Underclassmen who are officially leaving..

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UGA has 2 so far..
  • Charles Johnson
  • Danny Ware
I think Charles is a first rounder.. along with moses.. They will go along with the other first rounders from uga on the dline.. seymour stroud sullivan grant pollack etc..

I think you will hear from Calvin Johnson sometime this week.. as well as D Jarret 'an_horse'
Calvin and Jarret are gonna make some NFL teams very happy in a couple of years they have similiar builds to M Colston who did so good this year...
First off, as funny as it sounds, I think Ginn as of this week is the least likely to leave...supposedly he loves school and wants to stay..but his dad is strongly advising him and pushing him to leave...this shocked all the insiders cause Ginn's always been up front that he was three and done..

Pittman I kinda figured would stay...Him and Beanie are best friends and roomates and that's not the issue...but if he graded even second round he's gone and supposedly he graded late second... This website ( http://www.draftshowcase.com/underclassmantracker.htm ) has a list of underclassman who have "declared" already and it's been deadon last couple of years...it lists him gone and every insider I've read from bucknuts has him GONE for some time now..

Gonzo was the most interesting to me...I always figured he'd be back...he always said that he wanted to be captain and to graduate...he's way ahead and just a quarter off from graduation now though...he applied for advisory and from his mouth supposedly (once again from reliable insiders on bucknuts), "Gonzo is gone if he recieves a 1st or 2nd round grade from the NFL, no ifs ands or buts..."..His main worry seems to be the first year QB that'll be in next year...he feels are three are very good but it's still a first year QB and production will prolly be limited...plus w/ Ginn gone he'll have a safety rolled up on him a bunch and further makes it tougher...

Now IMO, if tOSU does NOT win the game in Glendale, all these can change...but if we win, I think they're all three gone...
JumpOnBoard said:
First off, as funny as it sounds, I think Ginn as of this week is the least likely to leave...supposedly he loves school and wants to stay..but his dad is strongly advising him and pushing him to leave...this shocked all the insiders cause Ginn's always been up front that he was three and done..

Pittman I kinda figured would stay...Him and Beanie are best friends and roomates and that's not the issue...but if he graded even second round he's gone and supposedly he graded late second... This website ( http://www.draftshowcase.com/underclassmantracker.htm ) has a list of underclassman who have "declared" already and it's been deadon last couple of years...it lists him gone and every insider I've read from bucknuts has him GONE for some time now..

Gonzo was the most interesting to me...I always figured he'd be back...he always said that he wanted to be captain and to graduate...he's way ahead and just a quarter off from graduation now though...he applied for advisory and from his mouth supposedly (once again from reliable insiders on bucknuts), "Gonzo is gone if he recieves a 1st or 2nd round grade from the NFL, no ifs ands or buts..."..His main worry seems to be the first year QB that'll be in next year...he feels are three are very good but it's still a first year QB and production will prolly be limited...plus w/ Ginn gone he'll have a safety rolled up on him a bunch and further makes it tougher...

Now IMO, if tOSU does NOT win the game in Glendale, all these can change...but if we win, I think they're all three gone...

I swear you guys and FSU have more players leave early for the draft then any other program. That would drive me crazy especially if they weren't top 15 talent. tOSU has just had some sick, sick talent in the NFL over the years though so that may have something to do with it with some of these kids.
SHSUHorn said:
I swear you guys and FSU have more players leave early for the draft then any other program. That would drive me crazy especially if they weren't top 15 talent. tOSU has just had some sick, sick talent in the NFL over the years though so that may have something to do with it with some of these kids.

alot of has to do w/ Tressel...he does not try to pursuade a kid either way as far as staying...he encourages them to apply to see where they'd go and make the best decision based on that...the one thing is most kids have made the right choice(ala Donte Whitner last year)...Youboty is one that should have stayed IMO off the top of my head..

alot of coaches try to get kids to stay and I don't blame them that way either...good example is Mack Brown and Limas Sweed...Brown really encourages kids to stay in school...
UGA always has guys leave as well.. thomas davis odell etc

I think we are 1 and 2 the last 4 years with ohio st :shake:
I love pittman and want him to stay but there really is no benefit to him staying. If he's a first day pick then he needs to leave now. Odds are his numbers will not get any better next year with Wells likely to see a little more action. Plus, what happens if he struggles the first few games and tressel has to put wells in and he explodes and doesnt let go of the job... Pittman could be looking at being a late 2nd day pick. He's not going to become a first round pick if he stays another year... Let him ride and let the chris wells era begin
yeah pittman will drop big if he waits. i think he will be under the radar so to speak for his talent. never gets a lot of credit it seems in the media but thsi guy can flat out play and will be pretty good at the next level IMO.
jump, I hear ya on Mack. He has convinced Leonard Davis, Mike Williams, Ricky Williams, Roy Williams, Quentin Jammer, Michael Huff, Cedric Benson, Derrick Johnson, Justin Blaylock etc to all stay their SR years and all these guys were top 10 picks.

VY is the first and only one to leave early.
SHSUHorn said:
jump, I hear ya on Mack. He has convinced Leonard Davis, Mike Williams, Ricky Williams, Roy Williams, Quentin Jammer, Michael Huff, Cedric Benson, Derrick Johnson, Justin Blaylock etc to all stay their SR years and all these guys were top 10 picks.

VY is the first and only one to leave early.
i think u mean the filthy rich alumni and boosters convinced them to stay :shake:
Yeah Pitt should definately go. He has proved all he needed to and his stock seems to be at a high. He ran for 275 against us my senior year in high school. That doesnt say much since Chris Wells ran for 459 and 5 TDs against my little bros team when he was a junior.
abcs said:
i think u mean the filthy rich alumni and boosters convinced them to stay :shake:

abcs, No I think all the pussy they can get on campus for another year convinces them to stay. Have you ever been to Austin?
SHSUHorn said:
abcs, No I think all the pussy they can get on campus for another year convinces them to stay. Have you ever been to Austin?

As if they won't be getting hotter pussy in any big city they wind up playing in? Nah, Mack is doing something else besides pointing out the Austin tail available to them upon their return....
J Galt said:
As if they won't be getting hotter pussy in any big city they wind up playing in? Nah, Mack is doing something else besides pointing out the Austin tail available to them upon their return....

You've obviously never been to Austin or 6th St. I would match the pussy there with any big city. Texas has about 50,000 students which I believe is top 3 in the country and their are more girls at Texas then guys.

No pussy is better then sorority 18-20 year old college pussy.

Other the that yes he's paying all of them NFL salaries to keep them to stay. If your saying he's paying them I highly doubt Mack could match NFL salaries. The guy has never come close to even sniffing any NCAA violations in his career.
majent, He just said he heard they were leaving from connected people with the tOSU program.

In other news Texas two highest rated JRs for the NFL Frank Okam and Limas Sweed said they will be staying. Texas will lose no underclassmen this year.
Okam to return for senior season

Texas junior DT Frank Okam has announced he will return for his senior season with the Longhorns and forego entering the 2007 NFL Draft.

"Looking at all of the things I've done in college, there are some of the goals I still haven't reached," Okam said. "One of the main goals is to get my degree, and I'm on schedule to do that in December. You also take into account your fans and being a good role model to other young student-athletes to let them know education is important by staying in school that extra year and graduating. I'm still enjoying the college life, The University of Texas has been good to me, and I want to finish my football career with a good senior year and have my degree, as well."

Okam joins a long line of high-profile UT juniors who have elected to stay in school under head coach Mack Brown. Running back Ricky Williams (1998), DT Casey Hampton (2000), OT Leonard Davis (2000), CB Quentin Jammer (2001), OT Mike Williams (2001), WR Roy Williams (2003), RB Cedric Benson (2004), LB Derrick Johnson (2004) and S Michael Huff (2005) all became first-round draft picks after announcing they would return for their final seasons.

"So many great players have returned," Okam followed. "You look at all of those guys, and they're doing well. The extra year didn't hurt them in any way, and they got the extra education they wouldn't have gotten if they had left early. The fact that all of those great talents returned says a lot about coach Brown and what our coaching staff stands for. They stress academics as an important factor in your life, because life goes beyond football. It's the kind of program you want to be a part of, and you want to enjoy your time here. I just want to add to that list, and it's something special here that guys finish their degrees and are still the top players in the nation."
I looked at gonzales's numbers and i think jarret had more yards in 8 games than he did in 3 years..
Yea i meant Keller.. hes nice.. walters sucks .. still got a little bourbon in me from last night
majent said:
WR class looks pretty strong in '06, esp if Jarrett and C. Johnson both declare. Don't forget about the following seniors:

Samardzija, ND
Hill, Wash St
Smith, USC
Bowe, LSU
Meachem, Tenn (just declared as junior)
Taylor, Aub
Stuckey, Clemson
and of course Ginn if he comes out

as well as some other juniors that might come out. WR class looks
pretty decent so my best guess is that Gonzalez will likely come back
once he hears that he will not get drafted in the first 4 rounds.


WR class does look solid, especially since the two best WR's in the nation are not even on that list yet.. There have been rumors on the SC websites that Sydney Rice is going to declare and I just hope we get 1 more yr out of him but if his decision is to help his family than I can only wish him the best, he has done a great job for us and it is hard to turn a few million dollars down, especially when you need to help your family... The WR class is stacked with Johnson & Jarrett so hopefully Sydney takes out an insurance policy and remains for 1 more yr...
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majent said:
Did Rice redshirt his first year? He's only a sophomore from what I understand. A player must be 3 yrs removed from HS in order to be eligible for the NFL Draft.

If Rice did in fact redshirt a yr, then he would be eligible this spring to go...

He redshirted
SHSUHorn said:
cubsker, Zack Bowman probably would have left if he didn't get hurt. Kid is a stud.

True, there was talk of him leaving anyway but I guess he didn't get through rehab as fast as he would have liked so he'll be back.
JaMarcus Russell is gone, guess most would have figured that. Now its confirmed..


Louisiana State quarterback JaMarcus Russell will skip his senior season and enter the NFL draft in April.
A news conference is scheduled Wednesday to announce the decision, ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported Sunday.
Russell, a 6-foot-6, 260-pounder from Mobile, Ala., was the nation's No. 3-ranked quarterback in passing efficiency this season. He threw for a career-high 332 yards and two touchdowns in the Tigers' 41-14 victory over Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl on Wednesday night.
Russell will finish his LSU career with 6,525 yards and 52 touchdowns in three seasons -- two as a full-time starter.

Do you take Brohm, Russell, Quinn early or do you wait and try to grab a qb like Beck, Kolb..

I havent been impressed with Quinn ever, Russell has a big time arm for sure, Brohm I have seen limited action from...know he has talent...

Beck and Kolb are overlooked because they havent played for a major bcs school but both threw up solid #'s this yr...

For LSU guys, I am under the assumption that it is Matt Flynn's job to lose. Does Perrilloux have a shot? Must be hard for the #1 qb recruit in the nation to be sitting this long..
Quinn is the prototype QB. Reminds me a lot of Rivers. Great Size, can make all the throws, good footwork.. extremly smart and comes from a pro offense. Hard to not be impressed with the guy.
BTW If brohm comes out, these 4 qbs can easily rival cutler,leinart and young.. Good Stuff!
Maybe its my overwhelming hate for ND, I don't know.. I just never have been impressed with him, maybe because I look at them with such a negative attitude... Don't know.
I wasn't all that impressed either, but Weis said he'd be the 3rd best QB in the NFL after a few years. Not sure is Charlie is just hyping his own guy or what. I really like Russell's talent and would like to Oakland take him or Adrien Petersen.
abcs said:
BTW If brohm comes out, these 4 qbs can easily rival cutler,leinart and young.. Good Stuff!

I don't know abcs. I think Leinart and VY rank as two of the best college QBs in a long, long time.
Looks like SC just took a big hit.. Sidney is gone..Guess some rumors turn out to be true... This is a big hit for SC, this was the #1 receiver for 2yrs, all we have is a bunch of #2 & #3's... Anyway, I wish Sidney the best of luck in the league..

From ESPN Insider:

Rice strengthens growing WR class: A source close to the situation reports that South Carolina WR Sidney Rice, a third-year sophomore, has left campus and is setting up shop in Arizona, where he will train for pre-draft workouts. According to the source, Rice has yet to tell coach Steve Spurrier and the Gamecocks' staff. He plans to do so Monday before making his decision public. Rice projects as a late first-round pick in a wide receiver class that seemingly strengthens by the day.

Providing competition for Rice will be WRs Dwayne Jarrett (USC) and Robert Meachem (Tennessee), who reportedly also have made up their minds to turn pro. Any debate regarding Jarrett's decision went out the window once he turned in career performance (11 rec., 205 yards, two TDs) in USC's Rose Bowl victory over Michigan. After setting the Volunteers' single-season record in receiving yards (1,298), Meachem wasted little time deciding on his future and since reportedly has made his coaches and teammates aware of his intentions. Jarrett is expected to make his decision public at some point next week, and Meachem could announce his intentions as early as Monday. Both receivers should be off the 2007 draft board by the end of the first round
Told you bro he was gone. Same way williamson left. Huge blow for the cocks.
abcs said:
Told you bro he was gone. Same way williamson left. Huge blow for the cocks.

Williamson left to support his family, no knock there. The loss wasn't even that big, Rice stepped in and made every forget williamson.

Losing Ko Simpson and John Joseph crushed our defensive backfield this yr, I think we win 2 more games with those two back there..Both of them left for financial reasons as well, no knock there...

I was trying to hold out hope. He did come out and say "The only way I am leaving is if I am a top 10 pick or for financial reasons"

I know he is not a top 10 pick and have no clue about his financial situation but none of that is important anymore. He did great things for us at USC and I can't hold anything against him. Sure I would love to have him back but at this point I wish him the best. I do think it is odd that he elected to leave early if it is not for financial reasons.

I can see Calvin & Jarrett as def picks at WR before him.. If Ginn comes out I would think a team would give him a look before Sidney because of pure speed..

The knock on rice is going to be his 40yard dash. He has been timed at a high 4.55+ quite a few times.

A guy like Meachem who had a better yr, is just as big and is faster. Dwayne Bowe is also just as big and faster. Both guys are listed at 6'3 215, Rice is 6'4 200.

The combine is going to help Meachem and hurt Rice unless he gets that 40yard dash down...

I will never forget some of the plays he has made throughout his career, kid can make a play on the ball in the air.

**edit - Word is that his family was facing some tough times. I wish him and his family the best and hopefully a long career in the NFL...He gave the Gamecocks 2great yr's at wr, now someone has to step up..
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Arkansas sack leader Anderson to enter NFL draft

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<!-- begin text11 div --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-TOP: 10px" vAlign=top><!-- begin leftcol --><!-- template inline -->Arkansas defensive end Jamaal Anderson, a first-team all-SEC pick out of Little Rock, will enter the NFL draft after his junior season.
Anderson, a 6-foot-6, 280-pound junior, led the SEC in sacks this season with 10½. He collected three sacks in a 17-14 loss to Wisconsin in the Capital One Bowl.
In 36 games, Anderson has 15 sacks and 26 solo tackles for a loss.
Lets update this list with confirmed underclassmen who are leaving..

Charles Johnson -UGA
Danny Ware -UGA
Greg Olsen - U Miami
Marshawn Lynch -Cal
Robert Meachem - Tenn
Alan Branch - Mich
Sidney Rice - So Car
JaMarcus Russel - LSU
Dwayne Jarrett - USC
Jamaal Anderson - Arkansas
No one should be suprised by this but Calvin has made it official..

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ATLANTA -- Georgia Tech receiver Calvin Johnson announced Monday that he will enter the NFL Draft, giving up his final college season for the chance to be one of the top players selected.
The decision was hardly a surprise. Johnson had long been expected to pass up his senior season with the Yellow Jackets, and he did little to change that perception during a brilliant junior season.
Johnson was selected to the Associated Press All-America team and won the Biletnikoff Award as the nation's top receiver.
"It was the logical thing to do," said his father, Calvin Johnson Sr. "He would have been doing himself a disservice if he didn't go."
In his final college game, the younger Johnson had nine catches for 186 yards and two touchdowns in a 38-35 loss to West Virginia in the Gator Bowl. He finished with 76 receptions for 1,202 yards and 15 touchdowns.
He was doin himself a disservice playin with reggie ball for 3 years
Majent...nothing confirmed on any of the three...

But from what I've heard, Ginn and Pittman are GONE for sure...the Pittman ship sailed a while ago...

After the game monday, Gonzo has to reassess...he was basically gone as he graded out early 2nd round when he got it back, but now is reassessing...

But he's still concerned about a first year QB....

And yes, he and Ginn run straight up several times and he's a quarter step slower than Ginn, but barely...
Here's a direct quote from Gonzo as well..

"If anything would make me want to come back, it would be this," said Gonzalez.