UAB / UCF - UAB has their first 2 qb's injured.........

That will make your a-hole pucker.. I had the ML so it was pretty easy on me but I am glad the C. Fla. ATS players hit this also!
tee*dub said:
That will make your a-hole pucker.. I had the ML so it was pretty easy on me but I am glad the C. Fla. ATS players hit this also!

I dont know if I have an ahole anymore. It went inside of me and is hiding.
Mizzu looks in control also.. I should have bought out of the clemson game at half also but didn't get to it in time..
vanzack said:
why the fuck would UAB go for it on 4th and goal from the 20 down by 9 points?

Because thats what all shitty teams do. It makes me crazy. That when coaches should be fired.

DUHhhhh... Field goal and onsdie kick sound logical???
vanzack said:
why the fuck would UAB go for it on 4th and goal from the 20 down by 9 points?

I hope it was because the coach is stupid-- but makes you wonder. That one seemed kind of obvious. 4th and goal from the 5, Ok, from the 10, maybe, from the 15, no and from the 20,:cheers: definately not
He is the brother of Mack Brown. Their momma says mack got the brains so that must tell you something about watson.