Tuesday Maction

Ha that is funny somebody is talking shit to me on the internet, whoa. Well the yg thing he owes me money and I talked shit to him, cuz of that, otherwise I wouldn't have. Defaz he just started talking shit to me on the damn internet, what a bitch, man you cannot do that, unless you have a fucking vagina, hell maybe he does. Guess I don't know ha, well I'm sure he would get his ass rolled if he showed up here, face the convict baby, ha, you ain't Jamal no, I got an easy win.
tuck I enjoy reading up on your life in these threads until you go overkill on other people, then it's not so entertaining, rather read you bag on Bo Pelini or some shit
Ha yes kj, I need to lay off other posters, but you have to understand I have a rough life right now, so if people fuck with me, I will fight back. I mean what in the hell is this defaz guy coming after me for, I don't know, I mean he can catch an ass whooping if he wants, row 43 right behind the goal posts at Memorial Stadium, bring yo bitch ass friend to, fuck I will take you, then my bro will beat the shit out yo buddy, oh yeah, beat down fucker. I am so pissed right now you don't even know.

Yeah I would not talk about anybody if they would leave me alone, but no they won't.
Oh yeah North End Zone, there ya go defaz, you can bring one of your pussy ass friends, yes, we can have it out.
Fuck I had to hit ignore on my posting ya know. Now I can't read what defaz says, good thing, I don't wanna read that frat boy crap.
I mean if you wanna Nebraska Penn beat down, then just show up talk shit, row 43 in the North End Zone behind the goal posts, you will get one, oh yeah, I am pissed as hell.
just like i said the other day, complete clown. disgrace to this state. i won't be coming to lincoln to slap around some drunk, but you're welcome to come to omaha anytime. highly doubt you have a drivers license though. i won't be checking back so don't waste your breath, ya bum.
Ha deaz, you suck, and ya know why talk shit on the damn internet? What the fuck, I mean it is pointless, okay so your gonna talk shit, then what can I do, fucking nothing. Shit tell me where to go in Omaha, I will find you meet yo ass and beat the crap outta you. I told you where you can find me row 43 right behind the goal posts Memorial Stadium, North End Zone, right behind I mean the middle of the goal posts.
just like i said the other day, complete clown. disgrace to this state. i won't be coming to lincoln to slap around some drunk, but you're welcome to come to omaha anytime. highly doubt you have a drivers license though. i won't be checking back so don't waste your breath, ya bum.

Is this 'the' Deaznutz' from yesteryear? aka...10-13 years ago
Fuck I don't wanna battle with you ha, no, but you are being stupid. It is dumb because you aren't lining up a fight, fuck I will.
Where you wanna go bitch, and I will go to Omaha mothafucka, I mean I'm tired of these guys calling me out on here.
I dunno which you'd be referring to. I used to post here a lot, I know Rex.

I'll be in Lincoln at Pinnacle Dec 5th cornering my friend for the DC fights at Pinnacle Bank Tuck. Stumble over and get knocked out later if you want ya clown. I'll tie both hands behind my back, you just gotta throw first.
I dunno which you'd be referring to. I used to post here a lot, I know Rex.

I'll be in Lincoln at Pinnacle Dec 13th cornering my friend for the DC fights at Pinnacle Bank Tuck. Stumble over and get knocked out later if you want ya clown. I'll tie both hands behind my back, you just gotta throw first.

Gotcha, same guy. Glad to see ya posting.
Ha Rex, I know him to, are you talking about college king rex? That is my boy. DC fights huh, well okay there, ya know I really don't care so have a good time there, I don't know why people get so pissed off about me. Fuck I'm just talking to myself. What the hell is DC fights. Ha Deaz he can say what he wants, I don't give a fuck, may need to hit ignore on another poster. He is really scaring me with his internet talk ha, I mean any internet talk is just retarded, unless you are face to face and here you are a bum and a fucking joke bitch. What the fuck, why do you wanna talk to me like your better than me, I mean fuck you, fuck off, and I don't wanna hear it, fuck you fuck off.
Fuck you bitch, blessing, fuck that you can suck my balls. I mean why the fuck do all these dudes get all pissed at me, ha, okay whatever.
Blessed life huh, you may wanna fuck with somebody else bitch. I mean I don't what you think or your fights whatever, I will fuck start your head baby, you can fuck off, fuck you.
Deaz nutz ha, okay ya know I will bow down to you, you are the man ha, fuck I could give a fuck I will shoot you in yo head.
Really I don't know why anybody would start shit with a poster online, why the fuck would you? Unless your a Yag bitch, only reason I know, but hey Deaz if you wanna suck my dick off go ahead baby, ha.
I like how all these guys fucking hate me on here ha, yes, but ya know I gave em the invitation to an ass whooping, I mean it is gonna be Nebraska state penn whooping. Now now, you can think ya know oh yeah it will go okay for me, haha, no way, I got yo ass, and if you show up, fuck you, you will catch it bitch. Deaz is a fucking dipshit I mean he can show up, he better hope Pistol Pete saves his ass, the only saving him there.
I don't know why these dudes stalk me and fuck with me. I mean go after a chick, why do you wanna fuck with a dude, I don't. Guess they wanna suck it, but I ain't gonna let you deaz, you are gonna get fucking smacked upside the head big time.
Ha it is funny, these guys threatening me, ha, oh I am so scared ha, yeah right. I was scared in the penitentiary oh yeah fo sho, but yo dumb ass, then he is talking about fights ha, well ya know you can talk about fights that doesn't mean shit bitch. What does that mean to me, a whole lot of nothing ha. Yeah well you can have your stupid DC fights I don't even know that fuck that is. But ummm, you don't wanna see me bitch. I mean who knows how shit will go, ha, but I don't think you wanna see a felon, we will see though, I mean you could whoop my ass I don't know. I like my chances but shit I don't know.
Ha ha man you think I am concerned about anybody talking on here no way, I have been in the damn penitentiary so you can fuck off there. I mean I am just laughing at this Deaz guy, who the fuck cares, what are you gonna do there bitch, come find me, well I guess I gave you the spot there on gameday. Ha, I don't care anyway, I mean some of these guys just think oh I'm the man nobody can fuck with me, well ya know what, somebody can baby.
Oh shit I better get worried Deaz is coming after me haha, like I give a fuck, I mean if you are in my face and we are throwing then okay. Internet jibba jabba I could care less, I mean I have faced off with some tough ass mothafuckas in the pen, so you wanna just be like ahhhh, I got this dude, he is going down, I hate him, fuck I wanna kill him, well ya know I invite that shit, you bring it fuck, I got yo ass Deaz, I mean you can talk a gang a shit, I fuckin will punch you in your cundt, bitch.
Oh no, fuck Deaz is coming after me, oh no what am I gonna do, haha. If Jamal in the pen was coming after me, uh oh then I got my ass kicked, fucking Deaz some guy I don't even know on the internet haha, who the fuck cares, and I can see ya bitch, fuck you.
Deaz is coming haha, yeah I could give a flying fuck, no I mean I guess if I get face to face then it is on mothafucka haha, man that guy what the hell.
Better get off here, hope Deaz doesn't come after me I am nervous haha, no, you can't be scared after you been in the pen baby, oh no way, then this guy is talking shit on the internet to me haha, okay, ummm, just ya know whack off it will take care of the problem, I know you want the Tuck tube, but whack off, then you will be okay, get back to Yag porn ha, boom.

I better get some Eazy E on Eazy duz it, fuck I gotta worry about this deaz guy, oh no, fuck there is trouble haha, yeah suck my balls.
Oh no the DC fighters are on my ass ha, like I give a fuck. DC fighters they probably suck balls anyway, guess I don't really wanna go with any professional fighters no, fuck they can catch a beating ha, well I have fought professionals but they were pen professionals.
2 hard mothafuckas ha, yeah, tell ya to yo face punk you ain't shit. You can ya know talk shit about me deaz, and ya know come confront me with your DC guys ha, I don't give a fuck, I have got a beat down in the pen. But I will be throwing down bitch, so you better get ready sucka.
I mean really talking shit to somebody on the internet, anybody, is retarded, and a bitch move there. I mean if you wanna talk shit to somebody do it their face, fuck talking shit on the internet. I mean you are a huge vagina if you do that in my opinion, and I hope I get to discuss this with Deaz ha, that fucking bitch, I don't even wanna talk about it.
It is all stupid, really posting is just causing me problems I should probably quit posting. Now I gotta fight deaz next week ha, well okay, guess I will lay it down if he wants to go ha. Or is DC fighters, fuck they are gonna kick my ass ha, oh shit DC, ha, I don't even know what the hell DC is, must be some crappy fighting league.
I mean I don't understand why anybody would be like, fuck I hate this guy, I wanna kill him ha, but I have that effect on people. Oh I know that fo sho. I am not sure why I just ramble, and am drunk, but people get really pissed ha. Oh well if I have some DC fighters on my ass, whatever the hell that is, I don't even know DC, but if they come at me, I got a right cross ha.
Boooooom, tuck with the right cross, bang bitch, sit down, ha. I don't know why people get pissed at me, it is funny, guess okay we gotta fight then, well at least I'm not in the pen, that is good.
I mean yeah you can come at me, I am gonna get strapped up though I think after reading this. I mean I don't know, I better get strapped, got a couple guys for that.
I really don't know why anybody would get really pissed at a guy online ha. But ya know a lot of idiots out there. Well I was pissed at a guy on here, but that is only cuz he owes me money. Then some dumb ass got pissed at me calling me crazy cuz of my ranting about it, but now I got another guy pissed at me ha, man, I don't know it is just like Columbia, Missouri here. Deaz he doesn't make any sense, why would he hate me so bad, I mean I didn't do shit to him. Okay I guess, it is funny how some dude just hates me over nothing ha. I mean if I'm gonna take up a cause and hate somebody there would be a damn reason, a personal reason, money reason, otherwise I could give a fuck what anybody is saying.
I mean you gotta examine your fucking life if you are getting mad and just ripping on guys online for posting ha. My life is in shambles yes, but I mean you are a big douche bag if you just rip on somebody for no reason. Fuck I would never do that, guess ya know you must wanna suck my balls off, okay, but I won't let you, do you have a sister that will? Fuck she can lick my balls ha.