Tuesday 04/02/13 NBA discussion thread

6 kids

pretty nasty spit for the inherittance...will be ugly

and not as much after his ex blows it
Nah. Can't be sure of the ceremony thing effect and the Lakers have violated me 3 times already with their 2nd half bs. Ceremony probably gonna make Kobe play his ass off and smear a little shit on Shaq's night though. Holding my sorry ass Mavs play and hoping they figure things out in the second.

jimmy tight pants could buy the lakers 10 times over
Kobe is playing some amazing basketball right now. Just a different mentality on the court than previous years. It's astonishing.
Stop making a fool of yourself Divol.

Look at the FT discrepancy and that last 'travel' on Howard.

Lakers make the playoffs, it is very clear...
Of course. And Gasol fouled Dirk by looking at him funny I guess just now...
24-8 FT's before hack-a-Howard and an off night by Dirk, no chance.

Divol, your 'teams' making the playoffs. Be happy you won, gloat about your unposted play and move on.

That game was effectively the Mavs season...
The next two games are crucial.

Utah plays Denver (and Hornets)
Lakers play Memphis and Clippers

If Utah wins both and Lakers lose even one of the two, they are in big trouble...

Utah has three tough games ahead of them - Denver (without Lawson), Thunder and Memphis on the road.
Memphis game is the last of the season and who knows how Memphis will play it...

Lakers aren't out of the woods...
The Lakers fta(free throw attempts) vs. their opponents beginning March 3rd through tonight's game vs. the Mavericks equals an astonishing 464-272. We can eliminate the infamous hack-a-Howard game coached by the buffoon Jacque Vaughn of the Orlando Magic when he chose to send the rhythmic free throw shooting Dwight Howard to the line for an incredible 39 attempts(much to his team's demise) and we still see a disparity to the tune of 417-255. That results in 10.8 more ftas per game over the course of the last 15 games. Dwight Howard accounted for 129 of the 417 fta or roughly 30.9% of the team's attempts since March 3rd, the Magic game not included.
So what you are saying, that Dwight's free throws aside (most of them are either hack a Dwight or fouls to prevent him an easy basket - because he sucks from FT), Lakers had 288 free throws against 255 of their rivals? That is astonishing...
Let me just remind you that Minny and Dallas both did hack a Dwight, including twoFT by Nash btw (so it's 286 against 255), because Minny hack Dwight after 2:00 minutes cross.
And I forgot to add, but because Dwight gets fouled so often, the opponent of the Lakers team, can get to their 4th foul after 3 - 4minutes of the quarter sometime and it's free throws the rest of the quarter after that...