Tuesday Maction

Fuck I better shut up, the DC fighters are gonna kick my ass hahahahaha, yeah well I am not too worried there. Once you have been in the pen, there isn't much that scares you. Ha the DC fighters, oh no, fuck those guys are probably terrible anyway.
Fuck I would rather fight them than Jamal he kicked my ass, but ya know those DC guys ha, I could kick their ass I think. Well who knows, if I landed a shot early I win, wooooooo, but I don't know on that.
Fucking deaz I don't wanna hear it, fuck his dumb ass, fucking get to steppin bitch. Your DC fighters can fuck off, no way I'm watching that crap ha. Watch some bums fight, ha, well those bums could come after me, then we would have a big fucking throw down bum fight, yes, woooooo!!!! I don't care you can bring your damn bums, doesn't matter to me.
It just pisses me off how there are posters on here that just go after somebody for no reason at all. I mean I would never just take aim at somebody, be like I fucking hate this guy, fuck I am gonna go after him ha, no. Oh well Deaz is a stupid frat boy, what ya gonna do, just like defaz, frat boy, ya know it is what is.
Fuck I got these DC fighters on me, oh no, I don't know what I'm gonna do, fuck I am scared and nervous ha. I have never even heard of DC, guess they are probably tough ass dudes, but oh well, I don't give a flying fuck, hell no.
Ha deaz is ya know pissed at me ha, I can't really envision a situation where I am mad at another poster, oh no, I mean I could disagree with somebody, but I would never be like fuck this guy sucks I hate him ha. I mean I don't really care enough about anything to be pissed at anybody, unless they stole money from money, which one guy owes me, I am pissed at him ha, but otherwise I could give a fuck.
Banned tomorrow, yep, Tuck is banned, but okay I can move on. Well they shouldn't ban me, I mean I didn't do shit, well I have 3 guys that talk shit to me yg, defaz, and now deaz, so yeah ya know I am gonna fire back at em, I mean I don't think that is crazy at all. I mean fuck if they are gonna talk shit to me, then fuck em. I guess I can post somewhere else if you guys like em so much and think I suck, okay.
I really don't understand why somebody would get all pissed off at me ha, but ya know I am not for everybody. My posts are sometimes a bit rough and raw fo sho. Deaz hates me I guess, then defaz thinks I'm nutso, ha. Well yeah no you can get a d in your b, fucking bitch ha. Better go to bed.
Tuck,listen up mate.
It wasnt me shouting at you down the street last week,I live 4,000 miles away.

You gotta stop drinking dude,its fuckin you up.I was drunk for 15 years solid,realised it was fucking me up,and I stopped.I rarely drink at all now.
Sort it mate.

Tuck,listen up mate.
It wasnt me shouting at you down the street last week,I live 4,000 miles away.

You gotta stop drinking dude,its fuckin you up.I was drunk for 15 years solid,realised it was fucking me up,and I stopped.I rarely drink at all now.
Sort it mate.

you don't take the piss?!
My mam died when I was 17 and my bro 15 of alcoholism,Ive seen what it can do.Like I said I got drunk virtually everyday from 1990-2005,then knew it was affecting my health and life in generally,dont really care for it now mate.
good for you manuk

you smoke bud or anything?

pretty wild to be where you were and where you are now......WITH being able to get mashed here and there lightly

most cannot
No,Im very anti-drug.
I dont care if anyone does it,it just me

Im sounding like a boring angel here,that couldnt be further from the truth lol.

Tuck,sort it out,only you can do it.