fight was over before the challenger got involved

that fails to be anything out of the ordinary to me, like I said, it was entertaining
What a great fight. Probably see these guys go again. Nice contrast of styles.

5 round war is good for Weidman, could tell he was tired in round 3.
But for it to be raeally meaningful he couldn't be up 3-0 on the cards like he clearly was
that was part of the styles tho..testing each other out..like balrog said before machida waited to attack
I didn't once get the impression that he could finish him

The term great gets thrown around far too often, I've seen maybe a couple great fights this year, and this wasn't great. It was entertaining. My opinion, but it was over after 3 rounds unless you thought Weidman would get ktfo, which I didn't even in that flurry at the bell.
That was one of the best fights of the year. Easy.

If you want to see a Tank Abbot fight, I'm sure he's around somewhere.
By your rationale, I assume you think Lyoto could have knocked him out, which is fine if that's what you think. I don't.

I thought it was just an entertaining, meaningless last couple rounds, and that doesn't make the fight great in my book. Especially when the first two rounds were "tactical" at best. But the fight was over before the war broke out.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though, I didn't dislike the fight at all.
Im not sure why Machida couldn't have knocked him out. He had him hurt badly in the 4th round. Going into the 5th, it was very possible for Machida to stop him.
By your rationale, I assume you think Lyoto could have knocked him out, which is fine if that's what you think. I don't.

I thought it was just an entertaining, meaningless last couple rounds, and that doesn't make the fight great in my book. Especially when the first two rounds were "tactical" at best. But the fight was over before the war broke out.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though, I didn't dislike the fight at all.

KJ,, we seriously disagree but that's fine. I thought Machida was INCREDIBLY dangerous in the last half of that fight and I'm a guy who LOVED Weidman pre fight.
Yeah, just difference of opinion. That was one of my favorite fights to watch because it had a little bit of everything. 2 guys mixing it up and going at it.

BTW, if Machida won round 5 10-8, it would have been a draw. 1 judge gave Machida round 2. Another game 10-8 3rd to Weidman, which I don't agree.
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Dufresne/Martins parlay

going to be eying Lee, Issa, Lewis under. If things going well, prolly take a flier on Van Buren. Things still going well, I'll take flier on Penn. like Edgar to win, but odds too high, IMO.
That was great

Made the fundamentally incorrect decision to enter politic thread, oops

Let's stay focused
Something (a shitload of money?) made the line move to the over and against all the itd props at 5d before that fight. That money was wrong.
Lean Lima in the next fight. I'm not big on guys like Gordon that have not fought in a real fight for a long time.
Need to stay away, focus on the losses I took on Scoggins parlays

Need any advice from here on out, my bets are done