UFC 263 Thoughts And Wagers...


Hello All! Been Trying To Get My Friend Since We Were Kids... (Lived Next Door To Me In The 70's) To Join CTG...

He Sleeps/Dreams/Caps UFC..

He Does 6 Or 7 Fighters Parlays...

Bets $20...Doesn't Always Win...But His Parlays Hit At An Incredible Number...

$20 To Win $1500.00 And Higher!

I Wish I Could Copy And Paste His Thoughts... He Is The Shit...

What He Likes...(And He HATES Telling Me His Picks, Cause He Doesn't Wanna Steer Me Wrong...)

Luigi Vendramini +110 (Money)
Matt Frevola -250 (Like It)
Pannie Kianzad -200 (Strong)
Carlos Felipe/Jake Collier (O 2.5) -175 (Like It)
Vendramini/Ziam (Under -2.5) -120 (Like It)
Carlos Felipe -189 (Don't Hate It)
Chase Hooper +100 (Waffling)
Joanne VS Lauren (+120) Prepare For War!

That's All For Now... To Tail Or Fade At Your OWN RISK...

Like To Hear What @mrpickem Thinks...
Let’s see if we can make heads or tails out of this event.
I’ve had this fight on my radar for a few weeks now. Always in pursuit of a juicy underdog play and nothing has really changed here with “Mean” Hakeem Dawodu. I think he’s live. And it’s a classic bloodline match up where the UFC sticks a young, undefeated Russian “destroyer” (as my niece Riley likes to call them) in the Octagon versus a guy who represents Canada, fights out of Canada, but has that Nigerian bloodline.
You can’t ask for anything better.

Question with these Russians are, “How good are they, really?” In other words, there’s legit Russian talent out there like Khabib Nurmagomedov, but then there’s a handful of Russians who are what I like to call UFC studio gangsters. They look the part, play the part, but put them up against a guy like Hakeem who isn’t intimidated by the beards and the cold stares and out comes something different when tested. They wilt under pressure.
This will be a fight where Hakeem Dawodu exposes the Russian one way or the other, either Movsar is the truth, a high level championship caliber fighter, or he’s another Russian hype train and I gotta be honest, at +190 I really can’t resist wanting to fire on Hakeem, arguably the best underdog play on the card.

Listen, if we’re gonna make money together these are the spots you gotta shoot your shot. This is the attractive girl at the bar, sitting there by herself, waiting for Prince Charming to greet her with a simple “Hello...”
Like the bar scene in “Good Will Hunting”, when Ben Affleck approaches the smart brunette only to eventually get cock blocked by his best friend.
But he took his shot. And that’s all that matters. Again, we’re not here to make chump change and play it safe. You wanna make money? You wanna be like Mayweather? These are the opportunities. And if you lose you lose. But you lost with a Nigerian named “Mean” Hakeem Dawadu and I’m fine with that.
Give me Hakeem.
A couple side notes on this man right here. Let’s not sit here and pretend the reason Leon Edwards isn’t the household name he should be is because there’s a laundry list of UFC fighters who won’t go near him. Because he’s that dangerous. Leon is that dude you purposely avoid while climbing the ranks. A fighter that many high level guys will be scheduled to fight, then mysteriously pull out due to “unfortunate circumstances”. Circumstances like, I dunno, watching film on the guy and realizing that they’re about to walk into an ass whooping.
Yet nobody should be surprised Nate took this fight because those Diaz brothers from the 209 (Stockton, motherfucker), I’m not sure they understand the concept of fear. As Nate like to say, “It’s kill or be killed.” And that’s why so many people love him. Because you won’t find Nate ducking or dodging anyone.
Alright so here’s a much more legit UFC caliber fight and looking at the odds, you might believe it’s a real head scratcher.
But not for me it isn’t.
I knew very little of Luigi Vendramini going into this fight, and I think right now you could get him at plus money, a real tasty parlay piece. And this is one of those fights where I really focus on styles and bloodlines. And my instincts start kicking in...
Cat-like instincts. To be honest.
In Luigi you’re talking about an Italian blood line who was born in Brazil, 25 years old with the only blemish on his record coming against Elezeu Zaleski, another Brazilian, and there’s absolutely no shame in that. These Brazilians don’t fuck around. And not only is Zaleski as legit as they come, Vendramini took his back in round one of their fight and almost snuffed him out.
With Ziam, he too is young, long, rangy, athletic, but throw out any worries of him knocking Luigi out cold. Probably not gonna happen. He’s also from France. I mean no disrespect but the French are a bunch of pussies. I’ve seen him (Ziam) fight, could he kick my ass?! Probably. I’m old. And out of shape. But I’m also Russian. So he better ask somebody before comes at me.
Regardless, I remember liking his athleticism in the Octagon but I only liked it in a project kind of way. Which is a little concerning because with these young kids in their 20’s, you always run the risk of enormous improvement from one fight to another. Hungry lions. I just didn’t remember seeing much hunger in Ziam’s approach. His body language didn’t impress me and I didn’t sense any kind of killer instinct in his fight against Jaime Mullarkey. A fight that could have gone either way.
Give me Zendramini at +110. And I’ll buy everyone single one of my FB friends an order of French fries at McDonald’s if I’m wrong. Small.
Because I’m a cheap fuck.