UFC Vegas 44 Picks

Guida usually has one edge thats his cardio which he will certainly have here as santos has a questionable tank but i think santos ends this before that becomes an issue. guida isn't gonna finish anyone so he will try and ugly it up, though i just think he's too easy to submit or get knocked out these days. The path for guida is just so limited compared to santos.

Riddell often starts slow, gives away the first round which in a close 3 round fight can be trouble. riddell will have a wrestling adv though fiziev is good at avoiding takedowns. fiziev is the better striker here and has more power and since i think this stays on the feet that should be how fiziev ends this.

Font i think is hitting his prime and while aldo is still really good he's been getting finished and has been through a lot of wars. font is quite durable, think he can pick apart aldo over the 5 rounds using that jab.
Ugh you can only cap the most likely outcomes and bet accordingly. Santos punching himself out and a ref not stopping it was maybe the only way Clay wins, certainly only way he wins ITD. Santos deserves some blame for poor fight iq and having no gas tank. What can you do :mad:
Fiziev avoids the scorecards with an impressive finish. He was just a little better in the stand up. Fun fight.

Hopefully font can close out the night for a small profit.