Ultimate Fighter 8


Secretary of Fondy Fanclub
My man Kyle Kingsbury made it to the house!

Believe me, if there's a line on the champion for season 8, Kyle will tell me who wins and we'll take it to the bank.
Believe me, if there's a line on the champion for season 8, Kyle will tell me who wins and we'll take it to the bank.

Keep me posted. And it better be stronger than your Taaka Play of the Week crap ;)
He wouldnt know who wins because the two finalist face each other live on Spike. There might be lines on preliminary fights but the fighters cant communicate with the outside world as long as they are in the house.
Kush...I think he means he would have inside info from training with both of the guys

Also, pretty sad to see Li'l Guida get kicked off before shit even got started
Kyle got invited back on the show tonight! Typical Kyle fashion, I didn't make the show, but I'm on the show. Made UF8 much more interesting now.
dude I really like that lil blonde kid but he's a fuckin psycho and it looks like he gets kicked off the show next week
Kyle got invited back on the show tonight! Typical Kyle fashion, I didn't make the show, but I'm on the show. Made UF8 much more interesting now.

the kid looks pretty good.... :shake:

going to be a crazy ass wild season it appears.... all the fighters look very solid so i think this will be a good one this year... we'll find a bunch of good fighters from this cast...
This Junie is a nut job.

I like how Dana says We give you alcohol because you're adults. How about, We give you alcohol because it helps ratings.

I emailed Kyle to see what the scoop is on Junie. I'm interested in what he'll say about the guy. I've seen Kyle get into some tussles for much less offenses than throwing wine and a glass at him.
I hate to say it, but TUF is headed towards the Real World MTV crap. It does bring in the ratings with the alcohol, but can these guys be so dumb? Junie and Shane.....get loaded drunk and start picking fights. I respect the other fighters for not beating them to a pulp so they can stay on the show. But, after the last few seasons of TUF, you'd think these guys wouldn't make the same mistake. I hate when guys get loaded and cant handle their alcohol.

I've seen thise many times and I admit I've did that back in my college days:

1. Get loaded
2. Get more loaded
3. When you reach the point of drunken retardedness......see No.1 & 2
4. "Beer Muscles" and the "Liquid Courage" kicks in
5. Start calling out your peeps....
6. Go on rampage when someone tells you to chill out...
7. Get more loaded
8. When you reach the point of patheticness, start crying
9. Next day apologize if nothing ever happen
The difference though Spooks is I don't think Dana cares if it turns into Real World or whatever. I was telling my roommate last night I feel funny watching a show where 75% of the commercials are for video games. It seems the target audience is about 15-25 and not completely for us older more mature folks!
Yeah...couldn't agree with you more of it becoming a Real World scenario. I guess after each season, you'd think they limit the alcohol or stop providing, but I guess it's what brings in ratings.

It'll be interesting to see what happens next week because Junie jump the cage....I don't know if he's for real or if it's a WWE act just to keep it interesting. I dont think he'll be kicked off because he creates conflicts and I'm sure the longer he act's up to the other fighters, it's more fuel to the fire for a good ass whooping.
was anyone else suprised they were making that Nelson guy to be so good? I don't remember him from the first fight. I thought Effrain was gonna wreck him.
Steve Nelson was supposed to by pretty solid in BJJ and he showed NOTHING! He was one of the worst fighters there.
He's from Hilo, HI and trains with Penn....so that validates his Purple belt status in BJJ. He gased out early in the fight.....though he looked like a had heel hook, but couldn't secure it.
That's just surprising he trains with BJ, cuz BJ's a freak on the conditioning, obviously solid in the BJJ, but I was not impressed with Nelson at all.
Dana has no problem keeping Junie around for the tv show and ratings, yet washes his hands with Jesse Taylor when JT's one fight from winning the show and a big contract with the UFC???

they both acted like fools after drinking, yet the big difference is JT made it to the end and was on the brink of reaching stardom by possibly winning the show, but Junie is being kept around to keep the tv show interesting.

Dana couldn't have JT under contract with the organization acting like that and knew if he didn't act immediately it would be a disaster for his company, however keeping Junie on the show means ratings and more people tuning in and he can just hope he'll lose in a fight and be done with. that's pretty fucked up if you ask me. Junie should have been kicked off the show after his numerous tirades in the house and then in the ring at the end of the fight. they haven't even been in the house that long and look at all his destruction and immaturity....
I wonder of the guys on Antonio's team feel slighted because during their matches they can barely understand him.
Junie is a wack-job.

Is it me or does Bader remind you of a bigger, younger and stronger Matt Hughes?
In the last match, everytime Efrain landed a punch on Nelson, you could hear Nog in the background, "Nice......Nice.....Nice....Nice..." I was like WTF and started laughing.

His english is better than Anderson though...at least you can understand him. Next week when Anderson comes by to train them...hopefully he's been using Rosetta Stone since he'll have more airtime than his usual 30-45 seconds victory speech.
Junie is a wack-job.

Is it me or does Bader remind you of a bigger, younger and stronger Matt Hughes?

Bader's a beast and I know he makes it pretty far, just not sure how far. He was a beast at ASU wrestling.


Bader beats my boy Kyle in the battle of ASU alum and I'm pretty sure he's a finalist.
dude I didn't think it was possible for me to have any more respect for Big Nog than I already did, but what a cool fucking guy. Also I've never wanted to see someone get his ass kicked so bad as I do Junie. What a clown.
Bjorks,your boy Kyle gettin right in the middle of the pranks was pretty funny. And finally, how stacked is the talent of the LH in the house?
Kyle is a great guy and that's totally him. He's definitely a prankster and loves doin stuff like that. The pubic and ass hair thing is totally something he'd do, which I'm surprised he didn't do anyway. I've been with him at the bar when he'll put pubes in peoples drink.

The LH is definitely the better of the group. After Kyle told me he lost to Bader, I'm pretty confident Bader is the man to beat in LH.
Kyle is a great guy and that's totally him. He's definitely a prankster and loves doin stuff like that. The pubic and ass hair thing is totally something he'd do, which I'm surprised he didn't do anyway. I've been with him at the bar when he'll put pubes in peoples drink.

The LH is definitely the better of the group. After Kyle told me he lost to Bader, I'm pretty confident Bader is the man to beat in LH.
yeah I agree Bader is probably the man to beat but that Krystoff guy is damn good too.
why do i always forget this is on Wednesday nights.... ?
Anyone else impressed with Spider's speed. You don't notice it as much against top UFC guys, but the guys a blur. I don't know how you touch that. I'd LOVE to see him take on Roy Jones Jr and beat the hell out of him. My Spider +2000 bet would love it too.
Spider is amazing in all aspects. Sad thing is that he's already talking about retiring after his contract is fulfilled.
ok it's time.... Junie's about to throw down..... why do i have this feeling he loses?

they are really building the hype for this fight.... it better be good!!!!!!

Junie looked way better in his fight to get in the house. Really thought the fight could've gone either way. I couldn't tell if the other guy had a great chin or Junie had nothing on those punches.

NOOOOO WAAAAY he was a black belt. He's punches were awful, long, slow, and looping. I'm not even lying when I'm saying I could've beat that guy. He was terrible.

I think Junie's effort to lose those 2 pounds really took it out of him.
Missed last week show, but caught last night's.

I want to know how the hell did Delgado get on the show?? I mean really?? His stand-up look awful with no fluid in his movement. You'd think he adjust his head movement after Junie was telegraphing his punches, but he kept staring at his Junies hands!

Is he really a black belt? No way...if he is, then why stand and bang when your striking is not to your advantage?
where's this Mcdonalds that's handing out BJJ black belts???

i want one!!!!

Just caught the fight....dam! Those leg kicks were brutal. I thought he was going to bust the omoplata, but then transitioned into a deep arm bar! Good job!!