Tuesday bases


Pretty much a regular
Had a decent start to the week at least. 3-2-1, winning 690. Should have just laid the -126 with the Marlins, they are hot, don't touch em or you might get burned. Was looking at the Huskers recruiting for the 2015 class, seems like were doing a decent job so far. Guess We'll see how the rest of the summer goes in that. It is funny all the commits we have we are battling with Arizona St, ha, oh well guess if we can get those guys we can maybe move into the top 20. I would like to at least be ranked at the end of the year all the time. That may be to much to ask of Pelini, lol at Nebraska no doubt. What the hell, we aren't some bumfuck outfit, this is Nebraska, come on. Guess at least we won the bowl game, although if Murray was playing for Georgia I think we would have got our ass kicked. Anyway onto the picks. Gonna light it up this week, none of this fucking losing crap and being mediocre or a lot worse, I'm not the Huskers ha.

Mets at Marlins -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

I think Colon is gonna have a lot more debacles coming like vs the Angels and at the Rocks. He is 40 after all, it catches up with everybody eventually, things start going badly at some point. Think this may be the point for Colon. Well I'm sure he will do a decent job at Citi Field and against crap offenses. This is no crap offense tonight, the Marlins can rake. Think he gets spanked, but if he does pitch okay then we have Alvarez who isn't bad, a decent option. It seems looking at his stuff, that to me he should be able to do better than he has. He throws 95 on the straight heater, and then 91 or so on the sinking fastball, which is a very good pitch. Then the change up he works that in there at 86 or so. Kind of surprised he doesn't put up some better numbers. Oh well anyway I like this one, and I figure the Mets pen is always good for a melt down late if we're behind. Always good to know there are some bums coming in late, ha.

Will be more of course, gonna check em out.
Maybe the Huskers need to bring back Osborne, ha. Well Kansas St brought back Snyder, that is at least going decent for em, guess not like the old days with Snyder. The Huskers could bring back Solich, no, don't think that would work out. Solich that was funny a while back he passed out in his car sitting at a light, and got a DWI, he was drinking margaritas at a Mexican restaurant all night, and then passed out at the wheel. Good old lightweight Solich, can't hold his liquor ha.
The Huskers aren't battling with Oklahoma for recruits anymore, it is bumfuck Arizona St. Well and then occasionally we have to show Indiana who's boss, or Colorado St, ha, yeah we can kick their ass in recruiting damn it.
Adding another one

LA at Nats under 7, -114, risking 1140 to win 1000

Kershaw will pitch a good one pretty sure. He has great numbers vs the Nats, so even though he is fresh off the DL, not thinking there will be any issues. This Blake Treinen guy for the Nats I was watching some video of him, and man he has some nasty stuff. His numbers in the minors weren't great, but after watching him I am willing to ride with him. He has a 95-97 mph fastball that really moves, it sinks real nice. That is his main pitch, then he will throw a slider from time to time, and a change up. That sinking fastball looks like it would be tough to hit anything but grounders, for the most part. I think the Nats may have something here, guess we'll see. Suppose even if things don't go well with Blake we still have a chance if the Nats pen does well, cuz the Nats aren't gonna hit Kershaw.
Gonna have to step out for a bit. Need to get a burrito to go with my vodka, or maybe 2 big burritos for my fat ass.
Adding another one

Giants -114 at Pirates, risking 1140 to win 1000

Morton looks like he's back to his old ways of sucking. Well last year he was decent, but his years before that he sucked ass. His numbers this year are in line with his career of getting shelled. Last year was probably just an aberration for him. Hudson is an old pro, still got it mothafucka at 38. He is feeling it right now, and dealing it. Not as good as he used to be, but he still can shut em down, has this year so far for sure. Figure the crap ass Pirates offense won't get to him.
Good luck Tuck....disagree a bit on Nats totals after the bullpens were used yesterday and Nats are gonna have to use it a lot today, but long night an maybe the guys will be tired.
Okay, well I like Treinen there dollz, guess we'll see. Suppose he won't go deep into the game, but that is okay I think.

I won't deny it I'm a straight rida you don't wanna fuck with me, got 2 Pac on. Love this song cuz it is what Tyson would come out to. Fucking me and all my buddies would buy the pay per view, and get all fired up. Everybody yelling kick his ass Mike. Then one of my buddies had boxing gloves, and we would turn on the lights in the back yard and have boxing matches, ha, pretty stupid, drink up then have some good fights ha.
I had to box guys bigger than me always, cuz the guys my size were like hell no I'm not boxing crazy Tuck, lol. Had to put on a good show for the chicks watching ha.
Adding another one

Chi Sox at Cubs over 7, got -115, and -120, they moved it after I got 500 bucks in, so risking 1175 to win 1000

2 gas cans on the mound, serious gas cans. Total of 7 only, ummm I'm down, don't care the wind is blowing in, a lot of good that will do with these two fucking guys. Noesi he is really terrible, more awful than Jackson, but can't trust the Cubs to win the game. Should be an epic shootout. Sort of think the Cubs win cuz I think Noesi will get rocked real bad, but I'm not sure the Chi Sox could blast back and they have a better offense. Well, guess it doesn't matter who the fuck wins, there's gonna be runs, that's all I know.
Added another one

Yanks at Angels -1, -101, risking 1010 to win 1000

Kuroda is in bad shape right now, he is sucking ass pretty much. Maybe he will get it going at some point, but doubt this is a good situation for him to get back on track. The Angels just smacked his ass around too last time they faced him this year. Wilson has been pretty good this year, and he is always a solid option, not spectacular but does a nice job. The Angels have the much better sticks too, so doesn't look like the Yanks have much of a shot, unless Kuroda suddenly happens to find it tonight. He had an easy spot last time vs the Mariners at home, and he sucked ass there, so a tougher spot tonight to deal with, probably not gonna work out for Kuroda.
Added one more

Texas at Colorado over 10.5, -107 and -108, they moved it a little since it is 500 at a time, so risking 1075 to win 1000

Ross has had 2 really terrible starts in his last 3, and now he's going to face the top offense in their park, that's not good for him. Nicasio for the Rocks has been always kind of bad when he's at home, he had a good start last time vs the Mets, so that probably just means he will suck ass tonight. He is always real up and down, more down at home, but when he pitches a good one there is usually a stinker coming next time. The Rangers are a pretty good hitting team too, so figure he is in for a tough night. Probably the usual Coors big shootout. This year though only 10-7 to the over, well if you made every game on the season 10.5 like tonight. Seems a lot of times the overs just roll in, guess 10-7 isn't bad on that. Definitely not a lot of interest for me in unders at Coors, fuck I will take a pass rather than go there even if I like the under, ha, well don't ever see a good reason to go under hunting at Coors.
Yeah think that will be it. Punishing punk mothafuckas real quick like, Lincoln style niggaz, Tuck in tha mothafuckin house.
Jeah mothafucka right back on that ass. Things looking swell so far, but it is early, no reason to get all fired up quite yet. Do like the looks of Treinen for the Nats, he does get the double play grounder.

Crap, Pirates with a threat to tie it up.
Yeah Pirates tied it up, fuckin like I give a damn, ha, Mortons bitch ass will just give it up again. Time to die Charlie, put yo mouth on the pistol, put yo mouth on the pistol.
No offense to Dollaz, but they didn't give over 300 million to Kershaw to come off the DL and suck ass, ha, he is a pimp, and this is what he does, carving mothafuckas up.
I mean you can say well the Nats hit lefties real well, but this is no ordinary lefty here, those stats don't apply in this situation.
Shit could the Nats be fucking up anymore than they have. I have a great bet on the under there, and the Nats are bootin shit and botching easy pop ups, ha, what the hell. No luck for me, that's for sure, I don't ever get those kind of fuck up in my favor. I have to fucking earn it, and then sometimes there are huge mistakes against me. Oh well, still looks like the Dodgers and Nats will go under probably, unless the Nats boot more grounders and drop some more easy pop ups, lol. That Sox at Cubs over is not looking good, at all, whoa, those 2 bums are in a pitchers duel. Gotta hope the Giants pull out the win here late.

Ah fuck, now an error on the Dodgers, oh my, a lot of errors in this game, doing everything they can to get the overs, there shouldn't even be any runs yet. There are 4 all off bad defensive plays. Where are those in fucking Chicago, ha, I never get those breaks, have to earn it fair and square always.
That Nats game was some shit, I would never catch breaks like that. That over never should have had a chance. Yeah probably everything will go wrong now, guess at least I won with Miami. Guess San Fran could still win, and the Rocks over could come in. Hey hey, there we go Cubs knocked in a run, shit if I had the Nats game luck on defensive miscues in the Cubs game it would be over the total already, ha, there were so many crazy errors in that Nats game, man they even dropped a routine can of corn in left, to score a run.

Wooo, Pirates out at the plate, oh no there is a replay, fuck he got in, Pirates win, great. Having a real shit day. All off errors, you know that is what happens for me with baseball. Fucking stupid errors, and the thing is I never get any breaks like that, oh the fuck well, guess I gotta try and battle to even.
Yep, big loser looks like today, fucking this sport will make you go nuts, cuz you can have good bets and then they go wrong anyway. Gotta hope for 3-3 now, I guess. Shit no way will I get some luck and some defensive miscues to get the over in Chicago, nope, don't get breaks for me. But in the Nats game bootin shit everywhere, and dropping easy pop ups, then the Giants game throw it over the 3rd baseman and he scores the winning run, fuck, he didn't have a shot to throw him out anyway, that dumb ass, oh my, this hurts.
Fucking damn it, I am against replay, ha, it always fucks me. The umps usually help me out, then the replay happens. Damn it there's another one in the Texas game, fuck, I always lose the replays. Man I can't watch anymore of this shit, I'm out, not sure if I will post anymore, think it is bad luck. Going to bed, it is a losing night for sure, unless I get some breaks which isn't likely.
I mean you can say well the Nats hit lefties real well, but this is no ordinary lefty here, those stats don't apply in this situation.

Nats had 9 hits in 7 innings vs Kershaw. They actually swung the bat pretty well, just nothing with runners in scoring position until the bullpen got involved.