Tuesday Discussion Thread

I joined this site in 2007 I think. Never been on another and really like that other sites aren't even a thing here. Do you here....please don't drag the slop in from elsewhere. We simply don't need that. I don't know about the outliers and honestly don't care. Act like a dude that wants to chat and not like you have some vendetta from another site and you will enjoy the conversation. No one cares about whatever else you dragged in unless they become issues.

never carries over, mods killed any the trolls who followed me from sBR in a matter of a few post!
i swear any way i try to fade lynn he beats me, tonight just w semien prop and he totally shuts him down. one day ill stop betting lynn games altogether! lol
Don't laugh but I have no clue what SBR is and I'm not looking it up

back in day was super popular forum. signed up there 1st and 1st few years posted way more there, i even won poster of the year! (very prestigious! lol). anyways when you have lot of popular threads at most those places the trolls inevitable. told lot of ppl when i switched to posting here more so of course i had some my hater fan club pop up from time to time, everytime one mods asked me the story, i told them and they warned them axed those clowns within few post!! love it here!! plus even tho they had way more traffic still more guys worth talking with here!
Dbags cashed my over in the 2nd! these umpire calls have been great this week...3 more down today and angels 1 more away from that one ...love high scoring games!
back in day was super popular forum. signed up there 1st and 1st few years posted way more there, i even won poster of the year! (very prestigious! lol). anyways when you have lot of popular threads at most those places the trolls inevitable. told lot of ppl when i switched to posting here more so of course i had some my hater fan club pop up from time to time, everytime one mods asked me the story, i told them and they warned them axed those clowns within few post!! love it here!! plus even tho they had way more traffic still more guys worth talking with here!
I struggle just to stay interactive in general. That's why CTG worked. I don't remotely remember what I did yesterday let alone what I posted lol. Only takes a couple blocks to keep it tidy for me, don't need to be reminded of something I said in the heat of the moment. Here we are 17 years later! None of the other business.
dodgers over cashes in the 3rd, thanks to padres waking up. now need dodgers to cash, and angels over cashes in 3rd too. Lots of runs early love it!