Very rarely miss with Mines grads...their program is clearly elite IMO.

Yep I target/hire Mines grads here in Denver on the regular. I have a couple newer alums head up there with pizza once a month to connect and recruit. Very rarely miss with Mines grads...their program is clearly elite IMO.
I'm a mine grad from U of A

Local producer on the sports talk station used to do these skits…this was one of his best. Greg Buck is the announcer name he uses, real name is Greg Bauch…he’s moved on but did some stand up comedy, was the funny guy on the shows he was producing, really funny dude overall.


“Those who had the most power had the least passion,”

True in that example as it in for our topic.

"there is no way to look at the events of the past two weeks and think college football in 2032 will be better."

I doubt I will be watching major college football in 2032.

"College football, for the next decade, will be like a small town near a dam, nervous that it could burst at any second but going about its business anyway. Because neither the Big Ten nor the SEC wants to be the first to rip the Band-Aid off (and because no conference knows how many teams it’ll stop at), we’ll get piecemeal departures over the course of more than a decade. Everyone will hate it and no one will stop trying to do it."

Fuck me, I have to find a way out of this

“Maximizing its potential hinges on the consumption from a national market rather than a regional one,” Klatt said. What these conferences are betting on is that there are enough meaningful national matchups that the product will be better overall, and that USC-Rutgers is a tax the viewer will happily pay in order to get USC–Ohio State that same season."

I don't care for or even want Ohio State vs USC

"...compelling TV matchups in the fall can feed a 12-month ecosystem"

Growth is a dirty word because it always has to be chased and once you chase it that is all that matters. More more more. 'They' think this is the ticket to growth, take the sport national...will a national audience care if the regional audience finds something else to do? I'm telling you I'm a lost viewer...maybe they gain more to overtake people like me, maybe. The sport is going to become a made for TV event and made for TV events tend to be sterile and orchestrated to achieve a certain end rather than what seems natural or traditional - they make what they want it to be. Instead of calling it college football Big Ten or SEC, might as well just call it the FOX or ESPN league and hope fans keep coming to the games or else they can get more sponsors to pay for tarps to cover empty seats - hey, it's money all the same so what's the difference?

Here's another quote: [money] "is the root of all evil today" - applies to our topic

I think the best thing at this point, like I wanted Bernie Sanders to be elected to blow up the Democrat party and I hoped Donald Trump would blow up the Republican party. College football needs to be blown up, hopefully that will happen. Inflate that TV revenue bubble so much to make it unsustainable and maybe it can pop and we can go back to how things were. Or if not, I really don't need it, they can push me away, and it's fine because there is more to life than just watching TV sitting on my ass being force fed what they think you want to watch. I don't know if they are betting on people like me still watching or they are hoping they get new people to watch instead. I know what is going to happen to me, they don't.
Wish I could have gotten to this thread sooner, been travelling for the last month.

Post #100 in this thread nails it for me. (Mountaineer post). Perfect encapsulation.

Lot of noise in here, esp regarding the NBA. Whatever.

I do agree with SLAP that Notre Dame is NOT a lock to join a conference by mid-decade; ND is sitting quite pretty and will always be eligible to qualify for a playoff whether they have conference affiliation or not, imo.

I also do not see this ending real well for my Aztecs. Geography really does not matter anymore.

Bottom line is CFB is just over a month out and the product on the field still kicks ass!
Wish I could have gotten to this thread sooner, been travelling for the last month.

Post #100 in this thread nails it for me. (Mountaineer post). Perfect encapsulation.

Lot of noise in here, esp regarding the NBA. Whatever.

I do agree with SLAP that Notre Dame is NOT a lock to join a conference by mid-decade; ND is sitting quite pretty and will always be eligible to qualify for a playoff whether they have conference affiliation or not, imo.

I also do not see this ending real well for my Aztecs. Geography really does not matter anymore.

Bottom line is CFB is just over a month out and the product on the field still kicks ass!
You have Brady Hoke, the sky is the limit.
Also ND isn't living in reality if they don't join a conference. Begging for college football to exist as we know it is a farce. It's minor league NFL. Quicker you accept it will make for a better attitude. It's a business, not a sport.
Also ND isn't living in reality if they don't join a conference. Begging for college football to exist as we know it is a farce. It's minor league NFL. Quicker you accept it will make for a better attitude. It's a business, not a sport.

Im not begging just calling it as i currently see it...ND will always be part of the equation, regardless of affiliation to a conference. They certainly COULD join a conference at some point, i just dont necessarily see it in the next 2-3 years. Agree with the rest of your post...esp part about cfb taking on an NFL type model. I def accept that. Its a business without any guardrails to speak of...powers that be do not care this sport is still regional in nature.